two : friends

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The classes was for sure interesting, even though Rosalie made no mistake, she loved to see other doing it. And sometimes, she'd wish she was a little bit dumber so she could also do and laugh after classes about her mistakes.

"Finn, who is this one?" Confused, the girl questioned seeing the Mushroom boy from yesterday with Finn in their table.

"This is my roomate, Mash." Almost as if Finn was in tears, he spoke to Rosalie who was analyzing the boy.

"Nice to meet ya!" She extended her hand while smiling. "If you're Finn's friend, then you're mine too."

"N-n-nice t-to m-me-meet y-you." Almost as a broken machine, Mash spoke not holding Rosalie hand. He was too stunned by the girl to be even able to process something.

"Hey Finn, is it normal to Lloyd be looking like that? It's getting in my nerves." She sighed, putting a huge piece of meat in her mouth and chewing slowly. "This way, I'm gonna get stomach aches later."

"I think it's better if you don't seat with us from now on, Rosalie." Feeling a shiver goes straight to his spine, Finn spoke while side eyeing Lloyd. "You're not fitted to be walking with such low commoners like us. After all, you're a Rosequartz."

"Like this matter." She finally finished chewing, gulping down the food to drink water. "What's the problem on putting everybody, whatever their magic power is, into the same level? After all, we are all humans. Even if he is magicless, there should be no exception into accepting them as humans."

With interest, even thought the expression didn't showed at all, Mash stared Rosalie. He did understood she was high on ranking when it come to power within the society, since her family was responsable for the Magic Bureau. However, he didn't expected her to be this cool.

Maybe if later he needed her help, Mash would get.

And maybe it would be good to be friends with her.

"D-do y-you want a puff cream?" Out of nowhere, Mash extended the treat to the girl who looked shocked.

Well, it wasn't everyday someone would come up with a puff cream out of nowhere. Maybe that was Mash magic and she was more than happy that he offered her.

"Thanks! How did you even get this?" She questioned, bitting the sweet to have her eyes open round. "This is freaking delicious! Did you buy it from where?"

"He cooked." Finn answered instead of Mash, handling a napkin to the girl who had her mouth dirty by the cream.

"Damn it! You are good." She for sure made Mash feel proud about his abilities.

"If you like, I can bring for you when I bake it." Even if he was shy, he offered, seeing how Rosalie agreed happily to his offer.


In the office of the head of Bureau of Magic, one man stood in front of his window in boredom. The same yellowish hair that Rosalie's older brothers had was short and his eyes was for sure equal to the girl.

"Sir, Orter Madl and Rayne Ames are here. Should I allow them to come?" One of the workers who guarded the office questioned, seeing the hand sign that allowed them to come.

Turning his body, Mr. Rosequartz saw the two Divine Visionares coming to his direction and bowing in respect. Telling them to seat, the man observed the two with caution.

"So, how have been? Anything to be reported?" Mr. Rosequartz questioned, leading the meeting.

"We recently have been working in the special beast traffic case. It's all in under control, sir." With stone like expression, Orter answered.

"What about in Easton High? How Rosalie have been doing so far?" Now finally understanding why they were called there, the two males gazed the head of Bureau.

"I'm afraid I haven't had the chance to meet her personaly. But according to my brother, who seems to be in friendly terms with her, she is overwhelmingly good comparing to her peers." That seemed to satisfy the man, who nodded to Rayne's words.

"Well, my daugher have always been brilliant. I wish her older brother were more like her." Sighing the man told them. "Well, I called you to ask something."

Exchanging gazes of curiosity, both Divine Visionary nodded in a way to show the man could proceed.

"What you guys think of marrying Rosalie?" That for sure took them out of surprise. If Rayne almost chocked, then Orter for first time in a while was speechless. "Sure, I also consider handling her hand in marriage with the next Divine Visionary, however I think it's not a good idea to Levis be her husband for obvious reason."

"Sir, within my ultmost respect, but I don't think this is a choice we can take on behalf of your daugher." Pondering his choice of words, Rayne spoke. Everything he listened about Finn talking about her, made him have a impression that she was an amazing person that didn't deserved this kind of fate.

"What about you Orter?" The man looked to Orter with a hoepfull gaze from his answer. "I want my daugher to be in good hands. Why not let her marry to one of the most powerful magicians in the realm?"

"I have conflict feeling about this. Kaldo spoke a lot about her, so I believe Rosalie is a good person." Just like Rayne, Orter spoke. For him, it wouldn't matter at all to marry that girl since he wouldn't have feelings for her. What made him hesitate to say it, was the fact that he still had conciouss and it told him that this would only make Rosalie's life harder.

"We still have time, but think about this matter with care, please." With his stone like face, the man spoke to both Divine Visionare in front of him while he signed one contract. "And Rayne, can you take care of my daugher?"

"Yes, sir." Bowing in respect, Rayne saw with his eyes slightly crossed, a smirk in the man's face. He was sure that Mr. Rosequartz had something in mind and somehow he felt pity for his children.


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