Chapter 6

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As Anntonia's eyelids fluttered open, she found herself met by the sight of Michelle's peaceful sleeping face, their noses almost touching. A rush of warmth spread across her cheeks, but she breathed a sigh of relief as she realised Michelle was still lost in slumber.

Anntonia became aware of the gentle pressure of Michelle's arm draped over her waist, anchoring her close. A soft smile graced her lips as she watched the gentle rise and fall of Michelle's chest. She allowed herself a few moments to stare - at the delicate flutter of eyelashes, the gentle slope of her nose, the incredibly flawless skin, and the faintly parted lips.

She inhaled deeply, a subtle catch in her breath as she swallowed down the undefined emotions that danced just beyond her grasp, leaving her feeling both heavy and light all at once. 

With a sigh, Anntonia gently removed herself from Michelle's embrace, careful not to disturb her. Stepping into the hallway, Anntonia stretched her limbs, relishing the morning sunlight streaming through the windows. However, her peaceful moment was interrupted when she was caught red-handed by Rhian who stood at the end of the hallway with a knowing twinkle in her eyes.

"Hey Anntonia," Rhian greeted her with a playful grin, her tone teasing but kind. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Anntonia's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she managed a sheepish smile. "Good morning, Rhian. Or should I say, good afternoon?" she replied, laughing awkwardly. "Hope you don't mind me crashing."

Rhian brushed off her with a good-natured wave of her hand. "Don't be silly, you're welcome here anytime. I finished taping early and saw your shoes by the door this morning, so I grabbed some food for us," the actress explained.

Anntonia nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of warmth at Rhian's easy acceptance. "Thank you, Rhian. That's really sweet of you."

Rhian grinned. "Freshen up first, and then head downstairs. I'll leave you to wake up Michelle. I'm sure she'll prefer your face over mine," she joked, giving Anntonia a wink before disappearing down the hall.

Feeling slightly flustered by Rhian's comment, Anntonia returned to the bedroom where Michelle was softly snoring, drool rolling down the side of her mouth and her arm still draped lazily across the bed. Anntonia chuckled to herself before heading to the bathroom to freshen up, deciding to let Michelle enjoy a few more minutes of sleep.

As she washed her face, the blaring sound of Michelle's alarm suddenly filled the bedroom. Anntonia rolled her eyes, knowing that Michelle had a habit of sleeping through alarms. With a grin, she stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed a nearby pillow, tossing it at Michelle's sleeping form.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! If you fall back asleep, I'll really hit you this time," she shouted, her laughter ringing through the room.

Michelle groaned in protest, "I'm up, I'm up," she rumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

With a satisfied grin, Anntonia returned to the bathroom to finish getting ready.


In the cozy kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as Michelle, Anntonia, and Rhian sat around the table, enjoying a leisurely brunch. Still half-asleep, Michelle chewed her food slowly, her eyes drooping as she sat beside Anntonia, who squirmed slightly under Rhian's scrutinizing gaze. Despite the awkwardness, the silence between them was comfortable, each lost in their own thoughts.

Rhian leaned in, breaking the silence with a playful grin. "So, how was last night?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Michelle grumbled, "It was fun, until this one got drunk and tore the club down," she gestured towards Anntonia, who retaliated with an elbow to her side.

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