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It was officially moving day and Logan was dreading her entire existence. Leo was bouncing off the walls in excitement and Alessia and herself hadn't talked about the kiss they shared the night before. Logan and Leo were sat on the couch eating cereal when Alessia got up.

"Hey, did you two sleep well?" Alessia spoke up. She knew Logan needed time and she was prepared to wait however long it took.

"We slept good until Leo decided to wake up at 5 and wanted to watch paw patrol with you" Logan replied.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think he liked hanging out with me that much" Less said, of course she knew Leo liked watching paw patrol, but she didn't think it mattered who with.

Logan sighed, "Don't worry about it Lessi, you might just have to come over and watch it with him sometimes. If you want to, of course".

"I'm so happy we're playing together again, Logan. I mean obviously it wasn't long between our move to Arsenal but still, you know what I mean" Alessia rambled.

"Me too, Less. Alright, I think it's time to get ready to go see our new house, what do you think Leo?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, and Dada will meet us there?" Leo questioned.

"Yep, so will Kyky, Stephy and Caitlin, how does that sound?" Logan replied.

"Let's go right now, Mama" He yelled.

"Alright let's go get you changed".


When they arrived at the house they would be living in, Leo saw his dad outside and immediately got excited.

"There's dada, mama" He exclaimed. At this point she turned the engine off and Jude was walking to get Leo out of the car. It was then that all the arsenal girls showed up, including Kyra, Steph, Caitlin, Beth, Viv, Victoria, Laura, Leah, Lia, Katie and Alessia.

"Hi, my boy, I've missed you so, so much" Jude spoke.

"Hi dada, I've missed you more".

"I don't know about that one, Leo".

"I have, I pinky promise" Leo insisted. This caused Jude to hold out his pinky, interlocking it with his sons.

Jude had gotten Leo out of his car seat, while Logan had gone to greet her teammates to let her boys have a moment together. That was until she heard Jude call out her name causing her to turn around to face her 2nd best friend. She grinned and ran into his open arms, Jude lifting her off the ground, spinning her around. After they had a quick conversation, Leo told everyone that he needed to see his new room immediately. Logan walked him up the stairs and made sure to tell him that there would be no furniture or items inside until later that day.

The group had decided to sit in the living room while they waited for the moving truck to arrive. They were sat in a circle having a debate about what goes first on a scone when Kyra randomly speaks.

"We should play duck, duck, goose".

This caused Leah and Beth to go on a rant about how they aren't children, causing Kyra to point at Leo saying, "he is".

Logan then saw the moving truck through the front window and stood up, walking into the front yard. After greeting the movers and directing them where everything would be going, she decided they would split up into groups to unpack. The groups being: Jude and Leo in Leo's room, Leah and Lia in the guest bedroom, Alessia and Victoria in the trophy room, Katie and Caitlin in the bathroom, Viv and Laura in the kitchen, Beth and Steph in the living room and lastly, Kyra and Logan in Logan's room.

Logan immediately started unpacking her room while Kyra just laid spread out on the bed staring at the ceiling. This went on for about 10 minutes until Logan got annoyed and threw a shirt at Kyra's head.

"Hey, what was that for?" Kyra questioned.

"What do you think it was for? Get up and help me, you unpack my decorations while I do my wardrobe" Kyra groaned, "Kyra please, I just want to get this over and done with".

"Can we at least talk while unpacking?" Kyra asked.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?".

"What's going on with you and Less? Did you guys' kiss and now you don't know what to do because you guys haven't talked about it?" Kyra interrogated.

"How on earth did you figure that out? I know you aren't that smart" Logan spoke with wide eyes.

"She told me, but I'll have you know I'm actually not that stupid, Leo told me" Kyra exclaimed.

"Sure, he did" Logan sighed, "I don't know what to do Ky, I like her, I always have, and she is an amazing person, but I don't know if I have enough mental capacity for a relationship right now. I mean Luca is becoming a photographer at arsenal and Leo is going to start daycare and mum's anniversary is coming up, there's just a lot going through my head, and I don't want to bring Less into all my problems".

Kyra had been through this before with Logan, everything happens all at once and Logan doesn't know how to comprehend it all. "Logan, I know it's hard at the moment, but you've got so many people here for you, I mean look at how many people are unpacking your house right now and that isn't even everyone. Luca being here will be good, especially with how close you guys are and it means you'll have someone who truly understands what you are going through. Just think, everything happens for a reason".

Author Speaks!

Leah Williamson and Hayley Raso fic in my drafts?????

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