Night Sky

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~Chapter 1~

Johnny crawls out of the shared tent with the Italian man. Johnny looks at the stars as he thinks about his journey with the man so far.

+Johnny's Thoughts+

" Wow the stars are beautiful tonight like Gyro- WAIT... what am i thinking i don't like him, do I? I mean he is funny. Nice, his hair is so ho-"

Johnny's thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from the tent. Johnny crawls towards the tent and looks inside. He sees a half-awake Italian man rubbing his face as he groans.

"Why are you up?" The Italian man says as he stretches his arms and yawns.

"I couldn't sleep, I'm sorry if I woke you." Johnny crawls back into the tent and lays down next to Gyro.

Johnny turns to his side and looks at the side of the dirt collared tent. Johnny then hears the sound of something shifting around. As he's about to sit up he feels an arm wrap around his waist. He feels a hot breath on the back of his head. Johnny freezes, his face has turned crimson red. As he was about to speak up he felt this comforting sensation in his chest. Johnny falls asleep to this new feeling.

Johnny opens his eyes to see the gold haired man staring at him with a smile. His face starts to turn pink, he quickly puts his hands to his face covering his rose colored face. Gyro then brings the feminine looking man into a tight hug. Johnny takes his hands off his face and wraps them around Gyro's neck. Gyro nuzzles his face into the Joestars collarbone. They sit like that for 5 minutes then Johnny finally speaks up.

" We should probably get back on the trail before we fall behind."

"5 more minutes please" Gyro whined

"Fine.." Johnny said as he sighed

-10 Minutes Later-

Gyro and Johnny finally got up and started to pack up. Gyro starts to load up his and Johnny's horse. After a few more minutes they got on their horses and started to ride away. The sun started to push the darkness out of the sky. The men were silence as they rode each engulfed in their thoughts.

(364 Words!!)

Gyro Zeppeli x Johnny JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now