Part 2

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Y/N sits at the kitchen table, the letter from Vought International clutched tightly in his hand. His sister joins him, curiosity etched on her face.

Sister: "Who was that, Y/N?"

Y/N takes a deep breath, his heart racing with excitement and apprehension.

Y/N: "I... I did it, sis. I'm joining the Seven."

His sister's eyes light up with pride and joy, a wide grin spreading across her face.

Sister: "That's incredible, Y/N! I knew you had it in you. When do you start?"

Y/N: "They're picking me up tomorrow and taking me to Vought Tower."

Sister: "Well, tomorrow's a big day then. You're going to do great, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."

Y/N manages a small smile, grateful for his sister's unwavering support.

Y/N: "Thanks, sis. I couldn't have done it without you."

With a final embrace, his sister bids him goodnight and heads off to bed, leaving Y/N alone in the kitchen.

Alone with his thoughts, Y/N stares at the letter, his mind buzzing with anticipation and uncertainty. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one filled with fame, fortune, and the weight of being a superhero.


Y/N stands outside his apartment building, dressed in his finest attire, nerves and excitement swirling within him. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the journey ahead.

In the distance, the sleek silhouette of a limousine approaches, its glossy exterior reflecting the morning sunlight.

The limousine comes to a graceful stop in front of Y/N, and the driver steps out, opening the door with a respectful nod.

Driver: "Good morning, sir. Please, step inside."

Y/N nods in acknowledgment and climbs into the luxurious interior of the limousine, settling into the plush leather seats as the door closes behind him.



The sleek black limousine glides to a stop in front of the imposing Vought Tower, the pinnacle of corporate power and superhero management. Y/N sits inside, anticipation coursing through his veins.

The driver steps out of the limo and rushes to open the door for Y/N. As he steps out, he is met with a breathtaking sight. A throng of cheering fans lining the streets.

Y/N's heart swells with gratitude as he waves to the crowd, a smile spreading across his face. This is a moment he'll never forget, the realization of a lifelong dream.

A pair of men in sharp suits approach Y/N, their expressions unreadable as they escort him through the grand entrance of Vought Tower. The cheers of the crowd fade into the background as Y/N prepares himself for what lies ahead.

With each step, he feels the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. But amidst the excitement and uncertainty, there's an undeniable sense of purpose, a feeling that he's exactly where he's meant to be.

As the doors of Vought Tower close behind him, Y/N takes a deep breath, ready to embrace whatever challenges await him as a member of the Seven.


Y/N stands before a pair of imposing doors, heart pounding with anticipation. With a hesitant knock, the doors slide open, revealing a meeting room.

Inside, members of the Seven are gathered around a v-shaped desk. Homelander, leader of the group, rises from his seat to greet Y/N with a warm smile.

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