Chapter Two: Confrontation

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After the staff sergeant finished his debriefing, he took the new sergeants on a tour of the compound. He showed them all the facilities they would ever need to maintain themselves while serving their mission. They saw the barracks, kitchen and cafeteria, storage, the gym (which Soap was excited for), and even passed by Ghost's sleeping quarters. Soap wanted, so so badly, to sneak a look inside. He decided to snoop later. They finally arrived to where they'd be sleeping. There were small rooms, like dorms, in which two sergeants would share the space. There was a bunk bed, a table with a chair, a dresser, and a closet. Thankfully, since Soap was here by choice, the captain ensured he have his own room. His room wasn't much different, but it did have a bigger bed instead of a bunk. The staff sergeant told the new recruits they were allowed the day to explore and mingle, but they still had a debriefing to attend later that night, as well as some team exercises.
Soap quickly unloaded his belongings. He hung up his uniforms, as well as some joggers and cargo pants. He neatly folded his tank tops and casual shirts into the dresser and made the bed. He opened his backpack and unloaded it. He had a couple items of jewelry, which he put on; his dog tags and a leather bracelet. He also had his jacket, and a pair of sunglasses, which he put on the table. He snuck some snacks he bought, some chips and a sandwich, and stashed them under his bed. He also remembered to bring his small sized lock-picking kit, which he sat aside. The last thing in his bag was a photo. He stared at it for a little while. It was a photo of his old squad, most of which were no longer alive, but among them was Ghost. In the photo, Soap and Ghost stood next to each other. Soap was smiling so big, and had his arm wrapped around Ghost's shoulders, while Ghost kept his hands in his pockets. Ghost was always stubborn, he disliked being touched, and he preferred being alone most of the time. Soap let out a sigh. He wondered how hard he'd have to work to get Ghost's attention.
Soap placed the photo on the table, and changed into casual clothes. Of course, there were limits to what he was allowed to wear. He put on some gray cargo pants and a solid black shirt, as well as his zip up jacket with his last name on the back, MacTavish. He grabbed his lock-picking kit and shoved it into his pocket.
He left his room and decided to get a head start on his objective: Win Ghost over. He headed straight to Ghost's quarters. The entire reason he was here was to get Ghost back. Well, not that he even HAD him in the first place, but he believed he got pretty close. He passed by a few other soldiers, and gave them a quick nod as he brushed past. He arrived in front of Ghost's door, and felt his breath get stuck in his throat. He clenched his teeth, and knocked. Three quick, average knocks. Nothing too aggressive, and nothing too weak. He waited. No response. He tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. Soap groaned, annoyed. He turned around, and found the hallway empty. A thought popped into his head. He waited a moment, and looked around, and then proceeded to use his lock pick to get the door open. After only about 15 seconds, he successfully unlocked it. He quickly entered and closed the door behind him, and remembered to lock it back behind him. A sigh of relief surfaced as Soap leaned his back against the door. He scanned the room.
Ghost's quarters were decently big. It was a giant room, with at least a king sized bed in one corner, and a desk opposing it, on the other side. An attached bathroom on his right with a small table next to the door, and a large closet on his left. A giant rug covered the concrete floor. There were a few selves of books and office supplies, as well as medals and trophies Ghost had achieved throughout his career. His desk was a mess, covered in paperwork, and his laptop sat closed underneath it all. His trash can next to his desk was overflowing, and his bed was sloppy and unmade.
"Goddamn, L.T. You're a fucking slob," Soap muttered. As he looked around, unbeknownst to himself, Soap began tidying everything he touched. He straightened his books, adjusted the trophies, and organized his desk. While organizing, he found a picture frame hiding beneath the papers. He turned it over, and revealed the photo.
It was the same one Soap had brought. Only this photo was torn. Everyone else in the photo was torn away, gone. Only Soap and Ghost were the ones left. He kept this?.. All this time?.. Soap quickly opened the back of the frame and turned the photo over. The word, "Johnny", was written on the back. Soap's heart twisted in on itself. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, his breathing sped up. After a few minutes of overthinking, he decided to conclude that this was an old picture, and since it was buried under all of this, it was probably forgotten. He exhaled softly, put the picture back the way he found it, and went to tidy the bed.
After making the bed, Soap wondered over to the closet. There were at least 4 pairs of the same boots, haphazardly shoved in a corner.
