Chapter 4: Veiled Vendettas

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As Taylor meticulously prepared for her meeting at the modeling agency, her mind abuzz with excitement and anticipation, she couldn't shake the feeling of nervous energy that coursed through her veins. As she adjusted her outfit and smoothed down her hair, a sense of determination settled over her, propelling her forward with renewed resolve.

Just as she was about to step into her boss's office, the door swung open, and a handsome young man strode in with an air of confidence and charm. Taylor's breath caught in her throat as she recognized him instantly—it was Liam Hemsworth.

As Taylor laid eyes on Liam Hemsworth, her heart sank with a mixture of discomfort and resignation. The memory of their awkward encounter at the party flooded her mind, reminding her of the complicated dynamic between them. While she harbored no ill will towards Liam, the thought of engaging in small talk with him filled her with a sense of unease.

Despite her inner turmoil, Taylor forced a polite smile and nodded in acknowledgment as Liam entered the room. Her mind raced with thoughts of how to navigate this unexpected encounter without causing any further tension or awkwardness.

"Liam," Taylor greeted him curtly, her voice devoid of its usual warmth. She averted her gaze, focusing her attention on her boss, hoping to deflect any further interaction with him.

As Liam settled into the chair opposite Taylor, he broke the uneasy silence with a tentative smile. "This isn't going to be awkward between us, right?" he ventured, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Taylor met his gaze, her expression guarded yet curious. "How can you be so sure?" she countered, her voice laced with skepticism.

Liam leaned forward, his eyes softening with sincerity. "First of all, I'm married," he began, his tone gentle yet firm. "And besides, you're like my sister Gigi. There's no reason for things to be awkward between us."

Taylor considered his words for a moment, her features softening with understanding. "Deal," she finally replied, a hint of relief creeping into her voice.

With the unspoken agreement hanging in the air, Taylor and Liam delved into their conversation, recalling memories from the past and sharing anecdotes that left them both laughing until tears streamed down their cheeks. As they reminisced about old times, the tension that had lingered between them melted away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

As Gigi strolled through the bustling streets of downtown, her designer heels clicking against the pavement, she spotted Ian across the way. A devious smile curled at the corners of her perfectly glossed lips as she formulated her plan to drive a wedge between him and Selena. With a subtle nod to one of her minions, she instructed them to position themselves strategically for the perfect photo opportunity.

With purposeful steps, Gigi approached Ian, her demeanor radiating confidence and entitlement. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Ian," she purred, her voice dripping with faux sweetness as she closed the distance between them.

Ian glanced up, his expression guarded as he recognized Gigi approaching. "What do you want, Gigi?" he asked, his tone betraying a hint of wariness.

Gigi's smile widened into a smirk as she leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Just thought I'd come say hello to an old friend," she replied, her words laced with underlying motives.

As Gigi engaged Ian in conversation, her minion discreetly snapped photos from a nearby vantage point, capturing their interaction for Gigi's nefarious purposes. With each carefully chosen word, Gigi planted seeds of doubt in Ian's mind, subtly insinuating that Selena may not be the right match for him after all.

Unbeknownst to Ian, Gigi's scheming would soon set off a chain of events that would rock the Upper East Side to its core, leaving a trail of heartache and betrayal in its wake.

With a triumphant grin, Gigi retrieved the photo from her minion, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction at the perfectly captured moment. Without hesitation, she whipped out her phone and swiftly composed a message, attaching the incriminating photo before hitting send. As the message winged its way to Gossip Girl, Gigi's anticipation mounted, knowing that her carefully orchestrated plan was now set in motion.

With a sense of vindication, Gigi watched as the photo disappeared into the digital ether, its contents poised to unleash chaos and upheaval in the lives of those it implicated. As she tucked her phone away, a smug smile played at the corners of her lips, relishing in the power she held over the Upper East Side's elite.

As Selena sat in the bustling NYU cafeteria with Lucas, her phone buzzed with the unmistakable notification of a new Gossip Girl blast. With a flick of her perfectly manicured nails, she tapped open the message, her expression a mask of composed indifference.

But as her eyes scanned the scandalous contents of the blast, Selena's façade of indifference shattered, replaced by a flash of fury that burned hot and bright. The color drained from her cheeks as she read the damning words implicating Gigi in a compromising situation with Ian, her mind reeling with the implications of the revelation.

her seat, her posture erect and regal, every inch the queen bee of the Upper East Side. "We need to talk," she declared to Lucas, her voice tinged with an edge of cold authority.

Lucas followed her lead, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity as he trailed after her. "What's wrong?" he ventured, his tone cautious.

Selena's eyes flashed with righteous indignation as she recounted the contents of the Gossip Girl blast, her voice dripping with disdain. "Gigi has crossed a line," she seethed, her words laced with venom. "And Ian... he's innocent in all of this."

As Lucas offered reassurance to Selena, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his unwavering support. With a nod of appreciation, she watched as he mentioned his meeting with Liam, his cousin, before departing from the cafeteria.

"Thanks for always having my back, Lucas," Selena expressed, her tone reflecting genuine gratitude. "Your support means the world to me."

"Of course," Lucas replied with a reassuring smile. "You're Selena Gomez – you always find a way."

Left alone with her thoughts, Selena took a moment to gather herself, her mind buzzing with a mix of emotions. She knew that confronting Gigi would require all of her cunning and determination.

As Selena made her way to her dorm room, she was taken aback when a shadowy figure stepped out from the darkness. To her dismay, it was none other than Katy Perry, their longtime enemy with a penchant for stirring up trouble.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little Miss Gomez," Katy drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she sauntered closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

Selena's jaw clenched with frustration, but she forced herself to maintain her composure in the face of Katy's taunting. "What do you want, Katy?" she retorted, her voice sharp with disdain.

Katy's smirk widened into a malicious grin as she delivered her next blow. "Oh, nothing much," she purred, relishing in the discomfort she was causing. "Just thought I'd drop by to let you know that we're going to be roommates. Hope you don't mind."

Before Selena could even process the shock of Katy's announcement, the dark-haired vixen offered a sardonic
"toodles" and sauntered off, leaving Selena standing alone in the hallway, her mind reeling with the realization that her nemesis was about to become an unwelcome presence in her everyday life.

Xoxo gossip girl

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