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logan was driving to alessia's house with leo, enjoying the views of north london. she had only ever been to london for games with man united. she was happy that leo would get to grow up in such a loving environment. although she ultimately was upset because her mother never got to be a part of her sons' life.

just as she pulled up to alessia's apartment building, she recognised a familiar car and smiled. she got out of her car and grabbed her and leo's bags out of the car, before picking leo up. they walked hand in hand to the apartment number alessia sent logan.

leo knocked on the door as they stood. eventually, less opened the door with a grin and ushered them inside. as soon as they walked in the living room, they could hear ella toone shouting about how clumsy less is. logan giggled running over and jumping on tooney's back causing them both to fall on the ground.

'logan, what are you doing?' ella spoke through her laughs. logan and ella were always close at man united, maybe not as close as ella and alessia or ona and logan but they were still close, even after logan and alessia broke up.

'i'm staying here tonight, what are you doing?' logan replied, also laughing.

'well i just happened to be in town and wanted to pop by for tea, but no one knows how to make a roast' ella pouted, 'maybe i should call millie, see what she's doing'.

'i can make a roast but I don't know if an aussie roast is different to an england roast' logan announced, 'i doubt less has the ingredients though, why don't you just get joe to make one?'.

ella stood flabbergasted, 'he's taken arlo to see his family, and i really want a yorkshire pudding'.

'why don't you just make something else?' logan questioned.

'what if we just order in a maccies?' ella said.

it wasn't until this moment that logan realised less and leo were no longer in the room. she heard giggling from the room over, and walked through the door to see alessia and leo cuddled up, watching paw patrol on lessi's bed. logan smiled and couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

'mama' leo smiles, 'lessi said i could watch paw patrol with her' he stuttered, 'and that she's helping us move into our house tomorrow'

'did she?' leo nodded, 'did you tell lessi that your dad is going to help us move in tomorrow as well?' logan asked her son.

'no... hey lessi, my dads going to help us move in to our new house tomorrow as well. that means you guys will both help us move in' leo exclaimed.

'leo, why don't you go see what tooney is doing' alessia spoke. once he waddled out of her room, she looked over at logan, 'you didn't tell me jude was helping you tomorrow'.

'why does it matter?' logan replied, 'he thinks you're cool and its not like you and i are together, he's not going to say something about leo this time, okay?'.

alessia stayed silent for a few moments until she spoke, 'what if i want us to be together?'.


'no logan, you broke up with me out of nowhere and i was okay with it because you obviously didn't want to make a big deal about it, but you practically ignored for the rest of the season and it hurt so much because i know you were struggling but you wouldn't let me help and i was falling in love with you, i still am and i need you to understand that i want you. logan, i want you and everything that comes with you and i know you broke up with me because you didn't want leo to be a burden on me but he's not, he's the most special boy i've ever met-'

alessia was cut off by soft lips smashing into hers.

Author Speaks!
i'm going to start using capital letters again!!

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