Bad News

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When the bus reached my stop, i alighted and walked back to my huge home which doesn't feel like home to me. When i reached the front door, the door creaked open revealing Jia unnie. She's one of the maids in the house, but i'm very fond of her compared to the rest, as she treats me like her own sister.

"I'm home, Jia unnie." I said to her and cracked a smile towards her.

"Is mom home yet?" I asked.

"Not yet little miss."


"Not yet little miss."

Why did i even bother asking..

"What time is it now?" I added as i walked up the stairs with her tailing behind me.

"It's nearly 5pm little miss."

"Ohh, i see... " i said softly. "As usual they are not home yet.." i muttered under my breath.

"Ohh, and Jia unnie, how many times have i told you to NOT call me little miss. My name is Hyerim. I have a name, so use it okay? Even mom and dad allows you to call me by my name." I informed her as i stopped and turn around to look at her.

"Okay litt- Hyerim." She corrected herself.

"Much better. Unnie, what time will Aunt Jamie reach here?" I asked smiling.

"I'm not sure yet. Madam have not inform me yet."

"Oh.. Is it? Okay then. If she reach already, inform me okay? Thank you." I said before continuing walking up the stairs, heading to my room.

"Arasso.......... yo."

I chuckled as i went into my room and laid down on my bed lifelessly.

Why am i so fat? Why should i go through all this punishments. Sigh...

I got up and walked towards my bathroom and refreshed myself. After that refreshing bath, i look at myself in the mirror. I'm SO fat. That's why people hate me i guess. But what can i do? I have tried all different ways but it just doesn't work . Well, part of it was my fault because i'm stubborn to lose some weight.

But what can i do? Food has always been there for me instead of my parents. And too add on more stress , now i have to tutor Luhan, the biggest jerk who have made my life hell . I don't even know why he despise me so much. Just because of my body? That doesn't make sense.

I have been sighing too much today . God, kill me.

I didn't know that i had dozed off when I was awakened by the sound of knocking on my room door.

"Litt- I mean Hyerim-ah. I'm coming in.." Jia unnie spoke on the opposite side of the door.


Jia unnie turned the door knob and entered my room. I could feel my mattress sunken in when she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hyerim, your aunt won't be coming today. She has some problems to attend to, she told me to inform you that she is so sorry, and she will make it up to you in the future." Jia unnie informed me.

I was still in a daze cause i just woke up from my sleep, but i heard everything she said.

"Really? Okay then. Unnie, i won't be eating dinner, so don't prepare anything for me. If omma and appa is home, tell them i'm not eating. I'm too tired to eat. Okay?"

"Are you sure Hyerim?" She asked.

"Yes unnie."

"Hmm, okay then. Sleep well Hyerim. Goodnight."

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