Breaking Silence

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~Chapter 3~

As Gyro and Johnny were riding from last night's spot they were met with an awkward silence. Both were kept to themselves and their thoughts. Both men follow the trail to the next checkpoint Gyro was in the front while Johnny was behind him.

+Gyro's Thoughts+

"Do I like Johnny? I mean he is attractive, he has a feminine appearance which is pretty hot.

Maybe I do like him, I mean last night made me so happy... something I haven't felt in so long. Every time he crawls around I get a great view 😏.

I wonder if he likes me? I mean he said he has had girlfriends before. I don't think he's gay but also look at him..."

Gyro notices a tree that has shade and some sitting rocks. He comes to a stop then hops off his horse. His eyes glance over at Johnny who is staring at him. Gyro then hears a grunt coming from Johnny. Gyro starts to unblock and opens a pouch holding food for him and Johnny.

Gyro grabs the food and walks over to Johnny who is sitting on a rock. Him and Johnny sit there and start to eat the food Gyro has brought from his saddle.

Gyro and Johnny sit in silence for a good 5 minutes making quick glances at each other. Gyro then clears his voice then looks up at Johnny and starts to talk.

"So Ummm.. How was your sleep?"

"Good.. How about you?" Johnny says.

"Good! Good, good.... About las-"

Gyro was about to talk when he was cut off. Johnny looks at him and says with no hesitation.

"What are we?"

Those three words make Gyro stop eating and freeze. He opened his mouth to say something but every time he tried speaking nothing came out. Johnny and Gyro are holding awkward eye contact. Johnny was about to say another sentence but was cut by soft lips pressing into his.

They stayed like that for a few seconds but felt like an eternity to them. Johnny didn't want that kiss to come to an end "It feels so good" He said in his head. Johnny then pulled away leaving a string of saliva between them. They both are panting due to the lack of oxygen.

Johnny's face turned bright red as he saw Gyro licking his lips and staring at Johnny. Gyro then speaks up.

"Does that answer your question?"

Johnny covers his red face and nods. Gyro just smiles and then returns to his seat and continues eating his lunch, leaving Johnny sitting there in shock. 

(429 Words!!)

Gyro Zeppeli x Johnny JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now