Chapter Fourteen: Were We Broken Open, Baby?

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"Nobody can make tea like Uncle," said Zuko, "but hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favourite tea joke?"

Zuko was busy making and pouring tea for everyone. It was evening, the evening after Appa, Zuko, Aang, and Song had come back to the Western Air Temple. Song stared at Zuko from her place across the fire, between Katara and Aang. In the heat, his form was misshapen and warped. It was easier to look at him when he was distorted like that. It made her feel less... weird... about looking at him.

She had no real way to process what had happened the night before. In the sphere of nighttime glory, Zuko had professed his love to her, and he had kissed her. She still didn't think she was the person he should've fallen in love with, but it was too late for him to go back. She just didn't want him to leave her again.

Song's mind had gone back, again and again, to that kiss. Despite the nights of no sleep, she had lain awake in her bed, her heart and her breath uneven as she thought about it. She had left him and Aang alone as they had trained throughout the day, not wanting to distract him. She had mostly helped Katara with odd jobs around the Temple, or sparred with Toph. That day, she lost every time. It confused Toph, but Song had no question as to why her thoughts were not in her control.

At that moment, though, she just stared, and she thought of the kiss again. How stiff she had been, how heightened every sense had felt. Everything was just... different.

She did know, however, not to drink Zuko's tea. When they had worked in Ba Sing Se, there had been a reason why he had been a waiter rather than a tea-maker.

"Sure," said Katara in response to Zuko's question about Iroh's joke.

"I like jokes," added Aang.

"Bring it!" said Toph.

"Okay," said Zuko as he knelt down beside The Duke and Haru. "Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is, 'Leaf me alone—I'm bushed!'"

No one laughed. In fact, most of them turned their gazes to Song, who stared back blankly until Aang pokes her and said, "Do you know how it starts, Song?"

"No," said Song. "I never listened to any of Uncle Iroh's jokes."

"It's funnier when Uncle tells it," Zuko admitted, moving to kneel next to Katara, Song, and Aang.

"Right," said Katara as she, Song, and Aang took tea from him. "Maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing."

Everyone laughed at that, except for Song. But she smiled back at Zuko when he smiled at her, and then her gaze continued to follow him as he took the tea to Teo and Toph as Toph said, "It's nice to get a chance to relax a little. It hardly ever happens."

Finally, Zuko took the last two cups of tea to Sokka, who was sitting alone and had been oddly quiet during the whole conversation. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Sokka asked Zuko. Then he stood up and walked away, leaving Zuko to set the tray down and follow after him.

Song straightened and tried to stand, but Katara held a hand out. "Let the boys talk," she said. "Sokka's had a lot on his mind."

"About his space sword?"

"Uh, not quite. They'll be okay. I'm sure Zuko will fill you in if it's important."

"Speaking of Zuko filling you in," said Toph, her voice odd in its tone, "you guys have been weird around each other all day. Your heartbeats are really strange. Did something happen while you went on the field trip with him and Aang?"

Song remembered the Chief telling her that they weren't allowed to tell anybody about the Sun Warriors, so she shook her head. "No."

"You're lying," said Toph.

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