chapter 1

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Just a quick authors note i dont support wilbur at all. This is only his cannon character and not him irl. Also, sorry if it's badly written. i dont write much, so chapters may take a while to be uploaded 😔

Tommy stared at the sunset before him. The world has been overwhelming since exile started he didn't know who to trust anymore. He took a deep breath and sighed, just enjoying the small break he's getting now.

"Prime, this is fucking hell man," tommy muttered. Well, it basically is hell for tommy. dream hasn't given him a break, and he doesn't have anywere to call a home anymore note ever since tubbo betrayed him.

Tommy got up from the ledge and walked back over to Logstedshire. He looked up at his tent. There was a sign on it that said, "Tnret." That wasn't there before.

Tommy scoffed "well someone cant fucking spell" he was to tired to change it and anyway who even wrote it he wondered but thats something to think about for tomorrow.

He laid down on his bed, curling up in a tight ball his blanket was thin, so he always slept like this because it was warm enough to sleep through the whole night.

Later on in the night, tommy woke up when he heard someone or something walking outside his tent and someone mumbling to themselves it sounded like old poetry wilbur would write. Tommy got up quietly and walked outside, making sure he made no noise. As he walked, he looked over to the source of the sound. A ghost well not any ghost it looked like wilbur.

"W-who are you.." Tommys voice was barely a whisper he was confused but mostly scared

"Oh! Hi, sorry, i didn't mean to scare you im ghostbur!" The ghost well ghostbur introduced himself. His voice was cheerful, not like wilbur. Maybe he was different

Tommy sighed he didn't even know he was holding his breath. "im tommy. I'm just sorry you look like someone i used to know."

Ghostbur looked at tommy for a second and then spoke "well its quite late. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Ghostbur was kind it felt odd to tommy. If this is the ghost of wilbur, then why is he the complete opposite of him

"Yeah whatever, also did you write that shitty sign?" Tommy pointed at the Tnret sign with a blank expression even if the sign was a bit funny

"Uh yeah, i just miss spelt a couple of things. It's fine anyway." Ghostbur looked at tommy with a small smile

"It says fucking Tnret how do you mess up that badly."

"I- look its a hard word"

Tommy looked at ghostbur he wasn't going to have an argument with a fucking ghost at 5am about a sign so he just went back into 'Tnret' and layed back down in bed. In seconds, he was asleep he didn't even know if he put his blankets over himself or not, but it's fine. It's not like it's the middle of winter.

When tommy woke up, he felt a weird warmth, then he noticed the sun shining its way into tommys home. Tommy groaned and rubbed his eyes, he looked at his clock hanging on the wall of the tent, its only 8am its another few hours till the green bitch comes to annoy him, tommy felt tired at just the thought of dreams torment, but maybe he wont be alone he has ghostbur-, no no that ghost bitch its nothing but problems even if he hasn't done anything he cant spell tent right so hes a wrongen.

Tommy turned over on his side, his tail ached since he ended up falling asleep on it last night. He felt his arm crack as he stretched he wished he could crack his tail, but he would be left with a broken tail, and he's not that stupid to do that.

Tommy finally opened his eyes enough to look around and of course that ghost bitch slept here last night he was sat up in a corner he was sadly awake and noticed tommy was to.

"Oh your awake!" Ghostbur smiled and looked up

"Yeah and i had to see your ugly face" tommy mumbled. He thought for a second that maybe if he closed his eyes, this whole thing was a dream, and the ghost of his brother wasn't in front of him.

He opened his eyes again, and Ghostbur wasn't there? But instead replaced with Dream.

"Ah, i see you're being lazy today, Toms." Dream smirked

"Fuck off Dream its to early for this." This was worse than that ghost bitch but hopefully Dream will just leave because its to early but it never works that way.

"Oh but toms we have so much to do today" Tommy hated dreams fake caring voice he always had to remind himself that Dream is nothing other than a wrongen.

"Like what Dream." Tommy knew not to question Dream, but he was too tired to care, really.

"Tommy, dont talk back to me."

Tommy just scoffed and sat up to look at Dream better before he pissed the man off more.

"Now, Tommy, get up and do something productive before i make you. Do i make myself clear"

"Yeah, whatever, Dream." Tommy got out of bed and left the tent dream following behind.

Ghostbur was standing beside the tent like he was waiting for tommy

"Hi, Tommy!" Ghostbur was excited for some reason 

"Hey, Ghostbur." Tommy looked at Dream who was looking at him confused

"Tommy, who are you talking to." Dream looked at tommy confused


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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