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Every girl wants a boyfriend that's caring, loving, attentive, genuine, and gentle. It's the standard, matter of fact, it's the bare minimum. Now and days, the bare minimum is hard to find. But I got lucky with my loving boyfriend, Haruto. Though we've had our moments, our relationship seemed perfect.

"I'm going to practice babe." Bitna yelled. Haruto walked out of their bedroom while rubbing his eyes, "Practice?" "Yeah. I told you I was starting dance, don't you remember?" Bitna asked. "You never told me. Because if you did, I wouldn't have let you." Haruto said. "Why? What's wrong with dancing?" Bitna asked.

Haruto looked her up and down, "Leggings? Put on baggy sweats." He said. Bitna sighed and nodded. She went in their room and rummaged through the closet and dressers. "Can I wear a pair of yours?" Bitna asked. "Just wear your own." Haruto said. "I can't find any of mine." Bitna replied.

"You know what just go before you make me mad." Haruto scoffed. "I didn't do anything." Bitna said. "Go." Haruto said sternly. Bitna looked down and nodded. She grabbed her things and walked out. Though the whole interaction had made her a bit sad, she wouldn't let that ruin her evening.

She looked at her clock and panicked, "5:09?!". She ran down the sidewalk and groaned when she realized she had missed the bus. Even though she knew the bus arrived at 5, she was still struck with a wave of disappointment. She sat on a nearby bench and called Haruto.

"What?" Haruto asked. "Can you pick me up from the bus stop? I missed the bus and practice starts at 5:30." Bitna said. "Why can't you just walk?" Haruto asked. "Because I'll be late." Bitna replied. "Well If you had worn appropriate clothing the first go round you would've been on time wouldn't you?" Haruto asked. Bitna sighed, "You're right, I'll walk." Haruto hung up

Bitna sighed again and began waking to the dance studio.

"Yang Bitna?" The dance instructor called out. She waited a few seconds and sighed, "I'll never understand the point of paying for classes to never show up-" "Sorry I'm late." Bitna said, walking in and sitting her stuff down. "Bitna! Just in time!" The dance instructor smiled, "I'm Mrs. Lee. You can sit anywhere." Bitna nodded and sat down.

Jake was busy stretching in the corner while listening to music. He wasn't even aware that a new person had walked in. "Alright so for today I'm going to assign you partners for our first competition. Then we can discuss everything we need too." Mrs. Lee said. Everyone nodded besides Jake, who still wasn't paying attention. "Sim Jaeyun." Mrs. Lee said. "Yeah?" Jake asked, taking out his earbud.

"Today I'll be assigning partners for our first competition in June." Mrs. Lee said. "Why do we need partners?" Jake asked. "Because it's the routine. Now I've gone based off of all of your audition videos to determine these partnerships. Please listen carefully." Mrs. Lee said.

"Jang Wonyoung and Park Sunghoon, Kim..." as Mrs. Lee went on and on Jake just imagined the choreography in his head. Would it be funny? Would it be hard? "Sim Jaeyun and Yang Bitna." Mrs. Lee finished. Jake stood up and looked around.

"Hi." Bitna smiled, walking up to him. Jake turned around and felt as if time had stopped. He had never seen someone so beautiful in his entire life. "Hello? You there?" Bitna chuckled. Jake cleared his throat and extended his hand, "I'm Sim Jaeyun, but you can call me Jake." Bitna smiled and shook us hand, "Yang Bitna, but you can call me Bitna." Jake just nodded slowly.

"Is this what love at first sight feels like?" Jake thought. "Our routine will consist of dance from the style of Tango." Mrs. Lee said. "You know how to Tango?" Jake asked, sitting crisscrossed. "No, but there's also time to learn. Do you?" Bitna asked, looking at him. Jake choked on his words before answering, "I do." He said. "Great! Then you can help me out." Bitna smiled. Jake nodded.

Mrs. Lee began to discuss the basics of Tango and Jake listened attentively. Bitna tried to process the information but her attention was elsewhere. "Alright do we understand?" Mrs. Lee asked. Everyone nodded. "I didn't get most of it." Bitna said. "Let me summarize it for you." Jake said,

"Tango is a ballroom dance of Latin American origin with a basic pattern of step-step-step-step. It's simple really." "Thank god for you paying attention." Bitna chuckled. Jake chuckled as well. "Let's get started." Mrs. Lee said.

"Oh do you care about hand placement or anything? 'Cause if you need me to alter any of the dance I can." Jake said, stretching his arms. "Well I have a boyfriend so that should give you an idea of what's okay. Thanks for asking." Bitna replied. "Boyfriend. I mean no surprise." Jake thought, before nodding.

Mrs. Lee walked through the steps and Bitna watched her. "How does she do that." She mumbled. "Think about it like this," Jake started, "Stepping sideways but you're in a conga line." Bitna did as Jake instructed and sighed, "My legs aren't legging today." "No one gets everything on the first try, don't stress." Jake said. Bitna smiled a bit.

"Can you practice on weekends?" Jake asked. "I'll have to ask my boyfriend." Bitna replied. Jake nodded, "Can I get your number for practice?" "I'll ask him that too." Bitna said. "Is he your dad?" Jake chuckled, leaning on the lockers. "He's just a little overprotective." Bitna said. "Controlling." Jake corrected. "What do you mean?" Bitna asked.

Before Jake could reply he was cut off. "Bitna." Haruto said, leaning on the door frame. "You came to pick me up!" Bitna said excitedly, running to hug him. Haruto tried to hide all annoyance and half hugged her back.

"Would you mind if I got my dance partner's number so we could practice on the weekends?" Bitna asked. Harutos whole mood visibly shifted and he sighed, "I don't care. I'll be in the car." Bitna nodded and went back to Jake.

Jake watched as Haruto left then looked at Bitna. "Let me put my number in." Bitna said. Jake nodded and handed her his phone, "That was your boyfriend?" He asked. Bitna smiled immediately at his mention and nodded. "Ah okay." Jake said, standing up straight.

"Here you go!" Bitna smiled, handing his phone back. "I'll text you." Jake said. Bitna nodded, "see you tomorrow!" Jake nodded as she ran out.

TANGO | JAKE ✓Where stories live. Discover now