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logan was on the way to the colney to meet jonas and sign the contract as well as take pictures, when she got a call from leo's father, jude.

bold – jude italics – logan

"hey, you busy?"

"not for a few minutes, what's up?"

"i was hoping to come see leo for a few days?"

"jude, you know you don't have to ask"

"i was just making sure"

"actually, you don't want to help me move into a new house while you're here, do you?"

"yeah, that's no problem logey"

"jude, i told you to stop calling me that"

"my bad"

"what day are you coming?"


"good, i've missed you"

"i've missed you too"

"i've got to go, i'll see you soon?"

"yeah, course, bye"


logan looked to leo in the backseat, "you get to see your dad tomorrow!".

leo smiled brightly, "yeah and we move in a new house?" he tilted his head.

"we do, aren't you a smart boy?" logan was just pulling into the colney, hearing leo giggle in the back.

logan got out of her jeep and unbuckled leo, before getting both her training bag (just in case) and leo's bag. leo insisted he put his own bag on, so she agreed and held his hand to the door.

as soon as they walked in, jonas was already there waiting for them at the reception desk. they greeted each other and walked to the office where she signed her contract. they then took a tour and ended at the locker rooms, where she had a kit waiting for her and leo. once they were both dressed and ready they had a photoshoot.

eventually they got to meet the team. as they were walking onto the field where the girls were training, leo got nervous and made logan pick him up, proceeding to cuddle into her. she giggled kissing his cheek, unaware of the many eyes watching her with smiles on their faces.

when she looked back, she was smiling. she waved at all her new teammates before kyra screamed and went barreling towards her. she giggled, putting leo down before catching her best friend.

"what are you doing here?" kyra questioned.

"i'm the new signing" logan grinned and looked down at leo, "he gets to come along as well" she finished, holding leo's hand.

kyra screamed again, causing logan to push her. kyra then picked up leo and started throwing him in the air and catching him. the interference made the rest of the team go over.

steph and caitlin reached logan first immediately stating how happy they are and something about ausenal. then the rest of the team reached giving a congratulations as well as a hug. about 1 minute later the whole team was with kicking a football with leo when alessia went over to logan.

"hey" alessia spoke, "i'm happy you're here. i mean i know we weren't together for that long but i like you, you know that. i don't want it to be awkward or anything like it was at united. i want to talk to leo without you being all weird about it... i've missed you"

logan stayed quiet for a few seconds. to alessia it felt like an eternity.

"i never told you why i broke up with you, and i don't plan to for the time being. lessi, i really like you, i've always really liked you. i mean your perfect and your great to me, your great to leo but, right now my life is really stressful. i've just moved clubs and houses with a 2-year-old, by myself" logan let all the words she was thinking into the world.

"you don't have to be alone. i can help you, i can help take care of leo, i can help you move into your house. logan, i would do anything for you" less insisted.

"i don't need you to do that" logan softly spoke looking into alessia's eyes, "i mean you can come help me move in tomorrow, the movers are bringing the stuff over, and i'm gonna invite the girls as like a housewarming slash unpacking party" logan offered.

"i'll be there" alessia replied, "wait, if the movers aren't coming until tomorrow, where are you staying tonight?" she questioned.

"i was just going to find a hotel somewhere" logan answered.

"you can stay at mine, i mean i live with vic but she won't mind, look at her" logan looked over at vic running around with leo causing logan to smile.

"are you sure?"

"of course, logan. is his favourite show still paw patrol?" alessia asked.

logan smiled fondly at the memory, "yeah, he misses watching it with you".

"i miss watching it with him" alessia grinned.

the pair walked over to where the team was. logan saw kyra smirking at her but ignored her. leo came running towards her, bumping into her legs, forgetting to stop.

"woah, are you having fun?" logan questioned her son.

"yeah mama, i tackled kyra and katie" he cheekily spoke.

"did you? maybe you should go tackle kyra again" she encouraged.

leo started running over to kyra so she sprinted in the opposite direction. once she let him catch up to her, he did a nasty slide tackle, actually making kyra fall over. leo grinned as he watched his mum run over and pick him up, placing kisses all over his face.

"you're going to be even better than your dad one day" logan promised holding out her pinky.

"yeah!" he exclaimed, interlocking his pinky with hers and shook.

not long later training ended with alessia sending her address to logan.

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