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・❥ Agony of thoughts ❥・

( Not edited)


I blinked open my eyes  as the alarm clock starts to ring, while I tapping on it I stretched my body yawning lazily and head inside the shower.

For sometime I stopped myself from pondering about what am I gonna do after the semester ends every now and then huff.

I speedily took bath and got ready for college.

I walked towards the dining area to grab a quick breakfast because I was damn hungry but hey! I also have an important lecture to attend in less than 30 mins god I CANNOT be late.

As soon as my mom came out of the kitchen with parathas in her hand, I hurriedly went near her and grabbed one, rolled it and walked out of the house, towards my car, eating that while my mom kept yelling at me from behind.

I settled in the car, double checking everything, I turned on the car.

I held my phone in one hand to dial Jay's number because I have to pick him up today. Ugh it's such a struggle eating while driving.

After three rings he finally bothered to pick it up.

Keeping it on speaker I drove further,"wake up lazy bean." I taunted. " I'm awake."

He said gaping again. " Uh-huh as if I can't see already." He hummed as his head fell back on the pillow,  I could sense it. This. Guy.  "I'm picking you up in 10min and I am not hearing any justification right away."

He snorted at my sweet warning. huh. such a headache. I hunged up before he even had a chance to speak.

I stopped the car infront of his home.  He was already on the main gate standing there all ready having a sunshiny grin on his face.

Atleast he's good at following commands.

observing him carefully I wonder how he manages to look so bright and bubbly all the time.

Extrovert, outgoing and a complete social bird, they're the perfect words to describe him. He'd always been the Mr. Popular- sports champ, charming as hell, student with coolest looks. Almost every girl in our college whether junior or senior had a crush on him. He's the chocolate boy of all times, the mere thought of every girl liking him built a knot on my chest.

" Done checking me out?" He said with an teasing grin poured on his face.

I shrugged off my thoughts aside. " Me and checking you out? Not even in my horriblest dream."

I turned my face towards front. He got inside the car and closed the door behind him.

" you were checking me out Ms. Aadhya Verma." I decided to ignore him and focusing on driving more.

He smirked playfully and turn on the music.

" What?" I said while giving him a questioning look because he has been staring at me since last 10 minutes straight.

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