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Hey there lovely people, Comment here> how y'all doing.

So the closing date has been extended to 25th of this month. Still want more of those forms, especially the judges. Judges if you here comment here> and let us know how y'all doing.

I'd also love to thank this wonderful brilliant girl Saphire_Skyes my amazing bestie for giving my award book a shout out on her mb! She's amazing guy's like thee best, and if you're reading this. I Love You bestieeeee! You can also check out her work she's a very talented writer if I may say so myself. Also thanks to DreLeonWrites and to all the people out there, thank you so much for your support, your really great. Keep spreading the love mwaaa!

You can also Tag at least 5+ of your most cherished loved ones


Just to make em feel extra special.

Love y'all, updates will be posted soon so stay tuned (♡

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