What They Do When You Pass Away | All 🖤

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WARNINGS: Reader is dead, Stuffing, Corpses, Yandere themes

Enjoy! 🖤



♤ After you die, he basically dedicates an entire room to you

♤ He'll keep you in a casket, with a glass door, so he can still see you

♤ He comes into the room, and just has conversations with you, and sometimes he'll bring you meals

♤ Whenever he does give you meals, he leaves it by the casket for like 30 minutes, and then throws it away, then he pretends that you are it and asks if you enjoyed it

♤ Sometimes he isolates himself in that room with you, for days

♤ He misses you very much, and it takes him a while for it to sink in that your really gone

♤ "Did you enjoy your breakfast, Short stack? I'll make sure to make it for you again, if you like."


◇ He finds a replacement 

◇ He needs you, and he doesn't want to pretend that your lifeless body is really alive for years

◇ He takes every personality trait you have and compare it to someone else, til he finds the person who is most identical to you

◇ Oh this person works at the same place as you, this person has the same favorite color, this person has the same favorite animal, their on the list

◇ Once he finds the new Y/n, he'll imm kidnap them

◇ He refers to them as New Y/n and will tell them to act like them all the time

◇ "Y/n wouldn't say that! They would say something more sweet and kind. Your supposed to be just like them!"

◇ Dresses them in your old clothes, and basically does anything to make them appear as similar to you as possible 

◇ On days or nights that New Y/n isn't behaving and is put into isolation, he'll get your dead corpse from under the bed and snuggles until your body starts to rot. 


♧ He will bring you back

♧ He does anything that is physically possible to bring you back to life, he will not lose you

♧ Puts himself into even more isolation than usual

♧ Goes completely insane; like 3 times insane than he already is 

♧ After years of not being able to bring you back, he gives up

♧ He is however, able to keep your body from rotting 

♧ He keeps you on the stool, that was specifically for you, when you were his lab partner 

♧ "My dear, you will see me again. Nothing can keep us apart, not even death."


♡ Has you stuffed 

♡ He'll carry you around and act like nothing ever changed; like you were still alive

♡ Dresses you in adorable little outfits like dresses or overalls 

♡ Cuddles with you all the time 

♡ Has full blown conversations with you 

♡ Basically treats you like a big doll, but he truly believes that you are still alive

♡ Gives you meals and throws them away, to pretend that you actually at it

♡ He'd do anything to get the feeling that you were still with him

♡ "Good morning, Love bug. What do you want to do today?" 


☆ She gets really depressed and isolatez herself from the world

☆ She doesn't like the thought of having your corpse lieing around her apartment, so she has you cremated 

☆ She gets over you about a year and a half after your passing

☆ I mean she never really gets over you, but she gets over you to where it's not an insane level

☆ Since she's used to being isolated after a while, she continues to isolate herself even after see is done mourning 

☆ Truly would do anything to have you in her arms again


601 words

Thank you for reading

Constructive criticism is always appreciated 

Have a great day! Ye! 🖤

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