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"There are millions of people in Hell scattered throughout the seven rings and nine circles. Some are sinners, some are Hell-born, and some are unlucky souls who got screwed in the living world."

"These are their problems."

"One Helluva Team"

The scene opens up at Vox's surveillance room, as overlapping videos from various cameras stationed around the Hazbin Hotel play on the screens stationed around him. Vox himself is sitting in his office chair, watching them all while drinking from his mug.

Vox: No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh, my god. Hahahaha! Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. (watches a screen with Alastor on it, which glitches slightly) Oh, Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED! Ahahahaha!


Back at the hotel, everybody was practicing with their weapons. I.M.P. were even doing a maintenance check on their gear while upgrading to angelic steel.

Moxxie: I never thought we'd have to use this against Heaven.

Millie: Too bad we didn't have it when we fought those little winged fuckers.

Blitzo: Eh, like we needed it to deal with them. And hey, if we survive this, it's drinks on me.

With Luke, he was finally introducing Loona to his moms.

Charlie: So, this is the famous girlfriend you've talked about.

Loona: (a bit embarrassed) Y-yeah. Luke's mentioned about you two a lot. It's nice to meet you both.

Luke: I kinda wish it was under better circumstances for introducing you two to each other.

Vaggie: It's alright, mi hijo. I'm still surprised they wanted to help.

Loona: Blitzo was reluctant at first, but me and the others convinced him that the boys always helped us, so we should help in return.

Charlie: That's so thoughtful. Even Roxanne didn't think like that.

Luke: Don't start bringing up comparisons. Both are different from each other.

Vicious: Hey, Luke! Backup's here.

They look over and see a couple pick up trucks pulling up. Out of one was Charles and Wade, and the other were the two hellhounds from the ending of the last chapter. Everyone was surprised to see the pair.

Charles: Thanks for the call, Luke.

Wade: Always happy for a scrap.

Charlie: Luke, is that... The Ginger?

Ginger: (nods)

Luke: And Boots.

Boots: (flicks his wrist three times)

Loona: Those two guys (beep) an ostrich.

Luke: Just the Ginger (beep) an ostrich.

Vicious: Allegedly.

Loona: (shakes head no) It would take two people to (beep) an ostrich. Three even.

Luke: It was a sick ostrich.

Vicious: Allegedly.

Loona: You've got to be fucking ruthless to bring a couple dudes like that here.

Osric: In his defense...

Luke: They're usually not the type of prick I am.

Blitzo: I mean, if they (beep) an ostrich, what else have they (beep)?

One Helluva Team (Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now