Contained | Donnie 🗝

770 16 27

Request from: AnimeLoverirl111 

In order for Donnie to secure his love, he locks you in a room for weeks... you think. This is punishment due to you trying to escape countless times, but know there's nowhere to go, and Donnie couldn't be happier. 

WARNINGS: Isolation, physical abuse, stalking, mentioned murder, and yandere themes. 



Right now, you were currently locked in a closet. A closet that Donnie put you in. He wanted to keep you as contained as possible, due to your various attempts at escaping. He was so fed up with you constantly trying to escape his grasp. 

Ever since he first laid eyes on you, he knew you were his. He stalked you, gas lighted you, and even murdered your friends, who he thought would have a bad impact on you. Then after a while, he took you. 

Ever since he kidnapped you, you've tried to leave, even though there was absolutely no hope for you trying to escape, but you had to try.

You left while he was sleeping, he ties you to the bed now. You try to grab someone's attention while the two of you are out, you have to stay in the lair now, you try to escape while he's on missions, he installed a new security system. It never ends. 

Not only have you never escaped, but he has successfully kept you a secret from his brothers, since he kidnapped you. You don't know how long that has been, but you know it's at least been a year now. 

You've only seen two of his brothers, assuming that he has more than two. How were you supposed to know? He never talks about them. The rare occasion you've seen them, is when they enter the lair without knocking, and Donnie makes you go hide. 

Now of course you've tried to grab their attention, but the first couple of times you've tried to, you never could, and Donnie would beat you afterwards. You figured that if he was keeping them a secret, they would probably save you if they saw you. And like always, Donnie made another adjustment to make sure you couldn't leave. 

He gave you a shock collar. 

Anytime you yelled, screamed, or made any other loud noise, it would shock you. And it doesn't stop, until you quiet again, so sometime it could be hours due to you screaming from the pain. Occasionally, Donnie will find another way to shut you up, but he usually neglects your needs and let's you suffer through the pain. 

After a while, Donnie got tried of you constantly escaping and him have to make more and more adjustments to keep you in one place, so he got and idea. A new type of punishment. He was going to give you one last chance to leave, and if you did, he was going to put you in complete isolation. 

And you did. 

During dinner, you said you weren't hungry. So before he left to go bring food back to the lab, he tied you up. And in the amount it took him to walk to the kitchen and back, you had untied yourself, and were heading out the door, and boy did Donnie not like that. 

You back away scared for a second, but then he grabbed you by the arms, and dragged you to a closet in his lab. You tried your best not to scream, but when he threw you against the closet wall, you let one slip, and the collar shocked you. 

"In here you can be as loud as you want because it's sound proof, and don't think I'll be taking that collar off. Next time think first before trying to leave the only one who will truly ever love you." He said, and with that, he closed the door in your face. 

You ran up to the door, trying to open it, but he locked it. You continued to pull the door handle, but it wouldn't budge. You sat down on the carpeted floor, quietly sniffling, so the shock collar wouldn't activate. 

You looked around, there was a small lamp that barely generated any light, but the closet was small enough for you to see everything. All there was in the room was that lamp, a mattress, and a pillow. No blanket. He didn't even bother to get you a twin mattress, instead it was only a crib size, which could barely hold you. 

You figured the best thing for you to do, would be to just go to sleep, so you did that. You didn't know how long you were going to be here, so the best thing to do would be to sleep and imagine your somewhere else. 


You tossed and turned in your sleep, as you heard the lock on the door click. Then the door opened, and light suddenly burned your eyes. 

"Get up and eat." Donnie said, picking you up by your waist and sitting you up on the mattress. You've been in here so long, that your sleep schedule had gotten all messed up. It's been weeks or maybe months, but you couldn't be sure. He gave you your food and you turned away. 

"I'm not hungry." You said, looking away from him. You could tell he didn't like that, and you could practically feel him putting his hands into fists. 

"You will eat! Don't you dare make me hook up the feeding tub again!" He yelled at you. You quickly took the plate, and started to eat. 

"Now since you've been so obedient recently, I thought I'd give you a reward. Here's a better lamp, now the room will be almost completely filled with light, your welcome." He said. You muttered a quick thank you, even though you didn't mean it, and he left. 

You turned it on and it was blinding. You looked around your closet, and there were so many things you hadn't noticed. Like the door hinges. 

You looked at your plate, he gave you dinner. Which meant he was about to go on patrol tonight. If you could get the door off the hinges, you'd be free. 

You started to work on the door hinges and take it off of them slowly. Once the door fell to the floor, and chuckled a little bit out of joy. Were you really going to make it out of here? You started to run as fast as you could to the ladder to the exit of the sewers, when you passed the kitchen and heard a noise. 

"Y/n?" You heard a voice say. The only voice you couldn't recognize. You looked and Donnie was standing in the door way. "Are you really trying to escape?!" He said, as he ran towards you. 

"What are you doing here?! I thought you were on patrol?!" You said, as he grabbed you. He didn't answer you, instead he just dragged you to his room. Once there, he locked the door to his room and left. 

You looked at the locked door confused, then you heard the doors of his lab open. You heard banging noises come from the lab, and your closet. You started to worry about what he could've possibly be doing. 

The noises stopped and he opened his door, grabbing you, and taking you back into your closet. Once you were in there, you noticed he had installed chains on the wall, and he quickly chained you to the wall. 

"Donnie, Donnie, please I'm sorry. Please, don't hurt me." You said, quietly. 

"You should thought about that before making me mad." He said, as he raised his hand up, and slapped you across the face.


1280 words

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Have a great day

Ye 🗝️

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