Chapter 8: Obsessed With You

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Selena hurriedly sought refuge in a secluded corner of the NYU campus, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and frustration. She knew she couldn't evade Ian for long, especially not when his jealousy burned like a raging inferno.

Before she could catch her breath, Ian's brooding figure emerged from the shadows, his piercing gaze locking onto her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

"Selena," Ian's voice was low and tinged with a dangerous edge as he closed the distance between them. "What's going on?"

Selena tensed, her defenses rising instinctively in the face of Ian's possessive demeanor. "It's nothing, Ian," she replied, her tone clipped as she attempted to keep him at arm's length. "Just some drama I'd rather not discuss."

Ian's jaw clenched with barely contained fury, his jealousy simmering just beneath the surface. "Don't play games with me, Selena," he growled, his eyes flashing with raw emotion. "I know there's more to it than you're letting on."

Selena's gaze faltered under Ian's intense scrutiny, the weight of his suspicions bearing down on her like a suffocating blanket. "Fine," she relented, her voice tinged with resignation. "It's Jessy. He... he crossed a line, and now I'm dealing with the fallout."

Ian's grip on her tightened, his possessiveness surfacing in a tumult of conflicting emotions. "I'll take care of it," he vowed, his voice low and dangerous. "No one messes with what's mine."

As Selena and Ian engaged in their tense conversation, a sinister presence made its presence known. Katy, with her devilish charm and a penchant for trouble, sauntered over to them with a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Katy drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she sized up Selena and Ian. "The queen bee and her bad boy beau, tangled up in yet another scandalous affair."

Selena's eyes flashed with defiance as she rose to her feet, her posture radiating confidence and authority. "Save your theatrics for someone who's impressed," she retorted, her tone laced with icy disdain. "You're not welcome here."

Katy's smirk widened into a malicious grin as she leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, but Selena, darling, where's the fun in that?" she purred, relishing in the discomfort she was causing. "I'm simply here to add a little spice to your otherwise dull existence."

Ian bristled at Katy's insolence, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. "Back off," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You don't want to mess with us."

But Katy merely laughed, unfazed by Ian's threats. "Oh, I'm not afraid of a little bad boy bravado," she taunted, her words dripping with contempt. "In fact, I thrive on chaos, and you two make the perfect targets."

Selena squared her shoulders, her resolve unwavering in the face of Katy's provocations. "Well, if it's a fight you want, you've come to the right place," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "But let me tell you, I'm not one to back down."

With a final glare, Selena turned on her heel and led Ian away, leaving Katy seething with frustration in their wake. As they disappeared into the crowd, Selena couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at standing up to her formidable adversary, knowing that their battle was far from over.

In the midst of their argument, Charlize's frustration reached a boiling point as she confronted Taylor about her relationship with Liam.

"Taylor, I can't believe you would involve yourself with a married man," Charlize exclaimed, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Of all the people in New York City, you couldn't find yourself a single man to be with?"

Taylor's jaw clenched with defiance as she met her mother's accusatory gaze. "It's not that simple, Mom," she protested, her tone tinged with frustration. "Liam and I have a connection that I can't just walk away from."

But Charlize remained unmoved, her resolve unyielding as she implored her daughter to see reason. "Taylor, this is not a fairytale romance," she insisted, her voice firm yet tinged with concern. "Liam is married, and you deserve so much better than to be the other woman."

As Taylor struggled to reconcile her feelings with her mother's admonitions, Charlize pressed on, her words a mix of tough love and genuine concern. "I know it's hard to let go, but you have to think about what's best for you," she urged, her tone softening with maternal affection. "You deserve someone who can give you the love and commitment you truly deserve."

With a heavy sigh, Taylor conceded defeat, her resolve weakening in the face of her mother's unwavering support. "I'll think about it, Mom," she relented, her voice tinged with resignation. "But please, just give me some time to figure things out."

As Charlize enveloped her daughter in a comforting embrace, Taylor couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her mother's wisdom and guidance. In that moment, she knew that whatever path she chose, she wouldn't be walking it alone.

As Taylor hesitated at Liam's office door, her heart pounding with uncertainty, she found herself enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions. Before she could utter a single word, Liam's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his plea echoing in the confines of the room.

"Please, Taylor, don't quit," Liam implored, his voice tinged with desperation as he locked eyes with her. "I swear to keep things professional between us."

Taylor's breath caught in her throat as she met Liam's intense gaze, her resolve wavering in the face of his earnest plea. She searched his eyes for any sign of deception, but all she found was raw vulnerability and a flicker of something deeper.

For a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the electrifying tension that crackled between them. Time stood still as they hovered on the precipice of something unspoken, their unspoken desires swirling in the air like a tempestuous storm.

Finally, Taylor nodded, her voice barely above a whisper as she acquiesced to his request. "I'll stay," she murmured, her words laden with unspoken promises and untold secrets.

Gigi's sudden interruption shattered the charged atmosphere, drawing Taylor and Liam's attention away from each other's intense gaze.

"Surprise, guys!" Gigi exclaimed, her voice ringing with excitement as she revealed the reason for her unexpected visit. "I'm having a birthday party, and you're both invited."

Taylor and Liam exchanged a brief glance, their unspoken connection crackling with tension even in the presence of Liam's sister. Despite the turmoil swirling beneath the surface, they managed to compose themselves, masking their inner turmoil with polite smiles.

"That sounds wonderful, Gigi," Taylor replied, her tone carefully neutral as she forced herself to focus on the matter at hand. "Thank you for inviting us."

Liam echoed her sentiment with a nod, his gaze flickering briefly to Taylor before returning to his sister. "Yes, thank you, Gigi," he added, his voice betraying nothing of the tumultuous emotions roiling within him. "We'll be there."

Gigi beamed with satisfaction at their response, seemingly oblivious to the underlying tension between them. "Great!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together with glee. "It's going to be a blast."

As Gigi bid them farewell and made her exit, Taylor and Liam were left alone once more, the lingering echoes of their unspoken desires hanging heavy in the air. With a shared glance and a silent understanding, they knew that Gigi's birthday party would be anything but ordinary, offering them both a chance to confront the undeniable chemistry that simmered between them.

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