two : first day in Easton

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The uniform for sure was strange. Unlike her brothers who were educated at school, Rosalie has been homeschooled her whole life. So wearing a uniform was something completly foreign to her.

Looking to every place inside the castle after the entrance cerimony held in the auditorium, the girl felt a little bit lost in the middle of many students. They all already had groups and those who were alone, seemed to be too scary to even approach.

"Hey, can I stay here?" Finally mustering courage, Rosalie questioned to a boy with black hair and a yellow lock.

"A-ah! Sure." Letting her sit in the table in the dinning room, the boy spoke. He was surprised that anybody came to him first. Not to say that Rosalie had a double line in a zig-zag style that connect each other, making it almost imperceptible. If people looked at her without paying attention, they would only think she had one line.

"I'm Rosalie, nice to meet you." Extending her hand, she smiled as bright as she could. After all, she wanted to make friends in there and have a good school time.

"I'm Finn Ames." He shaked her hand shy. He wasn't used to have a girl cite as Rosalie come to him and want to be friends. "You are new in here right? Do you know what dorm you want to be."

"Whatever less Lang." Her face showed disgust. "My brother used to be in there and the stories he told about the dorm wasn't humm... much attractive."

"Oh, that's cool! He might be still in here right?" Trying to make a conversation with the girl, Finn spoke also smilling friendly. She didn't seemed to be the type of person to be bullying him.

"Actually, he was expelled." That for sure shocked him.

In Easton Magic Academy, there wasn't much people who would be expelled like Rosalie spoke. If Finn's hunch was right, she could be the little sister of Levis and Lovie Rosequartz.

But that was improbable, making Finn automatically discard that idea. Maybe her brother studied way before them, being an old case of expelled students.

Seeing how the ceremony went, Rosalie was starting to feel unsure to which house she would go. The house she wished the most was Adler, since she knew Finn was from there and he was the only person she knew there.

"Finn, what's wrong with that unicorn?" She questioned whispering to Finn, who seemed to be too chocked.

"I don't think the problem is the unicorn." And pointing to the boy in the most discreet way, Finn said.

In front of the skeleton of unicorn, a boy with bowl cut, which made him look like a mushroom, touched the animal's horn. However, the unicorm seemed to be broken since it gave too much information about creampuffs instead of sorting a house.

"Suddenly he got so eloquent." She spoke having fun of the situation. "So this is how school is. No wonder Levis like it more than being home."

"Are you perhaps sister of him?" Finn slowly spoke. Maybe his hunch wasn't wrong at all.

"Yes." With her gaze fixed in the Mushroom boy, Rosalie agreed. "I didn't knew there was more than one type of creampuff."

"That's not the point here, Rosalie." Finn was questioning what was going on her brain.

"Creampuff lover goes to Adler!" The unicorn announcement for sure was a shock. Actually, nobody knew where  the boy would end up since he didn't seemed to fit anywhere.

"Now, Rosalie Rosequartz." The teacher announced and suddenly the room was silent.

Getting up from her sit, Rosalie walked to the unicorn who seemed to be working defectively after the Creampuff lover boy went. The stares were burning her back and she knew it was for two reasons that. One being her older brothers and the second for being the daughter of the most powerful man right now in the Magic Realm.

Touching the animal horn, Rosalie closed her eyes and prayed for not being selected into the Lang dorm. For some seconds, that seemed more like ages, everything was silent. No noise from outside nor distractions.

"Rosalie Rosequartzgoes to Adler dorm!" The unicorn announced, making her relieved. As if a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders.

Back to her sit, she smiled brightly to Finn, telling him she hoped they could be good friends from here. She was too happy to notice the boy blushing hard.


As expected from a Rosequartz, Rosalie passed by her classes with facility and being highly praised by the teachers for being a model student. She wasn't sure if that was because they thought highly of her abilities, or if they just wanted to gain her favor because of her status.

"You know, you shouldn't mix yourself with them." A voice spoke from behind her in the cafeteria. Turning her back, Rosalie saw a boy with blonde hair and a magic mark on his left eyes. His smile seemed sweet at first, but it was clear on how dangerous he was. "By the way, you might not remember, but I'm Lloyd Cavil."

"Cavil? Where did I even heard that name?" She questioned, picking a small portion of fruit salad from the desk. "Oh! Your father works for Bureau, maybe?"

That for sure was an insult for Lloyd. How could she not remember of him, when they met last year? Not to say Lloyd was the son of one of the V.I.P. Members of the Bureau.

"Well, nice to see you again." Putting a portion of salad fruit in his tray, the girl left him behind to go sit with Finn. That for sure was a huge offense toward him.

"Tsk. Thats stupid." Lloyd spoke, looking directly to Finn with hatred. "Rosalie, you shouldn't be with someone like him. You should be showing your status and importance in here. Otherwise, you'll be a pushover."


After all classes were done, Rosalie was dead. She was tired and at this point, she just wanted to sleep.

With her keys from her dorm in her hands, Rosalie stood in front of the door. She was hesitant to open it, but after some deep breaths, she mustered her courage to open it.

From inside the room, she saw that many boxes were scattered in the floor. The plushies of creampuff, cats and even random itens Rosalie didn't dare to understand. And in the middle of the room, a girl with blonde hair and a cute orange ribbon stand there, gazing her bed.

"Oh! You must be Rosalie, right?" Even if the question was rhetorical, the girl questioned. "I'm Lemon Irvine, also a first year."

"Then, nice to see you?" She questioned, feeling Lemon hug her without permission. "So, what's going on here? Why this room is so... messy?"

"Well, I was just wondering how would I organize all my plushies, since I thought there would be more space." Embarrassed, Lemon confessed with a shy smile. "But you don't have to worry about! I give a way until night time!"

"Just don't use my space and we are fine." Sighing and plooping her body into the bed, that was more confortable that Rosalie expected, the girl spoke tired. "Lemon, do you perhaps know what we'll have for dinner?"

"Nope." She smiled to Rosalie, trying to fit her plushies under the bed. "Hey, do you perhaps want a strawberry cat plushie?"

"What?" And seeing to where Lemon pointed, Rosalie saw a cute white cat with an strawberry hat laying in the desk. "No. Wait, I want."

"Than, this is my first present for you." Handling the stuffed animal, Rosalie picked and hugged to go back sleeping.

"Wake me up when it's dinner time."


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