Chapter One: Pilot

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Soap walked out of the captain's office with a giant smile on his face. He had just been told he was being placed in Bravo 6, with Lieutenant Ghost. Well, it's actually Lieutenant Riley, but all the guys call him Ghost. And so do some of our enemies... Regardless, Soap was thrilled. He only ever saw Ghost in between assignments sometimes, at headquarters. He remembered the last time they spoke, maybe a few months ago, Ghost had randomly told Soap he couldn't allow him to be on his team anymore.
It was shocking, and it confused Soap. Their bond was growing deeper, and Soap actually found himself wanting more.. but Ghost cut him off, seemingly out of nowhere. He wanted to see Ghost again. And above all, he needed answers. Now that a captain has placed him under Ghost's command, there was nothing he could do. He was told he had done exceptionally well at his previous assignment, and was asked if he had a preference on his next stationing. He knew exactly what he wanted.
Soap couldn't wait.
He quickly packed his stuff, which wasn't much, and got on the bus for deployment. He was joined by 7 other men, most of which he didn't recognize. The journey to the base camp they'd be stationed at was a good day's drive away, and as far as Soap knew, it's purpose was to monitor foreign movements and trade deals, and react accordingly.
Soap used the long drive to reflect on his past with Ghost. They went on so many adventures together, and made so many memories. One of which stuck out to him, their most recent, and most impactful on their relationship. They finished their reports for the day, and everyone from the squad was out drinking. Soap had gotten pretty drunk, so had the others, and surprisingly, so did Ghost. He took numerous drinks, slightly pulling up his mask and covering himself with every shot. He and Soap decided to step outside, and walk the town. One thing led to another, and after a deep conversation about life, Soap stumbled, and fell, and he took Ghost down with him. They fell sideways, into an alley, and Ghost got pulled down on top of him.
They stayed there for a while, and stared at each other. Their faces only a millimeter from touching, and their mouths perfectly vertically aligned. Soap let his intrusive thoughts take over, and lifted his hands to his mask. Ghost didn't move as Soap gently grabbed at the bottom, and slowly pulled it up. The hem of the mask got to Ghost's bottom lip before he snapped back into focus and jumped up off of him. He quickly pulled his mask back on and walked off.
The next day, at roll call, he told Soap that his presence on the squad was no longer needed, and shipped him out back to headquarters.
Just thinking about it made Soap's fists tighten. He wanted answers as to why Ghost pushed him away. And this was the best way, forcibly being stationed under his command, and he couldn't send him back. It was captain's orders to deploy Soap here, and he wasn't taking no for an answer.
After a day of driving, the bus passed by the walls of an impound, a few minutes away from the major town in the area. It pulled up to the front of the building, and opened it's doors. The men quickly moved out of the bus and into the main entrance. A staff sergeant was waiting. He directed the men to stand single file in the main hall, and wait for the commanding Lieutenant to arrive. Soap knew it had to be Ghost. He stood perfectly still at the end of the line, looking forward.
Out of the corner of his eye, a door swung open. He heard combat boots stomping toward the line of soldiers. The staff sergeant walked toward the sound, and handed the source a clipboard. Soap turned his head toward them, slightly.
Stood in full gear, boots, uniform vest, gloves, mask, and all, was Ghost, flipping through papers. He flipped a page, and stopped. Soap observed as he watched Ghost read the paper before him, twice. He looked up and quickly scanned the line, and locked eyes with Soap. Soap quickly averted his gaze, back to the front. He waited a couple seconds and slowly looked back.
Ghost was still staring. All you could see were his eyes, glaring, full of terror. Ghost cocked his head back to face the staff sergeant, and whispered something. The staff sergeant looked to Soap, and then back at the papers. He whispered something back, Soap vaguely heard something along the lines of: "... can't send back... captain said so..." Ghost slowly looked back to Soap as the staff sergeant spoke, and squinted. Soap couldn't hide his smile.
Ghost didn't seem to like being taunted, as he responded with shoving the clipboard to the staffing sergeant's chest and stomping over to Soap. He stood taller than Soap, by barely a half inch, but in this moment, Soap felt so small. It was probably the fact that Ghost had on his custom boots, but he didn't notice at this moment.
"Why. The fuck. Are you here." Ghost spat. Soap quickly saluted, and said "Ready to kick some foreign ass, sir!" He put his hand back down, and leaned forward slightly, so that their faces were the same distance they were before, that night.
"Did you miss me?" He whispered. Ghost exhaled loudly.
"I'm going to make you regret coming back," He stated.
"My pants are tightening at the thought, sir," Soap replied, cheerfully. Ghost scoffed and turned back to the staffing sergeant, did a hand signal, and walked back to the door he came out of. The staff sergeant then started yelling at the new recruited lower sergeants about the "rules" of the compound, but it's nothing Soap didn't hear already. He watched as Ghost opened the door, and turned back to him, before giving him the middle finger and slamming the door shut. Soap stifled a chuckle.
His main goal was to get answers for the way they left things, and possibly gain a deeper connection while he was at it, but that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun in the process.

End of Chapter One.

HIIII I'm SO excited about this fanfic!!
I was inspired by @umikochannart 's fan arts, so please show them some love on insta!
Anywho, hope you enjoyed!
1000 words !! OoO
-sugarski <3

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