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[07: DONE : TANGO]

Bitna woke up and let out a silent yawn. She stretched and rolled out of bed. She was greeted by the smell of bacon and strawberry pancakes.

She walked out of the room and saw Jake cooking breakfast while singing to himself. She rubbed her eyes and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." She said. "Oh good morning! Did you sleep well?" Jake asked. Bitna nodded. "I hope you like strawberry pancakes, because that's what's for breakfast today." Jake said. "I like them." Bitna assured, sitting at the table.

"When are you going back home?" Jake asked. "Trying to get rid of me so soon?" Bitna chuckled. "I'm just asking. If you're planning on being here for a while, then I can actually do something with the guest room." Jake said. "You don't have to go through all of that no matter how long I stay. If I ever need too, I'll sleep on the couch." Bitna said. "You're never sleeping on the couch." Jake said.

"Why?" Bitna asked. "Because I want you to be comfortable." Jake said softly, placing a plate in front of Bitna, "Eat up."

Bitna took a bite of the pancakes and her eyes lit up immediately. "Do you like them?" Jake asked, sitting across from her. Bitna nodded, "these are amazing! I knew you could cook but this.. this is the best thing you've ever made!" She said. Jake couldn't help but smile at her sudden enthusiasm.

"I'm excited for practice today." Bitna said. "Me too." Jake agreed. "Speaking of practice, we should be practicing." Bitna said. "After we eat." Jake said. "Well that will be a while because I'm getting seconds." Bitna said. Jake chuckled.

"Step out, step in and spin." Jake said, as they danced around the living room. Bitna looked into the thin mirror as they danced, making sure she was on point. "What was the next step?" Jake asked. "I don't remember." Bitna replied. "Neither do I." Jake said. "We've been practicing for a while anyways. Let's take a break." Bitna said, flopping on the couch.

Jake sat next to her and slicked his hair back. Suddenly, Bitnas phone went off. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and stared at the caller ID.

'Haruto ❤️'

"Who is it?" Jake asked, looking at her. "Haruto." Bitna replied. "Are you going to answer?" Jake asked. Bitna stared at her phone for a minute before hanging up. "So what are you going to do?" Jake asked. "I.." Bitna looked down. "You can't ignore this issue forever." Jake said. "I'm going to break up with him." Bitna said confidently, standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

Jake raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Are you really?" Bitna nodded, "Yes." "I'll believe it when I see it." Jake said. Bitna rolled her eyes. "Well if you ever need somewhere to stay, you know who to call. Sunghoon, Wony, or me." Jake said. Bitna nodded.

Bitna anxiously stood in front of the door. She couldn't bring herself to unlock it. Jake stood at the bottom of the staircase with his arms folded. Bitna sighed and unlocked the door, walking into the apartment.

"Babe!" Haruto said excitedly, walking up to hug her. Bitna walked right past him to the bedroom. "Uhm are you okay?" Haruto asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. Bitna moved his hand and began packing her clothes. "How long are you leaving this time?" Haruto asked, annoyed. "For good." Bitna replied.

"For good?" Haruto asked. "I'm breaking up with you." Bitna said. Haruto stared at her, "Excuse me?" "You heard me. I'm done." Bitna said. She turned to face Haruto and he slapped her. Bitna held her cheek and slapped him back. Haruto's eyes widened.

He pushed Bitna to the ground and punched her in the face repeatedly. Bitna covered her face and pressed a button on her phone. "You won't leave me!" Haruto said. "You don't even love me anymore! What is wrong with you?!" Bitna asked, holding his arms. She kicked him causing him to let go.

Bitna panted and got up. She slicked her hair back and licked the blood off of her lip. "And if you think I'd stay with you after that, you're crazy." She said. "Not to mention your affairs."

Bitna zipped up her bag and walked into the living room. Haruto stood in front of the door, "I'm not allowing you to leave-" Suddenly, he fell onto the floor. Jake stood in the doorway, "Oops." Haruto got up and stared at him. "You're leaving me for him huh?" Haruto asked. "She's leaving you cause you're crazy. Come on Bitna." Jake said.

Bitna covered her face with her sleeve and walked out, "let's go." "Why are you covering your face?" Jake asked, as they walked down the stairs. Bitna shook her head. Jake grabbed her hands and moved them from her face. He furrowed his eyebrows, "He hit you?" "Don't worry about it let's just go." Bitna said. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the car.

Jake sighed, "If it weren't for you... I wouldn't have let that slide." He said. "It's best we just leave it alone." Bitna said, letting go of his wrist. Jake nodded and they got in the car.

The whole car ride was dead silent. Jake didn't know what to say and Bitna had nothing to say.

"I'm going to take a shower." Bitna said softly. Jake nodded. Bitna sighed as she walked into the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror and felt her eyes fill with tears. She fanned her face to prevent a single drop, but failed miserably.

Tears streamed down her face and she covered her mouth so Jake wouldn't notice. She turned on the shower to overpower the sound of her sobs.

Jake walked past the door and heard quiet sobs. He frowned a bit and went to the kitchen. He grabbed some cookie dough from the freezer and rolled them up into balls. He placed them on the pan and flattened them a bit. He turned on the oven and placed the cookies in there.

He grabbed some popcorn from the pantry and put it in the microwave. He opened some soda and poured it into a glass. He grabbed the remote and scrolled through a list of movies.


Bitna walked out of the bathroom and her sad eyes immediately lit up. Jake walked out of the kitchen in his pajamas with cookies. "Movie night?" Jake asked. Bitna smiled and nodded.

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