The End ( Bad Edition )

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~Chapter 5~

A/N: This is a continuation of the last chapter but it has a bad twist so keep reading if you want!

Everything seemed perfect for them but that feeling only lasted a few minutes.

There was a loud explosion sound coming from the right of them. Johnny turns his head so he's facing where the sound came from but he doesn't see anything except for a few little critters and plants. Johnny turns his head back to the left and looks at Gyro but something is wrong.

The only thing left of Gyro is his sliced off hand and steel balls. Johnny starts to yell.


Johnny starts to hear some music playing; it's very quiet but is slowly getting louder. He is confused as to why this is happening. He starts to whip his head around and sees a figure in the distance running.

"Who is that?"

The figure slowly gets closer then yells.


Johnny is very confused about what is happening. He then sees Gyros' body bleeding out while wrapped in red pro clacker balls. Johnny's expression changes from confusion to fear.

He hops off his horse and crawls onto Gyro and tries to untie him but fails. Johnny is then hit with a feeling of numbness all through his body and collapses to the group. The mystery man comes to stand above Johnny and says.

" Your next line is, you won't get away with this, right?"

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!" Johnny screams out with his last breath before giving into the light he is seeing. He turns his head to see his lover one more time.

"I-I love y-y-you..... Gyro ... Zeppeli."

Everything fades to white and Johnny knows he is gone. Even though their new love had just blossomed it was over so fast.

The end!!

(304 Words)

Gyro Zeppeli x Johnny JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now