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Bitna hummed to herself as she cooked breakfast for her and Haruto. Haruto walked out of their room and stretched, "What are you cooking?" He asked. "Bacon, eggs, and pancakes." Bitna replied, flipping the pancake over. "That one is too dark.. give me the non-overcooked one." Haruto said. Bitna nodded.

Haruto back hugged her and rested his head on her shoulder, "I'm sorry if I upset you yesterday. I was just tired and grumpy since my nap was disturbed." He said. "It's alright, I completely understand." Bitna said. "I'm glad." Haruto smiled.

"Do you wanna go on a date later?" Bitna asked. "I have to work." Haruto said. "Oh okay then. That's fine." Bitna said, going back to cooking silently. "Speaking of work I'm going to get dressed." Haruto pat her back and went to get ready.

Bitna sighed. "You're going to eat breakfast right?" She called out. "Just put it in my lunch box!" Haruto replied. "Don't even have time to eat breakfast with me." Bitna mumbled to herself, "It's not even time for you to go to work yet."

Bitna packed Haruto's lunch box and poured some juice in his bottle. Haruto walked out and grabbed the food from the counter before grabbing his keys. "Goodbye kiss?" Bitna asked. "I have to go." Haruto replied. "Can I get a thank you?" Bitna asked. Haruto walked out of the house and Bitna frowned.

"She's so pretty." Jake said, daydreaming. "Did you ask her out?" Jay asked. "No.. she has a boyfriend." Jake whined. "Oh." Jay said. "So even though I like her, I'm not going to show it at all." Jake said. "You're not good at hiding emotions." Jay said. "Yes I am." Jake defended. Jay just nodded.

Bitna ran to the bus stop faster than the speed of light. It was only 4:40 but she wasn't taking any chances today. Well, that was until she passed by the convenience store. She decided she would be in and out. She walked in and and went to grab a drink.

"Bitna?" Jake asked. Bitna turned around, "Oh hi Jake! What are you doing here?" She asked. "I'm here for the same reason you're here." Jake replied, grabbing a drink out of the fridge. "I'm grabbing a drink." "We got the same flavor." Bitna smiled.

"So it costs the same? I'll buy yours." Jake said. "No you don't have too." Bitna looked at the time and her eyes widened, "IM GOING TO MISS THE BUS!" She panicked. "You take the bus? Don't you have a boyfriend?" Jake asked. "He doesn't like that I'm dancing so he refuses to take me." Bitna said.

"I'll take you." Jake said, taking her drink, "And I'll be paying for this as well." "You don't have too-" "I'm not asking or offering, I'm doing it. Get anything you want I'll buy it." Jake said, opening his arms and looking around the store. "Anything." He said In a auctioners voice. Bitna chuckled, "I just want this."

Jake nodded, "to check out we go!" Bitna laughed a bit and followed him to the checkout. Just then, she heard her phone go off. She checked it and her eyes lit up when she realized it was Haruto. "I have to take this." Bitna said. "Take your time." Jake said.

Bitna stepped into an isle and answered. "What took you so long to answer? Why's your camera off? Turn it on." Haruto said. "It's because of my Wi-Fi." Bitna replied. "What are you doing?" Haruto asked. "I'm... on the bus to go to dance." Bitna replied. "Oh you're still doing that?" Haruto asked.

Jake listened from the other side of the shelf, holding the bag with his arms folded.

"Of course silly." Bitna replied. "I won't be picking you up." Haruto said. "Why not?" Bitna asked. "I have to work overtime." Haruto replied. "But you left for work early and-" "I have to go." Haruto said, hanging up. Bitna sighed. "No "I love you"?" She mumbled. Jake frowned a bit and stood by the register. "I'm ready." Bitna said. Jake nodded.

As they drove Bitna looked out of the window silently. Jake sighed and looked at her, "you're usually talkative." "Just tired." Bitna said. "If you're tired you shouldn't be dancing." Jake said. Bitna shrugged. "Was that your boyfriend on the phone?" Jake asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah." Bitna replied. "Is he picking you up today?" Jake asked, acting like he didn't hear the conversation. "He has to work late. I'll take the bus." Bitna replied. "We get out of practice when it's dark. Are you sure it's safe?" Jake asked. "I'll be okay." Bitna assured. "If you ever need a ride just ask, I don't mind." Jake said. "Thanks." Bitna said softly.

She grabbed her drink from the bag and twisted the top. She took a few sips of her drink before sitting it in the cup holder. "Jake." Bitna started. "Hm?" Jake hummed. "Why are you so overly nice? Not saying it's bad but still." Bitna said. Jake looked at her, "It's the bare minimum."

"Bare minimum?" Bitna asked. "It's just kind to treat your friend to something and help them out." Jake said. Bitna hummed and nodded. "Doesn't your boyfriend do that stuff?" Jake asked. "He used too." Bitna replied. Jake hummed.

"Practice was so tiring." Bitna whined, sliding down the wall and opening her drink. "Agreed." Jake said, opening his drink as well and slicking his hair back. "Ima take a selfie." He said. "Why?" Bitna asked. "Instagram." Jake replied. "You post on there?" Bitna asked. "You don't?" Jake asked. "Haruto doesn't let me." Bitna replied.

Jake furrowed his eyebrows, "you can just take a selfie with me." "Haruto-" "Come on live a little. What's the chance he'll see it?" Jake asked. "True." Bitna said, "what harm can a little selfie do?"

Bitna stood next to Jake awkwardly and held up a peace sign. Jake chuckled and copied her, before taking the picture. "Let me see." Bitna said. Jake showed her the picture and Bitna smiled. "Send it to me." She said. Jake nodded and looked at the time. "Alright let me get you home." He said. Bitna nodded.

"Thanks for dropping me off!" Bitna said, bowing her head slightly. "Anytime." Jake smiled. Bitna smiled as well and walked inside. Immediately being met with an angry Haruto. "I went to your Instagram and checked your "tagged post". What is this?" He asked, showing her the selfie.

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