one : the untold siblings

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"Brother, how are you today?" The small voice from the black haired girl questioned, opening a small openjng through the door of  her older brother room.

"I'm much better, Rosalie. You know you can just come without even knocking to my room." With a bright smile, the boy spoke. He was more than happy to see his younger sibling and the moment he saw the big smile on her face, his mood lifted up.

"Yesterday, father allowed me to go to the city." Form her purse, the girl took out a book with a mischevious smile. "And I bought the last volume of that romance you talked about last time, brother Lovie."

"You didn't had to use you allowence on me,  Rosalie." Hugging the girl, Lovie patted her hair. He was more than happy that Rosalie was happy. But his smile died the moment he saw a red mark on her neck, well hidden by her hair. "What happened to your neck?"

"The same as always." Looking to tye floor, Rosalie answered. "I told again to father that I don't have any desire on becoming a Divine Visionary. Isn't enough to brother Levis be one? Why do I have to be too?"

Lovie understood too well what his sister felt. Being the kids of the head of Bureau of Magic, they had a heavy burden on their shoulders. Not to say that the man was obssessed with his kids being perfect exemples of mages and lead this Realm.

"If being a Divine Visionary makes brother Levis happy, than he should do it. I don't want to compete with brother when I dont even wish to be in that position." Snuggling into the boys arm to seek confort, Rosalie sighed. "Anyways, next week I'm not gonna be home."

"Right, you're about to join Easton Magic Academy." Even if Lovie tried, he still felt sad for this. After all, he would lose his ptecious little sister for three years so she could study in one of the best magic schools. "How are you feeling."

"I don't know. I choose Easton because the chances of me actually becoming a Divine Visionare was lower. But it was still a school dad would allow me to study in." Like a cat, she made herself more confortable in the bed. "Anyways, I'll write every week about. I truly wished you could be there. How cool it would be."

"Then, this brother will need to get healthy faster." Seeing how bright Rosalie smile was, Lovie felt motovation into hetting better. "You should go get prepared."

"Right. Father might want to take me to the Bureau so after we can go buy another wand for me." Sighing and not wanting to let his brother behind, Rosalie hugged tigher one more time.

"Have a fun time with dad."


That situation was everything less fun.

Locked in the carriage with her father, Rosalie was looking through the window in silence. Ever since their talk about her becoming a Divine Visionary, things were more than awkward. More than it already was.

Hoping outside the vehicle, she followed her father with some of the guards from the oolice force accompanied them. Sure, it wasn't needed at all since every body knew the man who commanded the Bureau was more than capable of protecting himself and his daugher from outside threats.

Inside the old shop know for selling the best wands in the Realm, the father ordered for the best fitting wand for his daugher. It was clear how favored she was, since he never came with his sons to get them a wand personally.

"So, stay in the center of the circle and a wand that's fit with your power will come to you." Instructing the girl, the shop owner spoke.

Looking behind, Rosalie noticed how her farher had no to zero expression in his face. At this point, it would be more surprising if he had something diferent than his stiff and non-interested expression.

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