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*first person*

When we all landed, the first thing i did was let everyone know. I texted the group chat and they responded quickly.

we all made it to pick up and waited for a uber to pick us up and take us to the airbnb.

"it's warm out today, innit?" brady spoke, xochitl just laughed at his terrible attempt at the accent he was making. "it is indeed warm out, brady." i agreed.

i noticed how quiet leah was being and looked over at her. she was staring at walker do a handshake with brady. you smiled and knew exactly why.

leah and walker has been having tension for the longest, but they've both been so blind it was taking too long for any of them to notice. yea they flirted here and there but you know.

(not sexual tension btw)

the uber finally pulled up and everyone hopped in. it was a big uber since we all still had bags and everything. once everyone was settled, the uber pulled off.


we arrived at the airbnb and it was glorious. it had 5 bedrooms, perfectly for the 5 of us and the kitchen was very pretty. I made sure to get one with a pool so we can all have fun.

the living room had this very big but pretty window and a balcony outside. the outside had a ring light full of fake candle lights there was a mini table with high chairs.

it was very beautiful. "so my question is where did you get the money to get this?" leah asked me as she walked into the room i was sleeping in for the few weeks we're here.

i looked at her with a smirk but shook my head. "you don't need to know, consider this a spoil for you all." i told her and patted a seat next me on the bed.

she gladly sat down, "thank you. i needed to get out of the house for a bit." she said to me and leaned on my shoulder. i smiled and put my head on her head, "of course, leah bug. i'm glad we're all together." you told her, then you remember her looking at walked at the air port.

you sat your head up which made her sit hers up, confused. "what happened?"

"what's going on with you and walker?"


leah looked everywhere but my face which made me squeal. she quickly shushed me and started giggling. "i mean, i like him. he's very sweet and funny." she said as she looked like she was in love.

"go for it. i see the way he looks at you, percabeth making a comeback in real life!?" i said as I tapped her arm with my elbow. "you think so?" she asked, hopefully wanting a shot at this.

you nodded your head, "yes. i'm positive, just be yourself and you two will eventually work out." i said to her, she smiled and hugged me.

"thank you!" she squeezed me and zoomed out the room, i just chuckled. i then got a notification from my phone.

annaka❤️‍🩹 sent you a message just now

i smiled and opened her message.

hii mani how was the flight?

heyyyy!! it was good, i slept most of the time doe

that's good to hear, you made it to the airbnb?

yesss, its really nice
everyone has their own spaces so thats good😝

that's amazing
when do we plan on meeting up?

imani 💝
uh, whenever it doesn't really matter
when are you guys free?

i would have to see, i'll let you know though

okayyy, imma go finish packing but i'll talk to you later<33

okayy <33

i have a major problem
1. my pictures won't upload so i couldn't do a ig post in this chapter which i was very looking forward to

2. every time i make them text each other it automatically moves all of the text messages to one side which ruins EVERYTHING

idk what's going on but i'll try and fix it soon!!
and if u have any tips to help, that would be very appreciated!!

byee luvs

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