Chapter 138 Five Years

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Time flies by, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye. During these five years, nothing major happened in Zhuangyuan Village. However, one major event happened in the court, that is, the border war finally ceased after three years of fighting. When they first received the news of the armistice, those who had relatives at home who had gone to serve as soldiers were full of hope, hoping that those who had gone would show up at the entrance of the village one day, but none of them came back. Only then did everyone really give up. Tombs with coffins were erected for the villagers who were drafted away.

In the past five years, Brother Yi's ex-husband also remarried a widower. It is said that the reason why he married him was because he had given birth to a boy. As a result, after several years of marriage, they only gave birth to one little brother. For this reason, many villagers were watching Li Fulai's jokes, saying that maybe it was his fault that he could not give birth to a boy.

Brother Yi didn't express anything about this. He had been raising Brother Mi peacefully in the past few years. He didn't have any great skills and could only make some clothes. So he managed to get by by mending clothes and with the help of the villagers.

Let's talk about our Lin Qin and Zhang Dayong. Their lives have changed a lot in the past five years. The biggest change is that they gave birth to their second child when Xiaodouzi was three years old. It was a boy whose nickname was Zhang Dayong asked a fortune teller to pick out the name of the small pine cone. It is called Zhang Jingcheng, which means a journey to the mountains and a journey of thousands of miles.

After little Pinecone was born, Zhang Dayong was happy but did not lose any love for Little Douzi. He even taught him to protect his elder brother since he was young.

Except for the birth of the little pine cone, the lives of the two of them have not changed much. Zhang Dayong still only goes to the fields and climbs the mountains, and Lin Qin is still busy at home. At most, he has changed from raising one child to two children. Fortunately, Xiaodouzi has been well-behaved since she was a child and has become sensible again. Not only does she not need Lin Qin to keep an eye on her all the time, but she can also help Lin Qin take care of the little pine cones.

Little Pinecone is indeed a boy, much more naughty than Little Douzi when he was a child. From the time he can crawl at eight months old, someone must keep an eye on him all the time, because if he doesn't keep an eye on him, he won't know where to crawl in the next second. . Basically, a new piece of clothing can no longer be worn after a few wears, because the pants are worn out, which makes Lin Qin very headache. In the end, I had no choice but to carry the little pine cone on my back when doing things, or tie it to the bed and let Xiaodouzi watch over it. Otherwise, no matter how much clothes I wore, I would lose all my clothes.

If I had to say what else happened between the two of them in the past five years, it would be that the year Xiao Songguo was born, Zhang Dayong suddenly came up with the idea of ​​opening a shop in the town.

"Brother Dayong, why do you suddenly want to open a shop in the town? Your hunting is enough to support our family, not to mention we still have five acres of high-quality paddy fields." Lin Qin was very puzzled as to why Zhang Dayong would think so. Go to town and open a shop. Is this shop so easy to open?

"As you know, there is a school in the county specifically for boys and girls. It is said that this school not only teaches students reading and literacy, but also teaches them music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and housekeeping. However, the tuition is a bit expensive and costs twenty taels per year. Silver. I had always wanted to send Xiaodouzi to study when he was a little older. Although twenty taels a year is a bit more expensive, it's not that we can't afford it. It's just that the county town is too far away from us. If Xiaodouzi wants to study there, I have to stay in the hotel, and I was a little reluctant to let it go, so I kept struggling with it." Zhang Dayong did not immediately explain why he wanted to open a shop in the town. He just talked about the Yulin School in the county, which only admitted boys and girls. 's school.

Lin Qin didn't understand what Zhang Dayong was talking about, and said doubtfully, "Then you have made up your mind to send Xiaodouzi to study in the county???"

Lin Qin would only support Zhang Dayong's idea of ​​sending Xiaodouzi to study in the county. They themselves didn't know how to read or play music, chess, calligraphy or painting. Lin Qin was happy when he thought that Xiaodouzi could be as elegant and decent as those big brothers.

Zhang Dayong nodded and said, "Do you still remember Brother Mu who got married last year at the head of the village?" "

Remember, you and I went to have a drink at that time. What happened???" Lin Qin asked doubtfully.

"That Brother Mu has been doted on by Uncle Li and his wife since he was a child. When he got married, he also carefully selected a family. But when he came back a few days ago, he found out that after Brother Mu married into her husband's family, not only the family I have to be busy outside and have to work in the fields. I look like I have lost a lot of weight. Looking at Brother Mu, I thought of our little Douzi. Little Douzi was also pampered by us and grew up. She will definitely get married in the future. Farmer, Brother Mu's life today may be the life of Xiaodouzi in the future. When I think of Xiaodouzi not only having to take care of the housework, but also working in the fields, I can't bear it, so I made up my mind to send Xiaodouzi to study in the county, and then find ways to do more. Save some money and marry him to the town in the future, then he won't have to work so hard in the fields." Zhang Dayong can be said to be heartbroken for Xiaodouzi.

Lin Qin was silent after listening to Zhang Dayong's words. Lin Qin, like Zhang Dayong, was a doting child. Usually a child as old as Xiaodouzi would start to learn to do housework from his father, but Lin Qin still wouldn't let him touch him at all. In other words, I help look after my brother. Lin Qin felt heartbroken when he thought that Xiaodouzi would have to work in the fields every day after getting married, and his fair skin would become rough and dark.

