Chapter 52 - Gourmet Hunster

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Any reward suggestions? Something simple for now.

Also, any suggestions for new members?

Within the dense jungle place where people would not even hope to venture was currently being explored by two people. One was an extremely muscular and exceptionally tall 25-year-old man with somewhat messy blue neck-length hair. He has three scars running from his left ear to just under his left eye which he was born with. He has strong, angular facial features and somewhat catlike eyes.

Another was a short, thin, and light-skinned young man with short black hair, large black eyes, and a rather wide nose with large nostrils. He wears khaki shirts and pants.

"Wait…I sense some people." The muscular man, Toriko, is a person who works as a Gourmet Hunter Gourmet Hunters where they are specialized in the acquisition of High-Level Ingredients.

Due to the difficulties inherent in securing certain ingredients, many have trained their abilities to superhuman levels, some of them even possessing Gourmet Cells to do so. Be it unusual displays of strength, phenomenal speed, or unrivaled endurance, these hunters are known for their capacity to surpass any normal, armed human being.

While brute force may be the status quo, there are some known for using Knocking and other peaceful methods of collecting their quarry. Many gourmet hunters have artificial immunities to poisons by injecting themselves with a solution made from poisonous plants and animal venom over a period of time: this creates various antibodies.

Most of these individuals are generally for hire, taking varying fees in exchange for the retrieval of ingredients that would be inaccessible to the contractor under common circumstances. Many of the world's most notable and influential individuals are or were Gourmet Hunters during their life.

"W-What do you mean!?" The other person, Komatsu, is the Head Chef working for a Five Star restaurant in Hotel Gourmet, a hotel owned by the prestigious IGO.

"People but…" Toriko tense sensing something dangerous unsure who could it be counting around 4 people with one exuding a horrifying and dangerous aura that he wondered if they are people or not.

He guarded Komatsu who was anxious wondering what could make him tense up and moments later saw four people come out of the trees with one man and three women. Komatsu was confused why Toriko was afraid when he couldn't tell anything dangerous from them looking at each of them and only saw that it was strange how good looking they were.

Toriko on the other hand felt that he would die if he fought them, especially the man who was staring at him almost like looking at an ant.

"Who are you? Are you here to capture some ingredients?"

He questioned them and despite how carefree he is, he is able to know when things could get out of hand or not. Toriko noticed that the woman with honey blonde hair was a chef based on the aroma coming off her hands but was confused since the ingredients were rather unique not because they were good but rather because it was basic almost below any ingredients that he had before.

"No need to be tense. We're simply here to hunt some Galala Gator." His tone was friendly but Toriko still held his guard up.

"Really!? We're also here to hunt a Galala Gator! Maybe we can help each other to make it easier!?" Komatsu is obviously aware of the danger that the man pose who smiled at his suggestion.

"That would be great. Right, let me introduce myself, I'm Erix Khan." He said walking towards Toriko holding out his hand and the latter took a moment before relaxing and shaking his hands.

"Toriko. You're quite strong yet why haven't I known about you?" Toriko was one of the Four Heavenly Kings, it is the name commonly given to the group formed by Toriko and his three other friends. They all are incredibly powerful Gourmet Hunters who were trained since childhood by the IGO president.

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