The Truth

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Shit, my head feel like its gonna tears apart. Arghhh, i hate it when im feeling this way .

My head was throbbing. After i wore my clothes, i stood in front of the dressing table packing my things into a small bag to bring it with me while im having my breakfast later on . I was still packing when my head throbbed even harder than before and it was hurting me so much. I was about to grab on the the dressing table chair, but before i could do that, i fell down to the floor.

Luhan, help me.

Was all i could think of before my world turns black and quiet.


Once again, i open my eyes and found myself in a room, but this time, the walls that surrounded me wasn't white, they had the colour green with simple decorations of flowers on it. I looked around and i realized that i was alone in the room. I wanted to sat up straight instead of lying down on the bed but i can't because of my throbbing head. Beside my throbbing head, i found my right hand was in a bandage.

Eo? Why is my hand bandaged? I don't remember hitting my hand....or did i ? And how did i end up here?

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly the door to my room opened wide and a familiar voice could be heard. I snapped my head to the door to see Luhan walking in with the doctor next to him.

He is here? I thought ..... WAIT. Doctor? Means I'm in a hospital, and if I am in a hospital, and Luhan is here, which also means...

"Oh, you are awake.." The doctor who was standing beside him asked me. "Is your head still throbbing really hard or?" He continued.

"Oh yeah, not that hard though..." I replied consciously. I was looking at Luhan face trying to read his face to see if he knew or not.

"Do you know what you are suffering from?" The doctor once again asked me.

Fuck my life.

I only nod my head in saying that i knew what i was suffering from and i knew at that point of time, Luhan knew. My life's over.

"Since when?" Again the doctor asked.

"The beginning of last month.." I answered while looking at my hands which one of them were bandaged.

"And why the hell didn't you tell me?" Luhan asked half shouting. I could see he was restraining himself from shouting at me since the doctor was there.

I couldn't reply at his question or even looked at him.

Why didn't i tell him? Was he there with me in school ? No. Was he there with me outside school ? No. Did he even try to talk with me or have a conversation with me ? No. What he always do to me? Scolding, shouting, pissing me off. Thats all he did to me. He didn't even gave me the chance to tell him. Every time i wanted to tell him, he will get call from his beloved girlfriend, a friend called him, he has party or meetings to attend to. And when i texted or called him, he hates it. So you tell me, how am i supposed to tell him?

"Well, i leave you guys to talk about it." The doctor suddenly said.

"Wait, how did my hand got hurt?" I asked the doctor. But by the time, he already close the door of my room behind him.

Now in the room was only me and him.


"Yah. I'm asking you, why didn't you tell me?" He asked again.

"Well, i thought it wasn't a big deal for you and i thought that i could handle this alone. That was why i didn't inform you about this." I replied not looking at him.

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