162 candles (1 x8)

7 1 0

It was a new day. Stefans birthday.

We all headed down to the station to do an interview about Vicki. After we finished we all walked out. Matt walked ahead because he was pissed at Stefan, and Jeremy and Jenna headed to the car, leaving me and Stefan.

" you okay?" He asked me.

" I don't think the sheriffs suspected anything. Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was what Damon made him know. I can't do this Stefan.. every time I look at Matt or Jeremy... all I think that Vicki is nerved gonna come back. And they'll never know why.. all people around you just die.." I avoided making eye contact and just walked away.


Later on I just sat on the couch in my living room, watching my blanket drop.

" you're wallowing." Jenna sat down beside me.

" so are you!" I looked at her.

" my wallow is legitimate I was dumped." She sighed.

" yeah well Logan's a jerk!"

" can you keep it down over there I'm doing homework!" Jeremy asked.

" since when do you do homework?" I sat up straight, turning around to get a better look at Jeremy doing his homework. What a shock.

Everything has been different lately. Jeremy has changed. Damon's helping out with the sheriff and bonnie had discovered more magic.

It was around 2pm. I haven't seen Stefan all day. So I decided to go pay him a little visit.

I knocked on the door as I heard someone shout ' come in!', so I opened the old door and saw a girl. Someone I've never seen before, stood there with wet hair and a towel.

" oh my god!" She looked shocked to see me. " how.. uh... who?" She asked me.

" oh I'm Sadie." Her expression changed when she heard my name. Maybe Stefan was talking about me.
" who are you?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

" Lexi. A friend of stefan's." She nodded and placed a smile on her face. This was really awkward.

" is he here..?" I looked at the staircase behind her.

" he's in the shower. Do you wanna wait?" She requested. I shook my head. " okay then I'll tell him you stopped by!"

" that's okay." I let out an exhale I didn't know I was holding, and walked straight out of the door.


I was getting ready to go meet everyone at the grill for stefan's birthday. My doorbell chimed. I walked to my door and opened it to see Stefan stood there.

" hey." He smiled at me.

" what are you doing here?" I questioned.

" Lexi said that you came by and you seemed upset."

"Right. The girl in the towel. Very weird. Is she a vampire?"

" yup. 350 years old." I moved back so he could walk inside.

" so why'd you come by?" He asked me.

"It was a mistake." I avoided arguments, so I just said a simple answer.

"Sadie talk to me..." he walked towards me.

" I can't. That's the problem. I'm keeping these secrets from everyone. I can't even tell my best friend. Do you know how hard that is?" He nodded, listening carefully to every single word I said.
" it's like I need to talk to someone but the only person I can talk to is... you and.." I huffed. I decided to switch the conversation before I got too carried away.

" well thanks for coming by." I gave him a small smile.

" hey do you need a ride to the grill tonight?" He asked me.

" are you going to Caroline's party?" I wondered.

"Lexis dragging me...and it's my birthday.." I was looking at the floor when he mentioned Lexi but my eyes shot up when he mentioned it being his birthday.

" really?? Wow then happy birthday!" I smiled " actually I think I'm gonna stay tonight." Yes. I know. Very last minute. But I couldn't be arsed with another party.
He nodded and went home, so I went to go write in my diary.


Stefan PoV:

The party was hectic. Music blasting through my ears. I promised I'd save Lexi a dance so we were dancing for a while. We then started playing snooker (pool) until I saw Sadie and she looked at me, but then Damon walked over to her and ruined the moment.


Lexi then wandered off, leaving me and Sadie.

" hi." She smiled, grabbing the snooker stick.

" hey." I just looked at her." You came." I then started smiling. She said she wasn't gonna come but here we are.

" I couldn't miss your hundredth- and- whatever birthday!" She made me laugh. For once in a while she actually made me laugh.

Caroline was drunk and Matt was sober so they went home. They wasn't letting anyone out of the grill, due to an attack being outside. I noticed sheriff Forbes walking over to Lexi and Damon, who were sat at the bar having a heart to heart bond. Liz then injected Lexi with vervain and she let out a gasp.

Damon just stood there, not helping at all as the cops took Lexi outside.

" oh my god.." I said quietly as I walked over to the scene. I made my way through the crowd but the cops didn't let me out.

Me and Sadie finally made a way out of there until we heard gunshots firing. We made our way a little closer to see what was going on.

Lexi was in her vampire crazy mode, dodging bullets like a hero. My insane brother showed up, staking her in the heart.

Sadie almost started crying. I covered her mouth so the cops wouldn't know we were there.

" oh my god..." I whispered. Now I knew how Jeremy felt.
Wet tears filled up in my eyes, rolling rapidly down my dry cheeks. Lexi fell straight to the floor, covered in smoky-grey veins that were on all of her body.
I couldn't watch anymore.

"Stefan,Stefan!" Sadie followed behind me.

" he killed her." I whispered. " he killed Zach. He killed tanner. He turned Vicki. I have to kill him." The last part randomly came out. I felt like I was being controlled.

" you can't do that!"

" why are you trying to save him?!" I raised my voice " Sadie he's never gonna change!don't you see that? Everywhere that I go, pain and death follow. Damon follows me. No more." I attempted to walk again until she stopped me.

" Stefan talk to me, let me be here for you." She sajd very quietly, slightly concerned.

" you were right to stay away from me."


A/n: helloooo!! This is a bit of a longer chapter!! Just came to say that I'm going to skip 2 episodes! But still stay that is episode 9. This is because the storyline doesn't really match up to how I am making it, but I am gonna carry on from the part where elena and Stefan do *that* and she then finds the picture of Katherine in 1864!

Have a lovely night/day wherever you are and make sure to vote!!

-lily (author)

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