"If you go to study in the county, not to mention the tuition fee of 20 taels a year, and the accommodation fee, it will cost at least several taels of silver a year. It will take at least three or four years to study here, which is only 100 taels. There is Xiaodouzi's future dowry. If he can really marry into the town, you can't marry a few quilts and give 20 to 30 taels of silver like in the village. At least, the dowry will be 20 to 30 taels. That's fine. In addition to Xiao Song Guo, I don't expect him to be a scholar like Song Xiucai, but reading and literacy are always necessary. Although he can go to the town to study without the accommodation cost and it is not that high, but one year Ten taels of silver are always necessary. If we have more children in the future, the expenses will only be greater. Although we still have more than a hundred taels of savings and can make an income of more than ten taels of silver every year, it is not enough. No. So I thought about going to the town to open a grocery store to sell some groceries, and occasionally come back to catch some prey and sell it in the shop. The business should be good." After listening to

Zhang Dayong's analysis, Lin Qin already somewhat agreed with Zhang Dayong to open a grocery store in the town. They had the idea of ​​a shop, but they had never opened a shop in the town and didn't understand it at all. Moreover, the rent of a shop in the town was not cheap. It was said to be at least seven or eight taels a year, plus the money spent on decorating the shop and purchasing goods. Without 20 or 30 taels, this shop cannot be opened at all. If the business is good, forget it. If the business is not good, all the 20 or 30 taels of silver will be wasted.

Lin Qin said tangledly, "Brother Dayong, I don't even understand these things. Otherwise, you can ask Uncle Li what he means. He has been the village chief for so many years and he is well-informed and can definitely give us a good idea." The suggestion."

Zhang Dayong thought about it and thought it was right, so he went to Village Chief Li and informed him of his idea of ​​opening a shop in the town, saying that he wanted to hear his opinion.

If Village Chief Li had any opinions, he naturally didn't support them. Village Chief Li didn't make any big reasons. He only asked Zhang Dayong a few questions. Then Zhang Dayong gave up the idea of ​​opening a shop in the town, and only occasionally went there. Running deep into the mountains, hoping to catch more big prey to save some money for the two children.

So what question did Village Chief Li ask? In fact, it was very simple. Village Chief Li just asked Zhang Dayong where he was going to buy goods. Are there any shops in the town? If you want to compete with them for business, they will give it to you at a cheaper price. . If you go to the county, how do you know the quality of the goods and the price of the goods? In addition, the shortest grocery stores in the town have been open for more than ten years, and the oldest ones have even been open since their grandfather's generation. What skills do you have to steal customers from them?

Zhang Dayong was silent after hearing this. He thought about it for three days when he returned home and gave up the idea of ​​opening a shop. He couldn't answer any of Village Chief Li's questions. The most important thing was that he didn't think he had such a smart mind to think of ways to steal business from other grocery stores. It was only then that Zhang Dayong discovered that he had imagined that opening a shop was too simple. If he really did it with passion, it would only end in disgrace.

After the idea of ​​opening a shop passed, Zhang Dayong and Lin Qin had a good discussion several times. Finally, Lin Qin agreed with Zhang Dayong's idea of ​​going into the mountains to hunt, but Zhang Dayong also promised Lin Qin that he would protect his own safety and try not to get hurt.

Although he said he would go into the mountains, it would take at least three or four days to get out. Therefore, Zhang Dayong always went in during the off-season, and could not go into the mountains a few times a year. Although Zhang Dayong went into the mountains only a few times, he never came back empty-handed. He always came back with a full load, not to mention wild deer robes and so on. The most powerful thing was that Zhang Dayong once shot a pure white fox. He sold it directly for thirty taels of silver, which aroused the envy of many villagers.

"Brother Dayong, although the weather is hot now, the temperature is relatively low in the mountains. You can't be too cold and don't wear a coat. Remember to cover yourself with a quilt at night to avoid catching a cold." Lin Qin packed Zhang Dayong's clothes for going into the mountains. He warned carefully.

Zhang Dayong was hugging Xiaodouzi and kissing him. Hearing the words, he responded, "Brother Qin, don't worry, I will take good care of myself. You have to take care of two children by yourself these days when I'm not here. Thank you for your hard work." "

Father, I You are very good and will not tire your father, and I will also help him take care of my brother." Xiaodouzi sat in Zhang Dayong's arms, looked up at him and said loudly.

Zhang Dayong rubbed Xiaodouzi's little head, which could already be tied into a ponytail, and said dotingly, "Yes, our little Douzi is the most well-behaved."

"Father, I am also well-behaved." The two-year-old Pinecone ran away. He came over and hugged Zhang Dayong's leg and said.

Zhang Dayong's attitude towards Xiao Songuo was not as gentle as that of Xiaodouzi. He rubbed his head angrily and said, "You are the most naughty one. I tell you, boy, after my father comes back, if he says something about you these days, If you are disobedient at home, watch your butt."

Little Songguo was spanked several times by Zhang Dayong because of his naughty relationship. Don't think it was just a gentle spanking. It was a really harsh spanking. Little Songguo was spanked every time. flushed. So when Zhang Dayong said that he wanted to be spanked, little Songguo subconsciously covered his buttocks, shook his head wildly in fear and said, "I'm good, I'm very good and don't spank."

Seeing little Songguo's scared look, Zhang Dayong felt a little distressed, and said Xiaodouzi put it on his other leg and hugged it. He picked up the little pine cone with his free hand and said coaxingly, "Okay, if you are good, I will take you and your eldest brother to the town to play when your father comes back."

"Okay." When they heard that they were going to play in the town, both Little Bean and Little Pinecone showed obvious joy.

Lin Qin had already packed Zhang Dayong's clothes and sat aside to watch the interaction between the father and son, with a faint smile on his face.

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