Chapter 56

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It is the cutest experience I had in a while. Shopping for a new born. I picked the tiniest pair of socks in my hand.
"Since we don't know the gender of the baby, let's get some neutral clothes" I said and winked.
"Sounds perfect" She grinned. "How's Steve? , I heard you guys are engaged?" . That reminds me, Steve didn't call me Or ask me about my arrival, I guess he's feeling guilty or maybe he's just too busy.
"Well, he's good, he's rehearsing for his upcoming concert in Miami " I said.
"When are you guys planning on getting married?"
"I don't know yet , but we decided to take it slow" I said adjusting my diamond engagement ring. The only thing that's shimmering amidst this gray journey of mine.
"Sounds beautiful"
I smiled at the ring.
We decied to get bubble tea after that, Alicia's favorite.
Alicia decided to stay in the restaurant and have some mochi because she was tired and I walked out to do some window shopping.
While I was looking around, I came across a man, he looked oddly familiar. He had dense black curly hair, clean shaved . Sharp features, he looked really handsome. He was average height probably 5'9" and he was wearing a black trench coat. He looked exactly like James edwards.
"Hey" I approached him.
"Hi? " He said unplugging his airpods.
"You look oddly familiar" I said and he grinned, his dimples popped up. Could this be him?.
"You look familiar too" He said.
"Are you James Edwards? " I ask him directly.
"No sorry, you're mistaken, I'm Matthew Hethrington" He said reaching out his hand. I shook his hand.
"Nice meeting you Matthew." I said. "I'm really sorry for bothering you".
" You look exactly like Leah Elizabeth " He said pointing at me. "Steve Brown's fiance? ".
I took out my pointer finger, gesturing one minute. I started giggling.
"You're not mistaken, I'm Leah Elizabeth".
Wow I'm popular after all.
"That's incredible, can I buy you something food perhaps? Or an Item, Keep it as a memory of a fan will you? "
"Oh , sure if you want to, Steve would love it " I grinned.
"I'm not his fan, I'm your fan Elizabeth". I was confused before I could respond
I got a phone call. "Excuse me" I said.
"Leah were are you I'm looking for you" Alicia replied. I said looking towards the opposite side. "Ah well, I'm near Zara" I said waving at her.
She waved back from the crowd, I told Matthew to wait and we caught up with each other.
"I have someone I'd like to introduce you to. " I said walking towards the spot where I left Matthew but he wasn't there.
I looked around and he wasn't anywhere to be found.
"Did you see that guy with black trenchcoat who I told to wait? " I asked Alicia.
"There was nobody like that around you all this time".
"Huh, I turned back and gestured my hand to stop him"
"Oh well, you didn't tell that to anyone Leah? You did turn around and look to the other side, and gestured to stop, there was literally nobody there, even I was confused".
Weird, I think we both are confused, anyways I didn't want to drag the conversation. Matthew is still a stranger to me. The only thing that made me interested in him was his strong resemblance of James.

Then I look around, there's another man with curly black hair and rounded glasses, he was walking in front of me. He turned to the side. No that's not James.
Everytime I saw someone with bold black hair, glasses and pimples, I assume it's James, and I end up staring at them. I'm seeing him everywhere. I thought going to the mall is going to help me ease out but it made the situation worse. I shouldn't have assumed that letter was written by James, even if it was James who wrote the letters, I'll still have difficulty believing it. The cold eyed boy who cares about nothing but himself. I'm slowly becoming into that stupid teen I was. Slowly falling into the obsession of James Edwards.

We got home, and Alicia kissed Gabriel. Gabriel admitted that dad gave him amazing company and they spoke the most random things and he was making dad jokes. The kind of jokes even a three year old wouldn't fall for. It was evening by then they had to leave. Before they left Alicia turned around and hugged me and said. "Don't forget to invite me to your wedding day" She grinned.
"I won't, don't worry, you'll be one of the first few to receive the invites." I smiled and they left.

The next thing I did, I scooted upstairs, remembering the other set of letters I have to read.
My hands were cold as I opened the next letter.

Dear Leah, 

Would you visit another place for me?, This place is got to be one of my favorites, I always wanted to take you here too.
Don't worry sweetheart, there's still plenty of time for us, we have plenty of time to explore the world. I have plenty of time to tell you my identity, plenty of time to propose you the best way possible. I hope the days of my suffering will come to an end pretty soon, so that in a few years I can correct my path and make a better life for us, you and me.

I know I'm being dreamy and Delusional right now, anyways I've attached a map, after reaching the place, open the second half of the letter and read it there, I hope it makes you feel Good.

Today I'm feeling drowsier, very much drowsier than before. I'm still managing to write it, I hope you will appreciate that and do this for me.

Uff, this person does a good job by increasing my time outdoors, at this point I'll probably forget home. It's already night, I think I have to wake up tomorrow and look for this place on the map.

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