Action winners!!

80 6 11

♡1st place- Cecaelia: Danger in International Waters

♡2nd place (tie between two stories)- •Cassandra de Ville

•Timelines Collide

♡3rd place- Kyung mi


               💎FIRST PLACE💎

●Cecaelia: Danger in International Waters
Title: 5/5
Book cover: 7/10
Blurb: 10/10
Word building: 9/10
Character emotion: 9/10
Story plot: 19/20
Writing style: 19/20
Grammar and spelling: 9/10
Enjoyment: 5/5
Total: 83/100

Review: A truly unique story that I have never come across before in Wattpad since there are a lot of mafia stories, but none in the settings of an open ocean. Moving to the title, it fits the story completely, but I wish you would add the phrase after the colon on the title itself. The blurb has the right amount of information, without giving too much away, but an insight of the plot. The cover, though, could be slightly improved. It does relate to the story since it shows water, but it looks a little too plain and the writings are not visible due to the choice of colour. Addition of little more details and slight changes can definitely make the cover stand out more! Another small suggestion would be to break your paragraphs into smaller ones since they are very long. Coming to the writing style and word building, whew, each description of the scenarios were so evident that I could clearly picture it all in my head and made me feel like I was watching a movie. The way you built up the tension and the action scenes were absolutely fantastic! I couldn't find many grammatical errors, so good job there! Overall, I truly enjoyed reading this book and it kept me hooked that I read more chapters than I had to, haha!

           💎SECOND PLACE💎

●Cassandra de Ville
Title: 5/5
Book cover: 8/10
Blurb: 6/10
Word building: 9/10
Character emotion: 9/10
Story plot: 15/20
Writing style: 18/20
Grammar and spelling: 8/10
Enjoyment: 4/5
Total: 82/100

Review: Cassandra de Ville is an action filled novel where it takes the readers through a journey of a broken girl through the world of violence and deceit. Now, starting with the title, it is simple since it's the name of the female lead, but it sounds powerful, so well done with the name choice of the girl! The cover is beautiful as well due to the red background and the style of the girl, which matches perfectly with the theme of the story. The blurb, on the other hand, could be slightly shortened since I feel like it's a bit too descriptive and wordy. That's totally optional! The story does have a bit of a cliche of other mafia stories, but you did a great job at adding your own uniqueness to it. Your description of the sceneries are really well written and I could tell you have an astonishing pursuit in elaborating all the main leads's feelings and emotions at the right places. The choices of your words to describe the settings are varied and you succeeded in making the readers feel strongly for the main girl. There were some minor grammatical errors like missing punctuation marks, but nothing a small editing wouldn't fix! Personally, I love strong female lead stories, so it is admirable how you were able to portray her strength, determination and bravery and how she was able to tackle difficult situations, so I enjoyed it a lot!

               💎SECOND PLACE💎

●Timelines Collide
Title: 5/5
Book cover: 7/10
Blurb: 8/10
Word building: 9/10
Character emotion: 8/10
Story plot: 17/20
Writing style: 17/20
Grammar and spelling: 8/10
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 82/100

Review: This book was intriguing to say the least, filled with action, adventure and fantasy. Beginning with the title, it is very creative and perfectly matches with the plot of the story. I love the blurb as well since it gives us a slight insight of the plot, and made me want to know more about how his journey will go, that is when he travels back in time. A small suggestion is that there are repetitive words in the starting sentence, which can be replaced with something else. The font used in the cover is astonishing, but I wish there was a bit more context to the overall cover itself, for example, adding any materials related to time to enunciate your title more. Now, moving to the word building and writing style, it is fascinating how you can elaborate your story telling so broadly. There are a lot of background details and the surrounding scenes of the characters, which is not really my cup of tea, but it is a good factor and a plus point to have to attract readers who prefer detailed stories, which most people do. There were slight grammatical errors like missing punctuation marks, but it can easily be fixed with editing! Overall, the story is amazingly written and kept me thrilled throughout, good job author!

                 💎THIRD PLACE💎

Kyung Mi
Title: 5/5
Book cover: 6/10
Blurb: 5/10
Word building: 8/10
Character emotion: 8/10
Story plot: 18/20
Writing style: 16/20
Grammar and spelling: 7/10
Enjoyment: 3/5
Total: 76/100

Review: The beginning of the story has an amazing hook to it since it starts off with an action of war and creates suspense, making the readers want to read more. Though the start was promising, the chapters after moved to a slower pace. Now, moving to the title, it perfectly fits with the story since it is the name of the female lead, so good job! The cover, however, looks good, but I think it could be slightly improved with different fonts and colours since it is a bit difficult to see what is written. The blurb, as well, needs more context to it since readers will choose a story by reading the blurb. I like the quote since it gives off a powerful vibe, but more details of the story itself could be included. Now, coming to the word building and writing style, it is pretty good and I like the way you build up to the point. One thing I noticed is that you start all of your dialogues with (‘) instead of (“), so you could try changing that to enhance the book grammatically. You did a great job at portraying the thoughts and emotions of the characters and succeeded in making the readers feel connected to them. Overall, there is not much going on since there are not a lot of chapters, but so far, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to seeing your book getting the recognition it deserves!

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