New Girl And New Friends

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Here's the next chapter.......

Yes a person over twenty can go to highschool if they don't finish it when they were a teenager, I knew a student who was almost thirty who did, and he was deaf, couldn't talk, and was on the spectrum of autism, but he graduated.
My school allowed it.


Lunch soon was upon me; and Eric guided me with his friends, Jessica, Angela, and Mike, and I had my own lunch, which was leftover Pizza Hut veggie pizza that was stuffed crust, which Charlie had leftover from him and Jacob's Dad, with a diet root beer, as well as some chips.
I could tell what they were by the smell of each item.

"Let me open your drink."
Eric says to me.

"It's fine; I can open it."
I take the bottle of diet root beer, and I unscrew it, then sip it.

"Oh; here come the Cullens."
Jessica says to me.
"Edward was in our class; and you sat next to him.
Edward has gelled up brown hair, and hazel eyes, and his sister Rosalie is a blonde, beautiful even, and Emmett is a jock looking kind of guy, with spiked up black hair, and it's weird, but Emmett and Rosalie are an item.
I don't know how that's legal.
Jasper is a blondish brown haired guy, and always looks in pain, and the pixie cut haired girl is Alice.
Alice always looks like she's daydreaming at times, and she has brown hair too.
They were adopted by a doctor in town Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme.
Carlisle is a blonde, his wife brown haired.
They go hiking once in awhile.
They are a total mystery."

"Yeah; I don't know how that's legal either, Rosalie and Emmett being an item?
It's kinda gross."
Angela; I heard her say, and then she sipped a drink through a straw.

"It's too bad you can't see well to see them; cause they are beautiful people."
Jessica says to me, and I shrug as I bit into my second slice of veggie pizza, and to be honest I didn't care if I couldn't see them, cause dating teenagers is just plain wrong, and anyways I like older men.

I could feel eyes upon me that aren't my new friend's eyes, and I knew it was the Cullens who were staring at me, I could feel the heated gazes they had, as if they were judging me, or assessing me.

"Is your hurt hand okay?"
Eric asked me.

I wiggle my fingers of my hurt hand and say.
"It's fine.
It burns a little but I can handle it.
I'm just glad it stopped bleeding before I came to school."

I then focus on my eating my food, and finally started on my chips, and Jessica asked me.
"So you into anime; cause your shirt has some characters from Dragon Ball Z?"

I perk up at her saying that.
"I used to be until I lost my sight the way I did.
Now I only listen to the shows, but I can still remember what the characters look like."

"Oh I'm sorry."
Jessica says to me, me hearing the sympathy in her voice.

"It's fine.
I do miss reading manga though."
I tell her honestly.
"I still have my collection I started.
They are just sitting and collecting dust back at my Mom's home, but now I have audio books of regular books though, so I can enjoy like Harry Potter, The Hobbit or something like that."

"Have they tried to fix your eyes?"
Eric asked me.

"They did; but it was a failure.
That was years ago when I was twenty."
I tell Eric.
"I'm okay though.
My disability don't bother me, though I miss doing stuff I used to do, I do other things now."

"What do you do now?"
Angela asked me.

"I listen to music alot from another country, though I don't understand it, I like it.
Audiobooks too are fun to enjoy.
I also remember voices of people I meet; so that's a good gift too, so if I move away, and come to visit, I'll still remember your voice once we meet again."
I smile warmly in Angela's direction.

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