three : fly away

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"I'm happy, finally we can fly." Singing in a strange melody, Rosalie spoke toward Lemon, Finn and Mash. Somehow, the group got together and Finn was questioning if anyone of them was sane. Even if Rosalie looked like a decent person, she was a maniac for flying in broomstick. And she was even more crazy for Duelo.

"Have you ever fly, Rosa-chan?" Walking with their arms interlocked, Lemon questioned curious.

"No. But you know, I'm pretty sure I can do it perfectly." With the most confident smile, Rosalie spoke.

Frowning to not say something, Finn saw how Mash and Lemon was hyping the girl with two magic marks. Now Finn was sure that nobody was sane.

Getting inside the field, the group divided to go to each designed place. And for Rosalie's unluck, she was beside Lloyd who seemed eager to bring her into his group of friends.

Everytime he tried to iniciate a small talk or criticize her friends over stupid reasons, she just ignored or cut him right from beggining. Lloyd wasn't crazy enough to get into her wrong side. At least not so early.

"Today, you'll learn how to ride a broom. Channel your magic energy and control it by using the world fly." The teacher spoke, looking to Rosalie's friends who seemed to be struggling to do the simple task.

"Dear Rosa, do you want to see something funny?" With a lazy smile in his lips, Lloyd spoke, getting near to the girl who was holding her broom after finishing in her first try to make the object fly.

"Who gave you the permission to call my name like this?" With an cold tone, that could easily freeze someone of it was an spell, Rosalie retorted. And it was clear she was the daugher of the most important mana in the Magic Realm.

"Well, I just want to get close to someone who is worthy." Smirking, Lloyd spoke to then point toward Mashle who struggled yo make his broom fly. "You see, the timed trials will start. How do you think your friends will go? We can bet."

"If Mashle win, you better stop bothering all of us." With an fierce expression while looking close to Lloyd, Rosalie said.

"Isn't it too much faith into someone who barely have magic?" Holding her chin, Lloyd continued.

If anyone saw that scene, they would probably think the wrong thing since they were too close and only Lloyd expression was visible. And for some unknown reason. it annoyed Mash and Finn.

"You can say it. But I'm always sure on my words." With a smirk just like Lloyd, she spoke on his ear, making a shiver go down on his spine. And it was a pleasurable one. "See it? Now you have to stop harassing us."

Shock on Lloyds face was clear. Everybody actually had the same expression, since Mash somehow managed to win the time trial challenge against one of Lloyd's minions.

"This is not possible." With bugged eyes, the boy was ready to accuse Mash by of cheating.

However, before he could even step, his body was stopped by Rosalie spell, making him freeze in the pose and mutter hateful comments toward Mash.

"Why do you still protect that shit?" He finally spoke, feeling his body be released by her magic. "You are much more worthy! He's just a worm!"

"Well, I guess it's better than being an asshole." Her smirk was for sure malicious. "Get out of my way, Lloyd. Or are you the worm that I'll use to catch some big fish?"

With no words, Lloyd finally let her go. Rosalie was a match he could not win against. And maybe, she was the only person who truly put him in his place, since she was way above him in the hierarchy pyramid.


After classes was done, Rosalie was with Mash and Finn walking in the corridor to the cafeteria. She insisted on going early and the two males only listened to her and her reasonings on why get early and eat early.

It was funny, since the group was not even that close and yet Rosalie was acting like their leader.

"Who was that boy? The one who came to me and was with Rosalie." Mash finally questioned, with no clues on who Lloyd was.

"Do you live under the rock?" Rosalie questioned surprised, stopping on her way so her body could be fully facing Mash.

"I live in the forest." That for sure made her look incredulous toward Mash who genuinely stated a rhetorical fact.

"Anyways, Cavill is a continuous student from the middle school division, like me." Interrupting, Finn spoke before Rosalie could.

"So why is everybody afraid of him?" That question made Rosalie look to Finn, almost as if she was telling him with her gaze to him explain.

"That because... he's the son of a V.I.P. from the Bureau of Magic. Even you have to know that it's the absolute in this world." Looking to Rosalie, Finn saw her agree. If that was the logic, it meant that Rosalie was above them and Lloyd. "To put it simple, if you go against him, you'll get expelled. And he's been in good terms with the vice principal."

"That means that it's quitting the school or getting harassed, Mash." She sighed, complementing him. "I hate that type of people the most, damn."

"But Rosalie went against him earlier, didn't she?" Mash looked to the girl who agreed.

"The diference is that he can't do anything to me, since he's just a bug when comparing our families." She explained, looking to the sky after she turned her body so they could continue toward the next place. "After all, our family controls the Bureau. Anyways, if Lloyd messes with you two, tell me. I'll go direct to the principal."

"Don't smile like this! You are scary Rosalie!" Finn's face squirmed, making Rosalie laugh soundly. "You don't have to worry with us. Won't you get in problems later on? I heard that your father is kind of scary."

"That's a problem for the Rosalie of the future." Wearing a smile, she spoke carefree. Even if she herself was scared of the man, she still had to play the facade of the perfect family, once it was the rule among the Rosequartz. And it was important for people not know what went inside on the most impotent and powerful family in the Realm. "Anyways, let's eat!"

"You look like someone who has been starving for years." Finn looked to Rosalie who was way ahead of them, with a warm smile on his lips.

Rosalie for sure was a blessing in his school life.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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