Chapter one

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I'm a rogue, a rogue since I could ever remember, then when I was 14 my parents got killed by this Alpha, I could still remember that dreadful day, I promised if I ever saw him again I'd kill him, so his mate, family would feel the same pain I felt. Now I'm 18 I've phased and met some new friends but I have a gift, I can sense people, wolves emotions, pain and sometimes I can hear their thoughts. I was walking with my Fox friend Vixy, I've known her since I was 14, I would be lost without her. "Hey Vix?," I asked "yes Sasha," Vixy replied "doesn't this territory look. . .?," I trailed off "yes maybe a little," Vixy agreed 'rogue!,' I heard someone call but I'm pretty sure it was through their mind link "run," I ordered "run!," I yelled I phased, I'm so lucky my clothes don't rip when I phase, I heard pounding paw steps I grabbed Vixy by her scruff and ran faster 'get her!' Sometimes I love my gift I turned and ran a different direction they growled in frustration I remembered where I started to feel strange that must of been their border. 'Cut her off!' A deep growl commanded I was getting tired the patrol was getting closer then I felt two paws hit hard on my back I crumbled to the ground in pain I made sure Vixy wasn't hurt or getting crushed. "Phase!," the same voice ordered I stayed still. "Phase God Damn it!," he ordered again I phased they gasped when they saw my clothes on I held Vixy close "what's your name?," one growled "Sasha," I growled back. "Who's in your arms," Vixy," I growled louder. 'Get the Fox,' he ordered "don't. Touch. Vixy," I growled showing my teeth. They seemed confused in now I knew what he wanted "Come with me Rogue," the leader of this group grabbed my shoulder, and yanked me up, I felt my shoulder click I almost yelped in pain his eyes glowed with glee I was encircled by the men one tried to touch Vixy I growled he took his hand away. I looked around 'this place is way to, I've been here beforehand but when?,' I asked Vixy 'I don't know,' Vixy replied I was dragged into a huge pack house and thrown into a room I landed hard on the ground I stood up and looked in a mirror that was there I stroked Vixy then shifted my shoulder to it's proper place I put Vixy down and stared at my face, my hazel eyes shone I quickly patted down my hair it was light almost white blonde with black tips and one black streak running down my hair on the right side of my face I sat down picked up Vixy, I was scared and confused. "Shes in there," "thank you Beta," I'm guessing the Alpha replied I held Vixy close and stood still. The door opened and a tall handsome wolf stepped in, he was tall with clear blue eyes black hair around 22ish "hello rogue," he growled. I growled in response "Beta said you crossed my border, why?," he asked "it was an accident," I replied my back was to him "turn around rogue," he ordered I turned around I almost gasped 'I know him,' I told Vixy 'yeah,' Vixy agreed. "What's your name?," he asked a bit more softly "Sasha," I replied "okay Sasha, your not here to invade, but I don't want you to go, in punishment for crossing my border you need to stay here, until I say so, in my pack," "why?," I asked eyeing him "you seem like a strong young warrior, you could fight for us," I was about to say something then another wolf came in "Alpha Kay!," he asked "leave Beta," he ordered the door closed it all clicked "I know who you are!," I growled pressing against the wall "who am I then Sasha? Beside one of the most powerful Alphas? Alpha of the Nighthowl pack?," he smirked "you killed my parents!," "maybe," he replied "I e killed lots of rouges," "I'd rather be dead than in your pack!," I shouted "Sasha," he replied trying to keep his anger down he came closer "I'm trying to help you," he replied "what if I didn't want your help," I growled "Sasha," he grabbed my wrists pulling them part and pinning them against the wall, Vixy fell to the ground "don't test me, I'm going to train you and that's that, now what's my name?," he growled "Alpha Kay," I whimpered "good," Alpha Kay smiled he released my wrists "come with me," he replied I picked up Vixy "are you okay?," I whispered "yes my paw is a bit sore but I'm fine," "can you understand her?," Alpha Kay asked. "Yes, I've learned how to speak fox," I murmured I entered a big room "I can't quite trust you so your sleeping in my room with me," I froze, a shiver went down my spine, 'I'm trapped,' I thought "now c'mon I want you to meet a few wolves," I followed Alpha Kay out "this is Beta," Alpha pointed out. "Next to him is Third," "what are you doing with the Rogue!," Third growled "watch it Third, I think she'd be a good fighter, I'm training her," Alpha growled "okay Alpha," the Third nodded I looked around and I saw a girl around my age looking at me I smiled shyly "hello," she smiled coming up to me "hello," I replied "I'm Kristen who are you?," "I'm Sasha," I smiled back "why are you here?," Kristen asked "I wandered into your territory by mistake now I'm here," "it's okay! Your'll hang with me," Kristen smiled "oh look pretty baby," Kristen stuck her hand out petting Vixy "her name is Vixy," I smiled I felt eyes on us I turned around Alpha and Beta were staring at us. "What?," I asked "Alpha Kay, I'll look after her, um when your not," Kristen suggested "okay Kristen," Alpha Kay smiled "nightfall c'mon," he replied I followed him to his room I put down Vixy and laid on the floor "you can sleep on the bed," Alpha replied "we are not mated though I can't sleep with you," I mumbled half asleep. "C'mon I won't bite," "okay," I pulled myself on his bed and curled up I fell asleep almost immediately.

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