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' Yep, I was one second away from dying. '


        (E/C) ORBS FLUTTERED AS THE RAYS OF THE SUN kissed her cheeks. (Y/N) rubbed her eyes, vision clearing. Head turning up, down, left and right, she scanned her surroundings and realized that she was inside her room in their small apartment in Musutafu. As she tried to move, she couldn't help but wince at the pain that needled every bit of nerve and muscle creaking in her body.

The door of her room opened, she hazily swept her gaze, only to smile lazily at the sight of her father who had a plate in hand. She waved her hand. "Hi, Pa."

(F/N) blinked before smiling back. "Hello there, sweetheart." He softly placed the plate that he was holding on the table that was beside his daughter's bed and embraced her, slightly swaying them together. "How are you feeling?"

(Y/N) didn't hesitate to return the hug, cheek squished on her father's shoulder as she answered, "Muscle pain."

"Then, you're close to recovering." (F/N) chuckled at the confusion visible in his daughter's face and pulled away. "It usually takes you a week of being unconscious to fully recuperate, but now it has only been four days yet your body is only feeling muscle pain." He smiled, ruffling her hair. "Well done, your recovery rate is getting faster. I guess you have been training dutifully here?"

"Yep, Mirai-san and his students taught me lotsss," replied (Y/N), her smile becoming tender at the memories of her being taught by her foster father, Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire. "Four days... does that mean I missed school?"

"Oh no, I believe the school has announced... three days of no classes for the students to rest." (F/N) twirled his index finger, the sudden, colorful and shining variety of sparkles startling his daughter. "It's six ante meridiem and school starts two hours later so here..." (Y/N) held back a flinch at the sight of the dish that her father was holding up to her. "...have some breakfast before you take a bath and go to school." 

The egg had a nice shape, and the bread was cut into beautiful triangles, but the two of them had burns. It was definitely overcooked. Not to mention, the only decent thing in the dish was the salad.

Her father was good at everything. Except this. Cooking.

She didn't want to eat it, but... seeing his sheepish look and sweet smile directed towards her... how can she not eat it? She beamed. "Thanks, Pa."

(F/N) visibly brightened and clapped his hands happily with a huge grin on his face. "No, thank you, dear!" How was this precious being her father of thirty-three years-old? No wonder her mother fell hard for her father.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐰𝐚 | 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now