Oh. Oh. :O

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We were walking towards Luhan's car when suddenly i saw a motorcycle at its fullest speed heading towards me. I was puzzled and i couldnt think of anything else. Before i knew it i was pulled and i was let in to a warm embrace. I looked up to see a worried face Luhan looking down. Believe it or not i was in Luhan arms. His body was warm and i could smell the scent on his body. My heart beat was beating really fast.

Luhan is hugging me.......... the first time in his arms.... it felt warm and i felt secure....

But soon, the warmness that was engulfing my whole body was gone. It was replaced by his worried voice.

"Yah, are you okay?" he asked with his forehead creased.

He.....He is worried about me?

I was stunned, one is because of Luhan, but second is about the man who was on the motorcycle, who nearly tried to hit me with his motorcycle. He looked familiar even though he was wearing his helmet. His eyes, they looked familiar but i couldn't figure who it was and its making my head hurts. I hold onto my head trying to reduce the pain.

"Yah, Park Hyerim, i asked, are you okay? Why aren't you answering me woman???!" He asked once again, half shouting while shaking my shoulders, which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Eo? Dehh, i-i'm okayy...."i replied, my voice was cracking.

Should i tell him that the motorcycle guy earlier looked familiar? I don't think so, as if he actually really cared about me. Forget it Hyerim.

"You sure? Do you want to go home, tomorrow we still have time to go?" He asked again.

"Yes im okay. No, its okay, let's go." I said while pulling his hands towards his car.

We got into the car and he drove off to a shopping mall. We went there circling the mall, enetering different shops just to find those eleven boys and our parents their presents. After 2 hour of walking, we finally got them their presents.

We bought Suho a new wallet since Luhan said his wallet was torn. Tao, we bought him a Gucci brand backpack, since Luhan said he liked Gucci. Kai we bought him Michael Jackson Tshirt and a Michael Jackson mug. Kris, we bought him a new pair of shades. For Sehun, we bought him a tshirt and a hoodies. For D.O and Lay, we bought him a pair of sneakers, since we couldn't find something that they like. For Chanyeol and Xiumin, we bought them snapbacks and hats(the one xiumin bought for chanyeol on exo showtime). Lastly for Baekhyun and Chen, we bought them scarves and knitted beanies and sweaters.

I bought my mom a set of acrylic glass and plates, my dad i bought for him scarves. Luhan didn't buy anything for his parents though. I wanted to buy, but he insisted not to. And that leave me no choice.

After the devastating and tiring walk around the mall, we went into a restaurant to have our lunch there. Time check it was 4:20 in the afternoon. We were greeted by the waiters when we entered the restaurant, and we were then brought to a seat for two. We were settling down when my eyes set on someone. She looks familiar.... My eyes went wide when i remebered who she was. Thats it. It was Sunghee.

Yes yes, Sunghee, Luhan's girlfriend, but, she's not alone. There were a guy beside her and they were hugging each other. So i don't think thats her brother or cousin. They are too close to be that. I didn't realize that i was staring until Luhan, snap his fingers in front of my face.

Shit, i forgot Luhan's here. Now what???

I was starting to panic.

"Yah, what are you staring at?" He asked and tried to turn his head to see what i was staring at.

Palli! Do something Hyerim!

He was about to turn his head when i went to sit at the seat beside him, since the seating in the restaurant was in a circular shape with a small door for us to enter and a table in the middle, and i tilted back his head to look at me back and started blabbering about the menu everything t omake him not look at the back.

He was suspicious about my actions, he tried to look again and guess what i did. I couldn't think of anything else so i kissed him. On. His. Lips. Yeap. STUPID ME. It was just for a few seconds before he pushed me away.

"What the hell Hyerim?!" He half shouted at me, he was angry, drawing the attentions of the people in the restaurant. He then turned his head around, and yeap, he saw Sunghee, with that guy. His angry face soon turned into an unknown expression. Sad plus shocked expression? He then looked at me. He gave me the now-i-know-why-you-kissed-me-and-not-let-me-look-to-the-back look. Then he stood up, gathering our things before walking towards Sunghee. Sunghee saw Luhan and stood up, surprised to see Luhan.

"Lu-Luhan op-oppa.." Sunghee stuttered.

"We are over Sunghee. Don't call me again. Come on Hyerim, lets go home." Luhan said sternly to Sunghee before pulling my hand out of the restaurant leaving her standing there with tears welled in her eyes.

"OPPA!!" I heard her shouted. I looked at Luhan whose face was expressionless and he didn't say anything else and just walked to his car. I couldn't make words to leave my mouth because i don't know what to say. So i just kept quiet and followed him, his hands still firmly gripping around my wrists, but it doesn't hurt at all. That afternoon, we had our lunch in the hotel before Luhan told me that he will be heading to his hotel to collect all his belongings and then he will return here back. I nodded at his statement and after that he left the room.

Is he going to be okay? He is making me worried.


Sneak Peek:

Bruised and scarred. My body was full of those. It has been been 3 days since i was here, in a dark room with the ceiling leaking and the paint on the walls of the room peeled. I couldn't move my body, whenever i moved, the bruises and the scars stung my skin and it FREAKINGS hurt.

"Awww, look, our princess are crying. Guys... Why did she cry, did you guys hurt her?" Someone suddenly cooed and he emerged from bwhind the doors to the room, the voice..it sounded familiar...but who, but it was dark, i couldnt see who it was and only the shadow of the person made by the sunlight can be seen on the room floor.

"Get her some foods guy, she will die if we leave her like this. HAHAHAH!" The familiar voice said again before going out of the room, followed by his minions soon after he went out.

I don't want to die here...Someone save me... *cries*

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