Chapter 3

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Rocky groaned as he opened his eye. It was too dark, aside from small sources of light scattered around, to be of any difference. He slowly rose from the cold concrete.


"He's awake".


"Who else, dimwit"?

The other lights made their way over. As they drew closer, Rocky could make out the faces of the pups behind them.

"What the hell happened"? Rocky rubbed his head and winced as his paw touched a bump. "How long have I been out"?

"No one knows," Roxi answered. "Compared to the first one to wake up, you've only been out for about ten minutes".

"And who was the first"?

"I was. But actually, I technically was second".

"Why do you say that"?

"Because Wildcat was first".

"Well, where is he? I don't see him".

"That's why I said I was first".

"Someone please make sense out of this bitch".

"Someone's cranky," Ella replied.

"Just explain what the hell is going on"!

Roxi sighed.

"And you claim to be a super genius".

"Excuse you"?

"Rocky, when I woke up, Wildcat was gone".

Chase thought for a couple more seconds before standing and heading towards the direction Wild had gone.

He found the cat looking through books on a bookshelf.

"Hey, Wild"?

Wild looked over his shoulder, and after looking around for anyone within earshot, he addressed the German shepherd in a lowered tone.

"Oh, hey, Chase. Have you decided"?

Chase nodded.

"The trapdoor seems way to dangerous. We don't know what's down there. We should just stay here and look for a way out. Maybe we can find a clue to what happened to our friends in the hall".

Wild just nodded and returned to the bookshelf.

Chase headed back towards the desk. Even though he had decided not to go down the trapdoor, he was still curious.

Carefully checking to make sure no one else was watching, he peeked under the desk.

The trapdoor was nothing special. Just an old piece of wood in the floor with a handle attached to it. The door didn't fit snugly in the hole, resulting in a small crack between them. A smell of mold tickled Chase's nose, making him scrunch up his nose in disgust. He carefully placed a paw on the door and pressed. It did give a little, but overall seemed stable.

"Well, we have to keep looking for another way out of here". Chase left the desk and headed back to where he had been before.

11:00 pm

Marshall, Zuma, and Rex had been exploring the rear side of City Hall for a long time. Actually, Marshall was doing most of the exploring, and Zuma and Rex were just plodding after him to make sure he didn't get into trouble.

"Marshall, dude, for God's sake, let's just head back and join up with the others again".

Marshall looked over his shoulder.

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