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Seraphine pov:

I wake up with a startle as I hear my phone ring. I look who it is and find Stella's name on the screen. I groan and answer, "Hello?" I say and bury my head in my pillow while closing my eyes. "Are you going? Please tell me that you'll be there!" Stella says excitedly on the other end of the line. I sigh and sit up. "Well first of Stells, it's six in the morning, secondly what the hell are you talking about?" I ask. I can basically hear her roll her eyes at the other end of the line. "Mums ball of course, haven't you been invited?" She asks. I walk out of my bedroom with my phone in my hand. I enter my office and look through my pile of mail. Sure enough there is a letter from the royal house. "Yes I've been invited, and well I guess that I'll have to answer yes to the other question as well, I'm going" I tell Stella as I open the letter. It's an invitation to the autumn ball that Luna always hosts. Stella squeals on the other line. I chuckle. "I'll call you on Saturday so that we can discuss what to wear" she says happily. "Sure Stells, sure" I say and then she hangs up. I let out a sigh, I've never really liked going to social events, but I guess that when you're Luna's friend you have to.

I go take a shower before starting my day with a cup of coffee and some music. After that I tend to my garden before practicing my magic. I try to make a pile of wood lit on fire but it doesn't work. I try a few more times before letting out a frustrated sigh giving up. Instead I send Luna a letter, telling her that I will be attending the ball.


A day or so later I get a call from her. "Hello Luna" I say as I continue to write on the paper for work. "Hello. I saw that you accepted" she says. "Yes, you'll have to thank your daughter for that, and yourself. I swear that if neither of you would have been at any of those social events I wouldn't have been there" I tell her, she chuckles. "Well we're very lucky to have you there Seraphine" she says, now it's my time to chuckle. "So what are you going to wear?" She asks. "Stella is calling me on Saturday to discuss it, so probably something I really don't want to wear, but she does have good style though, it just that the dresses she chooses always shows too much" I say. Luna chuckles, "True, but you always look fabulous though" she says. "Why thank you!" I say. "How about you? What are you going to wear?" I ask. "I don't know, probably something boring and formal" she says. I chuckle, "yeah well, you do always look fabulous too" I say. "Thank you" she says. "I have to go now but I'll se you Sunday" she says. "See you then" I say and we hang up.


Saturday comes quicker than I thought. I pick a few alternatives from my wardrobe that I would like to wear and reluctantly I pick a few dresses that Stella bought me. She calls a bit after lunch. "Let me see the dresses" she says with a smile. I turn the camera and show her all of the options. Of course she chooses one of her dresses, "I like the midnight blue one!" She says happily. I turn the camera again and roll my eyes at her, "of course you do, you were the one who bought it" I say. She just smiles and nods. I stare st the dress. It will show a lot of my arms, a lot of my scars. I don't like to show my scars in public, it reminds me of the war that I once fought. The war against the burned ones and... "-phine?" Stella asks. I look down at the phone, "Hm?", "well I was wondering if you were going to wear it or not" she asks. "Oh, uhm..." I pause, what's the worst that could happen? "Fine, I'll wear it" I tell her. She smiles excitedly. "How exciting!" She squeals. Then she starts to ramble about what she's going to wear. I get to see a ton of options.

(This is the dress that I'm thinking of, but you can choose whichever dress you want)

(This is the dress that I'm thinking of, but you can choose whichever dress you want)

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