𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘳. ;; 𝘈𝘔

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SUMMARY : (BRIEF.) You and Arthur are camping together and your guitar is all out of tune because of Javier borrowing it (head canon of when Javier would've still been learning a little bit)


RATING : masculine reader

July 6th, 1897.

It was a dark, warm night. The stars bright as ever, the summer heat even invading the hours of rest. You couldn't sleep. Not in the slightest. You sucked in a heavy breath, sat by the fire that you had to fight the urge to put out; The only thing holding you back was the idea of wolves ravaging you.

Sitting up, guitar in your lap as you tuned the strings, nimble fingers carefully selecting what you wanted before testing what it would sound like; Strumming it before forcing it to stop by placing your palm over the strings.

"Son of a nutcracker." You murmured, causing your camp-mate, Arthur, To stir. He sat up, propping himself up on his elbows as his dirty blonde hair fell past his eyes.

"Jesus, Hell's your problem?" He rasped, looking over at his friend, his blue eyes narrowed as he raised one hand to itch his strong jaw.

"..Goddamn guitar is all messed up from Javier borrowing it. I need him to hurry and get his replaced." You hissed under your breath, your fingernails digging into the body of the instrument, frustration consuming you as your face twisted. You could've sworn you were five seconds away from destroying this piece of junk, Until Arthur stopped you.

"Hey, Hey, Bug, Stop." He urged, not quite close enough to put a hand on his friends shoulder, But close enough to tap your knee.

You paused, glancing over at a caring Arthur. A brief breath escaped you, letting the guitar rest limp in your lap.

"...My bad. He just.. fuck, He always makes it out of tune."

Arthur nodded, seeming to understand where his friend was coming from.

"..Is it fixed?" He asked, hoping to take your mind off of the frustrating part of your passion.

"Mostly. Just.. varies on what I want to play."

The two shared a knowing look, Arthur playfully raising his brows.

"Could always play my favorite."

He did have a point. Pressing your lips into a thin line, your hands taking control of the instrument as you steadied yourself and tuned it to perfection, Your fingers delicately playing him his favorite ballad.

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