A Child, sacrificed from the Blue Fairy to an Land called Wonderland. Getting Banned to a Island called Neverland. Through a Bean teleported to the Enchanted Forest, where founder by someone with a Heart, who needed to do a Deal with Dark. Sendet to...
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Chapter 2
Miss Blanchards book
Like every day Scarlet wakes up in the dark of her room. After she gets herself ready for the day she goes down to the little kitchen, in wich already some nuns standet. „Good morning Scarlet" an black haird nun wich name she forgot, welcomed the young girl. The Red haired said a quick „Hello" before she grabs her little paper back filled with an Cheese Sandwich and some Apple Slices. As fast she could the girl sprints out of the room to the front door. Ten minutes after she grabbed her skateboard Scarlet was standing infringe of the Mills house. As she raises her hand to knock on the door, it gets open by her best friend. „Morning Henry, Morning Regina" Regina who's standing behind her son with a plate smiles at the girl „Good Morning Scarlet" the Major gives each of the two kids from the plate an chocolate chip cookie. „Thanks, see you later!" Henry screams to his Mother as he walks next to the 14-year old. „So, you got in trouble" he asks looking at her „Yep" he bursts out laughing for what Scarlet punches him a bit in the side. „Thats not funny" „It is" They stick out their tongues at each other before parting ways at the school gate.
„What's that?" is the first question Scarlet asks her best friend after seven hours of school „I will tell you later, but I'm hungry" the boy says while rubbing over his belly. „Granny's?" „Is that even a question?" the two of them laugh on their way over the most ridiculous jokes ever spoken out loud „I have a good one! Why do cows wear bells?" Scarlet asks smiling „Why?" „Because their horns don't work" for 5 seconds the two of them just look at each other before bursting out into laughter. „The same es every day?" Ruby asks while handing Granny some dirty dishes. The two kids just smile and nod at the 19-year old girl. „Come immediately" as Granny places a cup with cinnamon hot chocolate in front each of them Scarlet finally asks Henry „So, what's the deal with this book?" he looks at the book next to him and then again to his friend „Miss Blanchard gave it to me, but I think it's something special" as he sees her confused look he continues „That's an Story book, but I think they are us!" „They are us?" „Yeah the complete city! Everyone is an character out of this book!" „I knew you had an big fantasy, but that is just a book - Thanks Ruby" Ruby placed an plate with fries in front of them while discussing with Granny. „Just look, Ruby for example is Little Red Riding Hood and the nuns are fairy's, the head nun the blue fairy and-" „Hold on! So you think we all com out of books, then tell me who are you?" she taps him on the chest while dripping her fries in ketchup. „Haven't found out yet" he looks on the ground while sipping on his drink. „Ok, I don't believe you sorry, but I am interested in knowing who I would be." he looks up whit a big smile on his face „Blah, Blah, Blah, i think you would be the daughter of the red fairy, her name is also Scarlet Fire and she looks just like you." „Wait this has pictures in it?" whit big eyes she looks from Henry to the book and back to the boy. „Yes, here look" he opens on a random page, there's a picture from a brunet with a red cape „That's Little Red Riding Hood" he points on the picture and then to Ruby who's serving to someone a chocolate cake. „Did you play last night Minecraft without me?" the girl asks with raised eyebrows „I'm not tired!" Henry explains shocked „You need to believe me!" „Henry, you know that your my best friend and I believe you immediately everything but this is just a book" „Whatever, one day you are gonna see that I tell the truth" Scarlet rolls her eyes and sips on cacao „When you say so"
It's been a week since Miss Blanchard gave Henry the book, it god worse with every day so that Regina even needed to send her son to Archie. Scarlet waits like each day in front of the school gate for Henry, 10 minutes already passed and he's not showing up. „What have you done" she speaks to herself as she walks in the direction of Regina's Office. Her best friend told her that he's on a mission to find someone so everybody can believe him, but he never says who he's looking for. „Regina it's me, Henry didn't show up after school" the girl speaks into the front speaker, a few seconds after the door gets open by Regina „What do you mean he didn't show up?" the mayor asks as Scarlet walks in „I don't know, he was saying something about mission and that he needs to find someone. I think it has something to do with that stupid book." „Scarlet did he told you were he wants to go" she packs the girl at the shoulders and shakes her a little „and who he wants to find" the red haired shakes her head „He didn't say anything just about an mission" Regina goes through her hair and walks up and down „Who are you calling?" „Graham" the police officer picks up as Henry's mom places her phone on her ear. „Graham - Scarlet is here, Henry didn't show up after school and he wanted to find someone - I'm the Mayor you are coming now" she puts her phone down and looks to the girl „He's coming right now, could you do me a favour?" Scarlet nots as she eats a piece of chocolate „Go in the city and ask around if anyone has seen him, please" „Yeah sure, bye Regina" The 14-year old walks out just to meet the police officer who's walking away from his car „Hey Scarlet" „Graham, so fast?" „Yeah, what happened?" „Henry didn't show up today, he just told me that he is on a mission and that he needs to find somebody" „Ok, do you go to the monastery?" „No, I'm heading to the city and ask around if anyone has seen him" she says grabbing her skateboard and driving off. She asked everyone and everywhere but nobody had a clue were her best friend was. As it's getting dark Scarlet finally knocks on Archie's door were she gets welcomed by the Dalmatian Pongo „Scarlet what are you doing here, Ghorm will not be happy that your still out this late" „I know, but I also know that Pongo wants to go out for a walk" she says trying to smile „What happened?" he asks taking the dog leash from Pongo. The three of them walk through the streets of Storybrok, Scarlet told Archie what happened and he only replied with „He's going to be fine"
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