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Seraphine pov:

That night my dreams were filled with the beautiful headmistress, Farah Dowling. Still now as I'm tending to my garden while listening to music, all I can think about is her. I smile and blush a bit as I think of her and her smile. I leave for tomorrow, I thought that I could make the garden work a little bit easier for Mrs. Hallow, since she's the one who's going to make my garden work while I'm away. She told me that she would be happy to do it. She's a lovely neighbor, her and her husband, we've had multiple dinners together, they are a lovely couple. Sometimes their kids visit, they're around my age so we get along fine, sometimes I've even got to babysit their kids! I smile to myself as my thoughts wander of to Stella when she was a kid, we always had so much fun, and we still do. Even though we're not blood related, she will always be my niece.

I finish off with the garden before going inside, making sure everything is ready before I leave tomorrow.

Farah pov:
As I'm trying to do some paperwork my mind won't stop wandering off towards a certain girl. She looked so magical in that dress, and her hair, and her eyes, and just her, Seraphine is perfect. I start to smile as I think about spending more time with her. She's arriving tomorrow, Luna didn't exactly tell me why she wanted to come here but I suspect that it might have something to do with Stella and the burned ones. She seems very protective of her.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door, then Saul enters. I smile at him, "Hello" I say. He says 'hello' back before closing the door and sitting down on one of the chairs in front of my desk. "We need to talk" Saul says seriously. I frown, "What is it?" I ask as I push my paperwork slightly aside. "Look, I saw what happened at the ball, I saw you falling for Seraphine and well, she fell for you too. So when she gets here tomorrow, then you have your chance of telling her how you feel" he says and grins at me. I groan and hide my face in my hands. "You can't deny it both me and Stella saw it" he says. I look at him."Okay, yes, I like her. But I highly doubt that she likes me back" I say. He rolls his eyes, "Of course she does, Stella even confirmed it" Saul says. Could she really? I mean Stella knows her so she must be right, right? But how could someone like Seraphine, someone so beautiful and unreal love someone like me? Someone who's done so much bad in their life. "You're not unlovable Farah" Saul says and stands up, "Let yourself be happy for once" he tells me before leaving. I stare at the door for a moment, thinking about his words. 'You're not unlovable Farah. Let yourself be happy for once'. But there's where he's wrong, I'm not lovable, I have som many faults, how can someone love me?. I feel tears well up in my eyes, I won't let them fall. Rosalind taught me not to cry, she said it's pathetic. She's also the one who told me I'm unlovable, and I believe her.

Before I get lost in all that I decide to make sure Seraphine's room is alright before her arrival. It's opposite of mine because we didn't have any other room that was free or not so messy. I decide to put some of my favorite books in her bookshelf, I don't know if she likes to read, but just in case. I smile as I walk around, everything that was on my mind before after Saul left has disappeared. Now all I can think about is Seraphine. As I make her bed I think about waking up beside her, her skin glowing in the morning sun. Her hair messy, her groggy morning voice, I make everything up in my head, a scene that could happen. As my thoughts start to wander off towards more inappropriate things that me and her could do in this bed I shake my head to stop thinking about it. Instead I move around, fixing pillows, making sure everything is in the right place. As I'm finished I look around and admire the suite, I think she's going to love it. Stella gave me some suggestions on what Seraphine would like to have in the suite so I put it in here. I smile at my work before walking back to my office to finish the paperwork before dinner.


I wake up earlier than usual, today's the day. I smile as I start to get ready. I take a shower before getting dressed in a pink blouse and some loose suit pants. I put my hair up like usual and then I put some light makeup on. When I feel finished I eat a quick breakfast before going to my office. I plan some of my upcoming lessons and then I do some paperwork.

The curious woman (Farah Dowling x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now