[7] liar liar pants on fire

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Something was beeping in the room and if it went on any longer Jungkook was going to put a knife through his eardrums. It wasn't even a rhythmic melody, the cadence constantly shifting and changing as if it was a test made to assess how insane the people that stepped foot in this office were. Maybe it was. He'd never been here before. All of his therapy sessions as a kid were done at home where he was supported by Elias and Chut. Now he was alone.

Filled with dread, Jungkook found himself picking at his cuticles, trying to pull his attention away from the terrifying reality that not only was he expected to talk about what he'd experienced in the past week, but that it had been personally requested by one of the senior members of their camp.

Did they know?

"Jungkook," Called Dr Julianna Yu as she stepped out of a plain white door, giving a sweet smile and beckoning him to his feet. It was awkward having to shuffle passed her as she watched him survey the room. Her office was clean and simple, mostly neutral tones with a few splashes of blue decorations and a little corner filled with toys and other objects made for young children. "Apologies for my lateness, I had a last minute phone call I needed to take. Please take a seat wherever you feel comfortable - beanbag, chair, floor, whatever!" She explained cheerily, briefly moving over to her desk to retrieve a tablet.

"Do you have water?" Jungkook asked, shuffling toward the chair where he decided to sit, whole body taut with a pressurised fear that threatened to burst.

"Of course, here," Julianna reached over for a jug, collecting up two cups before bringing them over to her own seat opposite Jungkook's. "Is there anything else I can get you to help you relax? I can see you are very tense."

"Permission to leave..." He joked through clenched teeth. Her own chuckle was light-hearted and calm, posture settling so she could cross one leg over the other.

"That is the one thing I cannot offer, I'm sorry about that. But I promise we only need to talk about what you want during these sessions. Before we start, I do have to let you know that what we chat about might get discussed with my supervisor, but otherwise it will remain confidential between you and I."

"And who is your supervisor?" Jungkook queried sceptically.

"Misoon. She works on the committee but–"

"Thought so," He huffed, arms crossing over and shoulders slumping back. "What the hell do they want from me? They wanted to leave me in the desert two days ago, now suddenly they're concerned for my wellbeing? That's bullshit."

"I can see that you're frustrated by the policies we have in place. Were you aware of that agreement when you were asked to do field work?" Explored Julianna calmly, not flinching away from his agitated outbursts.

"Of course I knew, and I understand it. But being concerned about me now is hypocritical. I'm back, I'm not hurt, can't we just leave it there?" The once calm and lovely office felt alight with the intense energy drifting from the boy whose mind was eroding against the harsh waves of thought.

"It must be difficult to come back and have so many people trying to check in and be supportive. Is that why this feels so overwhelming?" Continued Dr Yu. Her sweet concern lathering her voice like honey. It was making Jungkook feel sick, fingers digging into the sides of his stomach to distract from the urge to vomit.

"It feels overwhelming because I didn't ask to be here!"

"Again, I completely understand that. But it is in your best int–"

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