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"I'll get them myself." Bitna said. "I insist." Haruto said. Suddenly a girl walked out of the room and Haruto pressed his lips together. Bitna looked at her then at him. "Bitna..." Haruto started. Bitna furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's this?" She asked.

"Bitna, I can explain." Haruto said. "Then explain." Bitna said. "It's not what it looks like. This girl is my friend, who recently got dumped by her boyfriend and needed some advice." Haruto said. "Then why did it take you so long to walk out? And why are your clothes scattered on the floor?" Bitna asked.

"He was about to get in the shower when I arrived. He had put on pajamas before he opened the door for me." The girl said. Bitna stayed silent. "Bitna, you have to trust me babe." Haruto said, "I would never cheat." The girl nodded. Bitna exhaled sharply. "Alright then..." She said, still skeptical. Haruto smiled and kissed her forehead.

"If you ever need advice again, I'll help." Haruto told the girl. The girl nodded and rushed out of the door. Haruto looked at Bitna, "How dare you accuse me of cheating?!" He yelled. Bitna stepped back, "It was just what it looked like at the moment.. I'm sorry I-"

"If anything you're the cheater!" Haruto said. "Me?" Bitna asked. "Dont think I don't see you and that Jake guy." Haruto said. "Jake? I have nothing with Jake." Bitna said. "You know, people who accuse their partner of cheating for no reason are usually the ones cheating." Haruto said. "But I'm not." Bitna said softly as tears stung her eyes.

"There you go, getting all emotional. Get a grip Bitna!" Haruto yelled. Bitna blinked away her tears, "I promise, I'll never cheat." She said. "That's what they all say." Haruto said. "Does that "All" include you?" Bitna asked. Haruto slapped her across the face. Bitna stared at him in shock. "Baby-" Haruto started. Bitna felt warm tears stream down her face. "I didn't try too... I'm sorry." Haruto said.

"I think I need some time away." Bitna said. "Oh what are you going to do? Do to Jake's house?!" Haruto asked, his soft tone immediately disappearing. Bitna didn't reply, she just went to their room and threw some clothes in a bag.

Haruto stared in shock. Bitna threw her toothbrush in the bag along with skincare. "How long do you plan on being gone?" Haruto asked, forcing tears to form in his eyes. Bitna looked at him and immediately felt guilty. "Don't cry..." she said softly. She wiped his face and sighed, "I just need time away. I'm not breaking up with you I just..." Bitna was cut off by her phone ringing.

She checked the caller ID and debated on whether or not she should answer. "Who is it?" Haruto asked. "Wonyoung." Bitna said, answering the phone and holding it to her ear. "Hey Bitna." Jake said. "Hey, what's up?" Bitna asked. "Are you okay? You haven't answered my texts." Jake said. "Actually can I stay with you tonight, Wony?" Bitna asked, emphasizing "Wony."

Jake caught on immediately, "Yeah." "Thanks girly." Bitna smiled, hanging up the phone. She looked at Haruto who pretended to sob. "Haruto," Bitna started. Haruto looked at her, "You're staying?" He asked. "I'll come back soon, I promise." Bitna said softly, wiping his face. Haruto held back a rage as he nodded. Bitna grabbed her bag and left.

"You're so dense." Jake said.

Bitna looked down at her hands as she fiddled with them. "He's cheating, Bitna. I know you don't want to believe it, but the lie isn't even a good one. And even if you can't tell, he's emotionally and verbally abusing you. It doesn't get physical does it?" Jake asked. Bitna stayed silent. "Does it?" Jake asked again. "Well not all of the time but-" "There is no but." Jake said, "Look,

I'm not going to control your relationship, cause I'm not like that. But here's my advice. Break up with him, Bitna. He's toxic and obviously manipulating you. He went from "crying" to yelling at you. That's not normal."

"Every time I try and break up with him my brain says no." Bitna said. "What does your heart say Bitna?" Jake asked. Bitna chewed on the side of her cheek and shrugged. Jake sighed, "Like I said, you don't have to listen to me. But take it into consideration, yeah?" Bitna nodded.

"You can take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Jake said. Bitna nodded, "Okay." Jake tussled her hair before sending her off to his room.

Jake sighed and sat on the couch. 'How could she be so blind?' He wondered. Does love make you so blind, that no matter what you wanna stay? If that was the case, Jake didn't want to be in love.

He sighed and turned off the TV, covering himself up with a blanket and falling asleep.

"Jake." Bitna whispered. Jake groaned and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah?" "I can't sleep." She said. Jake sat up and looked at her, "Why not?" "I just can't." Bitna replied. Jake sighed, "Awe did you have a wittle nwightmare?" He teased. "You're not funny." Bitna scoffed. "There's melatonin in the cabinet." Jake said. "Thanks." Bitna said, going to the cabinet.  "No the other one." Jake said. "This one?" Bitna asked.

"No the one to the right." Jake said. "This one?" Bitna asked. "I mean the left." Jake said. "Jake." Bitna groaned. "Let me just find it." Jake said. He rummaged through the cabinets and scratched the back of his ear, "it disappeared." "Melatonin doesn't have legs it can't disappear. Just say you're out of it." Bitna said, heading back towards the room.

"Watching a movie helps." Jake said, throwing her a bag of popcorn. Bitna caught the popcorn and stared at him.

"This movie is so funny." Bitna said, half asleep. "Mhm." Jake hummed, half asleep as well. "We have dance tomorrow right?" Bitna asked. "Yeah." Jake replied, "now go to sleep." "I'm not tired." Bitna said, yawning right after. "Yeah you are, I am too." Jake said.

"But I wanna talk." Bitna said. Jake sighed. "Never mind sorry-" "What do you wanna talk about?" Jake asked, opening a bottle of Powerade, "We can talk all night if you want." Bitna stared at him and couldn't help but smile.

Every girl wants a boyfriend that's caring, loving, attentive, genuine, and gentle. It's the standard, matter of fact, it's the bare minimum. Now and days, the bare minimum is hard to find. But maybe I found one.

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