Chapter 8

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As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Michelle was jolted awake by a scream and a sharp nudge. She bolted up, momentarily disoriented, half-convinced that the room was on fire. "What happened?" she blurted out, heart racing.

Anntonia's annoyance spiked at the sight of the sleepy-eyed woman. "You seriously have to wait for me to scream at you before you actually wake up? You literally slept through your ten alarms, again!"

Michelle groaned sleepily as she collapsed back onto the bed, relieved they were not in real danger. "Five more minutes," she mumbled, burying her head in the pillow.

Anntonia's frustration boiled over. "You said that an hour ago! Michelle, I swear to God, don't make me pull you out of that bed!"

Unable to resist Anntonia's terrifying tone, Michelle finally roused herself. "I'm up, I'm up, God, relax, woman," she huffed, dragging herself out of bed.

"What time even is it?" Michelle yawned, stretching her arms lazily.

"It's nearly 8 am and we're late," Anntonia answered, narrowing her eyes at her. Sensing the brewing storm from the younger woman, Michelle darted out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom.

After a record-breaking fifteen minutes, Michelle managed to make herself somewhat presentable, and the two finally headed to the lobby.

Anntonia insisted on bringing three bags, much to Michelle's displeasure. As they stepped out of the elevator, Michelle struggled under the weight of the overstuffed bags.

"Jesus, Ann," Michelle grumbled, her voice strained with effort, "it's an overnight. You're not moving in."

As they entered the lobby, they were met by Anntonia's and Michelle's respective teams, all bright-eyed and eager. Michelle's weariness didn't escape Jonas' notice, who couldn't resist a teasing jab. "Late night, Michelle?" he quipped with a knowing smirk.

Michelle's response was curt, tinged with annoyance. "Shut it."

After a quick stop at Michelle's house to pack her belongings with Anntonia's help, they finally set off for Batangas, where Michelle's surprise awaited them. Only Michelle and her team knew their destination, which was a few hours' drive from the city.

During the car ride, Anntonia's head began to droop, her eyelids heavy with the weight of rising early. Michelle glanced over, noticing how Anntonia's head was rolling from side to side, her movements growing more sluggish with each passing moment.

With a soft smile, Michelle reached out and gently cupped the side of Anntonia's head, guiding it towards her shoulder. As Anntonia's breathing steadied, Michelle carefully reached for her phone, capturing the moment with a quiet click, intending to keep the snapshot tucked away for her eyes only.

Upon arriving at the villa in Batangas, Anntonia was awestruck by the breathtaking view of the seafront, the white sandy beaches, and the never-ending blue horizon. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she turned to Michelle as they set foot on the beach. "Michelle, are you kidding me? This is the best thing ever. It's been a while since I've been on a beach. You're the best, you know that?"

Michelle, pleased with Anntonia's reaction, grinned sheepishly, "I would have flown you over to Palawan, but one day is not enough. So, this is the next best thing and the closest option. So, yeah, we're stuck with this."

Anntonia smacked her playfully on the arm, laughing gleefully, "What do you mean? This is amazing! Thank you."

As they entered the stunning villa, they were greeted by the sight of lavish rooms. The villa boasted spacious rooms with plush beds, marble bathrooms, and expansive views of the crystal-clear waters below. The villa also featured a stunning infinity pool overlooking the ocean. Michelle's impeccable taste was evident in every detail, from the intricately designed furnishings to the lavish amenities provided for their comfort.

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