Hey y'all! I have been wanting to write this one for awhile now, so here it is!!
Rains Pov:
Finally after begging my mom for what felt like a million times, she finally said yes. You may be wondering, what did she say yes to. Well... Taylor had offered me to stay with her for a whole week! And it was a week that I had school, so that was why my mom was like iffy about it, but she finally said yes! But there is a slight downside, not really a downside, but it means I don't get Taylor all to myself. My siblings need to come, because now my parents want to go away for the week. It's not really a downside because I like my siblings, but I am kinds scared thye might get too attached to Taylor. I know Raven won't because she knows how much I love Taylor. But heavan is just a little kid so, I dont know. So now I am packing a suitcase. But what the hell do you bring to spend a week with Taylor Swift. Uh, shoes, yea there will be some walking. Dance wear, of course, I have like 100 dance lessons this week. Shirts, yea. Pants, sweaters, underwear, barrettes, socks, literally everything. Packed basically my whole room. As I am shoving pants into my bag, I hear my phone buzz besides me. I pick it up and glance at the text.
Tay💗: Hey buddy, Im going to head to your house in about 10 minutes, be ready when I get there! Love youuuuuuu
I smile at the text and place my phone back down. Suddenly, Raven walks into my room.
"All packed?" She asked me, sitting on my bed next to my suitcase.
" Almost." I tell her, packing up my skincare into a small bag.
"Listen, I can tell you have been worrying about this, and I think we should talk about it." Raven tells me. I pause my packing and look up at her, confused.
" What?" I ask, sitting next to her on my bed, on the other side of my suitcase.
" So, I know how much you love Taylor, I know that she is like your best friend and your favorite person ever. I know how she basically saved you and everything. And I know that you are afraid that Heavan might steal Taylor's attention-" I cut her off before she could continue.
"I-" but then she cut be off.
"No, I know. I just wanted to let you know that I talked to her, she knows not to take Taylor away from you." Raven tells me. I playfully roll my eyes.
"You didn't need to," I laugh. She shrugs and pats my back before standing up and leaving.
20 minutes later
As I Swing my bag over my shoulder, I open my phone about to text Taylor, when suddenly I hear the doorbell ring. I hear it open and I immediately recognize Taylors voice.
"Taylor!" I hear my mom warmly greet her as I quickly grab my suitcase and make my way down the stairs to meet Taylor. Wrestling with the weight of my bag, I am assisted by a comforting touch on my back, guiding me gently. Glancing back, I lock eyes with Taylor, our smiles mirroring each other's as I release my grip on the bag momentarily to embrace her in a hug. Fortunately, my luggage doesn't tumble down the staircase but rather glides smoothly to the bottom.
"Rain! You are going to damage the staircase!" my mom's concerned voice reaches me from below. With a small exasperated sigh, I wrap my arms around Taylor's neck, drawing in a deep breath and reveling in her delightful scent. A blend of vanilla and strawberries wafts around her.
"Shut the fuck up," I mutter into Taylor's neck, making her softly laugh in response.
"Rain, try to be nicer to your mom," Taylor whispers softly, her hand resting gently on the top of my head.
Suddenly I feel someone pushing me aside, causing me to stumble and fall out of Taylors arms. I look down to see Heavan smiling up at Taylor.
" Heavan you can't just-" I was cut off by Taylors voice.

✧ * 𝐒 𝐚 𝐟 𝐞 𝐚 𝐧 𝐝 𝐒 𝐨 𝐮 𝐧 𝐝 *✧
Non-Fiction⟶ 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 A 13 year old girl, born September 28th, 2010. Black short-ish hair, 5 foot 2, hazel eyes. She grew up in a nice house, nice parents, nice siblings, nice life. Her social life though? Horrible. We're her parents ever...