"Of-fucking-course," He scoffed.
Soap thumbed through Ghost's clothes, and stumbled upon a familiar jacket. It was the one he was wearing the night they got drunk. He grabbed it, and took it off the hanger. Almost instinctively, Soap closed his eyes, and put the jacket to his mouth. He took a deep breath in, and sighed.
Ghost always smelt so good. He wasn't even sure how to describe it, it was like his natural scent. The smell of his sweat was sweet, and he barely ever wore cologne. Soap smiled. He missed this smell so much. If he could, he would've had a candle made from Ghost's smell.
Suddenly, he heard keys jingling. Oh fuck. Ghost is back. Soap panicked and put the jacket back on the hanger. By the time he had made it to the closet door, the front door opened. Soap quickly shut the closet's door, and left it open a crack. Ghost slowly dragged his feet in. He kicked the door shut behind him, and removed his outer uniform, letting his side pistol get sat gently on the side table by the bathroom door. He tossed his shirt and jacket to the closet, smacking the door as they fell. Soap cringed at the noise, praying Ghost wouldn't see him. Ghost now had on his camo pants, boots, tank top, gloves, and mask.
Soap stared, speechless. He scanned the scars on Ghost's shoulders and arms, one's he's seen before, and gulped. Ghost then reached for his mask, and grabbed the bottom. Soap's hand flew to his mouth. No fucking way. He's taking his mask off??
Ghost pulled it upward, about to take it off... but Soap stupidly leaned too far forward, and caused one of the hangers to fall. Ghost immediately pulled his mask back down and looked toward the closet. He swiftly grabbed his pistol from the table and kicked open his closet door, aiming his firearm at whatever was inside. Soap put his hands out, in surrender.
"Fuck, L.T. don't shoot!" Soap hollered. Ghost tilted his head, and saw Soap's face, and quickly lowered his gun. Ghost stared, saying nothing. "Look, I'm-.. I'm sorry," Soap stuttered.
"Explain yourself," Ghost stated, crossing his arms. Soap lowered his hands, and took a deep breath.
"I just.. I need to know why," Soap replied. Ghost averted his gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about," He responded, and quickly exited the closet.
"Wait, L.T-"
"Get out." Ghost walked deeper into the room, with his back toward Soap, as he removed his gloves.
Soap felt desperate. "No, wait, sir-!"
"Get the fuck out."
"Fuck off."
"Simon!" Soap blurted out.
Ghost froze. It was like he was a statute. You couldn't even tell he was breathing. Or, maybe he wasn't breathing at all. Soap felt his hair stand up, his blood pressure increased while his mouth dried up.
"Simon, please." Ghost raised his head.
"I don't allow anyone to call me that." He spoke deep, almost threateningly. Soap took a deep breath.
"I called you that," He replied, sincerely. Ghost stood still for a moment, before turning back to face Soap.
"What do you want, Johnny." Ghost asked, emotionless. Soap furrowed his eyebrows.
"I want to know why you pushed me away."
Ghost grunted, turning his head again.
"No, look at me," Soap demanded, walking closer. Ghost ignored his request. Soap stood directly in front of him.
"I said look at me, you asshole!" Soap yelled, grabbing the chin of his mask and forcing him to look at him. One of Ghost's hands sprung up to grab Soap's wrist as he met his gaze with disdain. Once again, their faces were barely a millimeter apart. Ghost looked straight into Soap's eyes. The fury they carried was something he admired.
"Do you have any idea how much it hurt me when you sent me away?" Soap asked, but it felt more like a statement.
"You have no idea how confused and frustrated I was. I didn't deserve that," Soap said, his voice cracking just enough for Ghost to notice it.
"Why did you do that to me, Simon?" Soap arrived at a final question. Ghost's eyes softened, as well as the grip he had on Soap's wrist. Ghost's shoulders lowered, in preparation to reply.
"Johnny, I-" His satellite phone in his back pocket went off, static. They both stood still, exchanging looks rather than words. Ghost grabbed the phone with his free hand and held it up to his ear. Soap stood waiting, anxiously.
"Understood," Ghost spoke, into the phone. He pressed a button, and put it back into his pocket. He left go of Soap's wrist fully, and turned his body sideways to walk past him. He grabbed his jacket from the floor and quickly put it back on. Soap's shoulders dropped, disappointment visible on his face. He turned to Ghost, who had his back to him once again.
After zipping up his jacket, Ghost opened the front door. He stopped, and turned his head to the side, so that Soap could see his eyes, but he didn't look at him.
"You can see your way out," He said, plainly, and closed the door behind him. Soap stood alone in Ghost's room, devastated.
This was going to be harder than he thought.

End of Chapter Two.
hope you enjoyed this chapter =D
About 1850 words!! Omg!
I'm loving this story, and I have so many ideas, ugh. Thank you for reading!
-sugarski <3

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