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Today is Monday and currently I'm in school. The only word to describe how I'm currently acting in school right now is a zombie. Yesterday was the day I was officially a Mrs. Lu, which means I'm officially that idiot's wife. 

It was a day that exhausted me to the max. There were a lot of people attending the wedding which means that a lot of people to bow your head to, a lot of people to shake hands with and say 'Thank You' to.


And yesterday, will also be the last and only day I would be wearing high heels. F*ck heels, it hurts my leg really badly, and today my feet are covered with blisters due to the long hours of standing and walking with heels.

I was limping when I was on my way to class, and not forgetting all the stupid glares that I was receiving for no apparent reason.

Don't even bother asking about that idiot. He didn't even bother to help me earlier when he saw me walking to class with two thick books of mathematics and history on my right arm. 

Instead he just walked past me with the rest of his friends acting like he didn't see me. Well, not like I was expecting anything from an asshole like him.

Right after the whole wedding thing; bowing your head and saying thank you to the guest and also walking around with my mum and Mrs. Lu who were busy introducing me to the guests, reaching home, I went straight to my room and BAM, I fell asleep with my wedding gown still on. It was so tiring, no joke. Imagine wearing heels with your legs supporting your body weight.

What's shocking was, Sunghee even came to the wedding, introducing herself to my parents and Luhan's parents as a friend of mine, and I was like, since when do I have a stick as my friend? But I let it go since it's my wedding day. Even if I didn't want it in the first place, but it's still my wedding.

Today's lessons went by fast and now I'm on my way home. I was listening to music that was being played in the car when my phone that was sitting in my hand vibrated. I looked at the screen of my phone and saw the caller id "Jerk" .

What does he want now?

-- Me: Hello?

-- Jerk: Ya, where are you now?

My parents gave me a name and you still decided to call me "Ya" . Jerk really suits you best.

-- Me: I'm in the car heading home. Why are you asking?

-- Jerk: I will be sending you an address to your phone, head over to that address. NOW.

And then he hung up.

What's with this guy and what's his problem?

A message notification popped up on my phone screen. It was a message from him with the address listed.

"Mr. Lim, please go to this address instead. And do please increase the speed if possible, because apparent someone is dying. Thank you" I informed the driver with sarcasm.

After 15 minutes, I reached the destination. I went out of the car and headed inside the building. I took the lift towards the 8th floor and exited the lift. I turned to my left and there he was standing with his arms on his hips in front of an apartment. He then turned around and our eyes met.

"Why are you so slow? Ugh. Just hurry up and get your ass here." He complained.

It's not like my car was a sports car. I sighed internally as I rolled my eyes when he turned his back to me.

I dragged my feet and followed him inside of the apartment. The apartment was already designed and furnished. The furniture was nicely placed at each spot. It was beautiful and most importantly it feels cozy. 

I walked into one of the rooms and placed my bag on the small table beside the bed, to which I believed to be the master bedroom as there is a bathroom in the room. The walls were painted sky blue and the ceiling was painted white. The bed was placed in the middle with 2 closets placed side by side on the right side of the bed . 

"By chance, is this the new place we will be staying in?" I asked as I walked out of the room.

"Yeah. I didn't buy it, it was my mom's idea. So don't misunderstand. If I was given a choice, I would rather stay separately than to stay together." He answered across the living room.

I just asked a simple question Luhan.

And I didn't bother to answer him back. I noticed that all my luggage was placed in the room beside the master bedroom instead of in the master bedroom.

So we will be sleeping separately huh? That's good news.

That afternoon after I changed into my home clothes, I started unpacking my clothes slowly and hanged them in my closet and folded the clothes that needed to be folded. I was arranging my facial products on the dressing table, when I saw my passport on the table.

Hmm? What is my passport doing here? Why didn't I notice this earlier.

There was a ticket slot in between the passport. So I took out and read the details: It was a flight to Jeju.

"Yo, fatty. I forgot to tell you th-" Luhan suddenly came barging into the room.

"Oh you saw it already. Well, yeah, about that, my mom says that we are going to Jeju for our honeymoon." He said, whispering the last word.

"It's a one week trip and we will be going the day after tomorrow." He continued. 

One week with this dumbass in Jeju, I wonder what will happen. Anyway, Mrs. Lu must have a big share with the school as we are able to take a leave for 1 week with no problem.

I just nodded my head at him in response. He then left my room and soon after the banging of the door to his room could be heard. 

I was about to continue what I was doing before this when suddenly my head throbbed and my vision blurred, I quickly steadied myself by holding onto the dressing table.

I then searched for my bag to get my medicine which I got from the doctor last week, but I couldn't find it. Experiencing this is not the first time.

Then it came across my mind that I accidentally left it in Luhan's room at the side of his bed when I went to check out his room, since I thought I would be staying in that room. 

While holding my throbbing head, I went to his room and knocked on his door, hoping that he would open it as soon as I knocked it but there was no answer. 

I knocked again, but still no answer. The next thing I knew that my world was slowly turning black. As I collapsed on to the floor, all I could hear was Luhan's voice calling out my name faintly.

I think that was the first time he shouted my real name.


updated! 09/02/2021

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