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Stella's pov:

"Is everyone ready?" Miss Dowling asks. We nod. "Good, let's go then" she says and we get into the cars. Miss Dowling's driving one car and Silva is driving the other one. In Dowling's car it's me, Bloom, Terra and Dowling of course. "Everyone's got their seatbelts on?" Dowling asks. "Yes" we say in unison. "Great" she says and starts to drive. "It's so exiting! I've never been to a ball before!" Terra says excitedly, Dowling smiles. "I've never been to one either, this will be fun" Bloom says. Dowling looks briefly at me, I'm sitting in the front seat. "How about you Stella? Are you excited?" She asks. I smile, "yes, I'm going to see my aunt" I say with a smile. "You have an aunt?" Terra asks. "Yes" I say with a smile. Dowling smiles at my happiness. "I didn't know Luna had a sister" Miss Dowling says. "Well they're not related, they are just really good friends. Phina has practically raised me" I tell her. Dowling nods. "Is that her name? Phina?" bloom asks. "No, her name's actually Seraphine, but I call her Phina, well me and mum call her that" I say. "Seraphine? Like Seraphine Remstone?" Dowling asks. "Yes" I say. "Oh, Saul will be thrilled" she says with a chuckle. She must've noticed that Bloom got confused because she explains why, "Seraphine Remstone is a well known fighter in the war against the burned ones a few years ago. She's known for being a great fighter and an excellent fairy, she's said to have a control over her magic like no one else" Dowling says with awe in her voice. "She joined the Royal Army when she was like fourteen, that's how she met my mum" I say. "Cool" Terra says, "She sounds amazing" Bloom says. "She is" I say.


I smile as I step out of the car. I almost run towards the castle, the others chuckle behind me. We get to the ballroom. There's a lot of people, I try to find her but I can't. "She has a blue dress on" I tell the others. "Is that her?" Bloom asks and points to a small gathering of people. There she is. I smile. "Yes!" I say. I study her for a moment. She's uncomfortable. "She's uncomfortable" I say. "Well are you going to say hello to her?" Musa asks. "Not now, she's busy" I say. Bloom rolls her eyes, "Just go get her" she says. When no one moves she starts to walk towards the group of people. "Bloom!" I whisper shouts. She doesn't stop. I look at Miss Dowling and Silva, they just smile at each other and roll their eyes.


Seraphine pov:

I smile and nod at what Paul just said. That's my thing, stuff like this is boring, the people is boring, so I just smile and nod, that usually works. "So, Seraphine what are you doing these days?" Someone asks, I can't remember their name. "Well-" I don't get to finish as a red haired girl interrupts, "Uhm excuse me but are you Seraphine Remstone?" She asks me. I smile at her, "Yes, that's me" I say. "Could I have a moment with you?" She asks. "Of course" I say. Before I can excuse myself a guy from the group I'm talking with speaks up, "Excuse me but aren't you a little young to be here?" He asks her in a bratty tone, "she's here with my niece" I say to defend her, he looks confused, "Stella, Princess of Solaria? Does that ring a bell?" I ask. He looks ashamed, "I'm so sorry!" He quickly apologizes. "Excuse me" I say with fake a smile to the group. I then follow the girl. "Thank you for saving me" I say. She chuckles, "No problem. Don't you like these things?" She asks. "Nope, I'm mostly here because of Stella and Luna. In my opinion everyone here is just stuck up rich people" I say. She chuckles again. "Well they do look kinda stuck up" she says, now it's my turn to chuckle. "Right?!" I agree. "I'm Seraphine by the way, but I guess you already knew that" I say with a chuckle. "Yeah, I'm Bloom" she says and chuckles too. "Well Bloom, it's nice too meet you" I say with a smile. "You too" she says and smiles too. "You know, one fun thing about being here is all the gossip" I say. She chuckles, "really?" She asks.  I nod, "Like those two" I point to a couple further away, "They are married but both of them are sleeping with their best friends, they both know that their cheating on each other but they won't get divorced. Image and stuff I guess" I tell her. She looks at me with wide eyes, "really?!" She asks. I nod with a smile, "yes, they seem so happy but if you dig deeper, they're just faking" I say. "Well that's some gossip!" She says. I chuckle. I look ahead and spot Stella. "Once again, thank you for saving me" I say. "No problem. Thank you for defending me" she says. I smile, "anytime" I say. She smiles too.

The curious woman (Farah Dowling x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now