A Child, sacrificed from the Blue Fairy to an Land called Wonderland. Getting Banned to a Island called Neverland. Through a Bean teleported to the Enchanted Forest, where founder by someone with a Heart, who needed to do a Deal with Dark. Sendet to...
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Chapter 5
Emma leans down to him „Henry, I need to find this woman. And in order to do that. I need you to go home, okay? So please listen to me. Seriously. She's not going to tell me anything if you're around." „Okay." the boy nods „Thank you." Scarlet just standet there Lost not knowing if she should go with him or stay and help Emma find Ashley. „Scarlet, you come with me." Emma clears the question running through the girls mind. Henry waved her as he walks out the diner as the two others turn to Ruby, who told them that Ashley want to go to Boston. The two women sit down in the yellow car and drive in direction of the border. „What can I do that you trust me?" Emma asks on wich the girl looks at her confused. „What? I see that you don't trust me." „If I trusted everyone I would be pretty pathetic." Scarlet says looking at the street. „What did she tell you guys?" Emma immediately lets off the gas and the two turn to a grinning Henry. „Henry! What the hell?" they both scream at the same time. „I'm going to Boston. You can't come. I was gonna drop Scarlet off at your house." „You can't go to Boston! She can't leave." Henry exclaimed. „Bad things happen to anyone that does." „I don't have time to argue with you over the curse. I got to bring you both home." Henry's mother says „We have to stop her bevor she gets hurt. We are waisting time." „If you drop us off, you will never catch her up." Scarlet finishes Henry's sentence „Kids ..." the rest of the conversation goes over real quick with Emma give in.
„There is here car." Scarlet says pointing to the red truck wich is stuck in the dig. They all three jump out and run there. „Ashley." Emma says nervous looking in the truck, but the car is empty. As they here a scream the tree turn to the side of the road were Ashley lays „My baby. It's coming." a few minutes later they are on the way to the hospital. Emma gives Ashley a talk if she really wants the child in wich Henry and Scarlet just look from one to the other. In the waiting room the boy tries to tell his mom again about the curse and that she's the only one who can go out of the town. „Miss Swan, the baby is a healthy six-pond girl. And the mother is doing fine." a nurse says smiling wich lets the three breath out strong in happiness. „What lovely news." Gold walks into the waiting room „Excellent work, Miss Swan." he grins evilly saying these words „Thank you for bringing me my merchandise." „She's a person, not a product." Scarlet glares angrily. The two kids keep sitting in the waiting room, better said Henry sits and the red head walks up and down. Finally Emma comes back „Let's go we are allowed to see her." she says but the panic in her eyes is unmistakable. The two young kids swing the glass door open and walking over to Ashley who holds her baby. „Hey."the three say at the same time. „What's her name?" Henry asks „Alexandra." the mother smiles „It's pretty." „Thank you for getting me here." „Mr. Gold was outside. I took care of it. She's yours." with happiness in her eyes Ashley looks up „She is? What did you do?" Emma just smilies „Made a deal with him." Henry and Scarlet sit down und the ends of the bed while the two keep talking „Thank you." she repeated that three times bevor Emma looks on the clock „Oh. Hey, kid, it's almost 5:00. We glottal get you home." smiling the three run out the door. „See you." Scarlet says taking here skateboard out the car. „Where are you going?" „I need to be at 5:00 at the police station, interview for my internship." After giving the two a last smile the 14-year old heads to the police station. „Graham." she says running in „Sorry I'm late, Graham?" as she looks through the station no one's there. Scarlet sits down at one of the chairs and looks around. Five minutes later a sweaty Graham walks in. „Didn't know we have marathon's in Storybok." she says laughing. „Sorry, I'm late. Emma called and said she will take the job I offered here." „And after that you where running three times through the forest?" „Do you want an internship?" „Sorry." he puts some things on the table and then looks at here „Why do you want to have your internship here?" he asks „Because I want a week free from school and I like criminal cases." She says smiling. He rolls his eyes and sits down on the other side „Don't forget you asked me if I want to do this here." the girl continues. Graham couldn't help but chuckle at Scarlet's straightforwardness. "Fair enough," he replied, settling into his seat. „Be her on Monday morning."
On Monday morning Scarlet standet next to Emma in the police station, the blond holds up a brown officer west with a tie. „A tie?" Scarlet asks „You know you don't have to dress a woman as a man to give her authority." Emma continues, the girl next to her needs to hold back her laughter. „So you think you can get people to do what you want in that red coat?" Graham replies „I'm getting you to do what I want right now." „Well, at least wear the badge." he holds up a golden star „Go on. Take it." „If you really want to be a part of this community, you have to make it officially." Scarlet ads as she leans against the cell. Emma grabs it and puts it on her jeans. In the exact moment it snapped to her the entire ground shakes. Suddenly all phones start vibrating and dogs from outer bark.
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